Posts Tagged ‘takeover’

“This Is Scary”: Soros Prepares Takeover Of 200 Radio Stations Ahead Of US Presidential Election

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The Hostile Takeover of the Air Force Academy

The transformation of the Air Force Academy (AFA) from a military institution to a progressive, liberal arts school has been incremental, relentless, and calculated. The goal to politicize the training and perspectives of cadets, who constitute about 20% of annual Air Force officer commissions, guarantees a source of influential officers who will apply and promote these […]

Explanation: Why nearly all liberals are falling for the Communist takeover of America

(NaturalNews) Inherently, most people are good people, who want fairness, equality, and to eliminate bias all around them. People are mostly accepting of other’s… Source

The next phase of the globalist takeover requires surrender to a new CASHLESS society, complete with digital passes and IDs to engage in commerce

(NaturalNews) As the global financial system Ponzi scheme teeters on the edge of a collapse, the globalists are chomping at the bit to force everyone into a new… Source

CCP TAKEOVER: Real estate mogul sold over 130,000 acres of Texas farmland to a Chinese billionaire and former PLA captain

(NaturalNews) Texas real estate mogul David Frankens is facing intense scrutiny for allegedly selling more than 130,000 acres of local farmland to Chinese… Source

Tracking Orwellian Change: The Aristocratic Takeover of “Transparency”

Klaus Schwab, the Aspen Institute and others flip the meaning of a word that once meant the empowerment of populations against political elites Source

CBDC takeover: U.K. banks becoming obsolete as high street financial institutions shift to ONLINE transactions

(NaturalNews) In line with the massive campaign to ditch physical banking services to pave the way to central bank digital currency (CBDC), nearly 100 bank… Source

Juneteenth Celebration: At Least 20 Shot, 1 Fatally, In “Illegal Street Takeover” Near Chicago

All hell broke out early Sunday morning at what some on social media have said was an “illegal street takeover” in the suburbs of Chicago. Local media reported at least 20 people were shot. Source

Is WHO a Front Organization for the Takeover of U.S. Government?

05/09/23 Analysts warn that the ratification of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations could strip away sovereignty from nation-states and place public health decision-making power in the hands of the WHO and its director-general. By   Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s […]

Ocasio-Cortez: GOP Implementing a ‘Fascist Takeover of Our Statehouses’

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Friday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that the expulsion of two Black legislators from the Tennessee House of Representatives was part of a larger Republican-led “fascist takeover of our statehouses.” Source

Credit Suisse, UBS Shares Plunge After Takeover Announcement

The buyout aims to prevent what regulators believe could be uncontrolled and incalculable consequences throughout the global financial system. Source

Twitter Lays Off Manager Who Slept on Office Floor After Musk Takeover

Twitter has completed yet another round of layoffs following billionaire Elon Musk's takeover of the site last year, and this time even some dedicated loyalists to the new regime have been axed.  Musk's takeover kicked off with a purge of the site's top leadership, followed by installing or elevating people who would be loyal to […]

The REAL Dangers of the Chatbot Takeover

It’s official: the chatpocalypse is upon us! Just ask our <sarc>friends</sarc> over at The New York Times: “A Conversation With Bing‘s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled“ Or consult the <sarc>experts</sarc> over at digitaltrends: “‘I want to be human.’ My intense, unnerving chat with Microsoft‘s AI chatbot“ Or listen to those <haha>wackadoodles</haha> over at NewWorldNextWeek discussing […]

How the corporate takeover of American politics began

Powell’s memo argued that the American economic system was “under broad attack” from consumer, labor, and environmental groups. Source

Hostile takeover through corporatism?

21 nov 2022 In this episode of ICIC – International Crimes Investigative Committee, Alex Thomson (former British GCHQ officer, partner agency of NSA)and Rodney Atkinson (political and economic commentator, journalist and author) report on the diverse and subtle tools of corporatism used by so-called elite groups, mostly super-rich NGOs and business corporations.This enables them to […]

Iran Marks 1979 US Embassy Takeover Amid Nationwide Protests

Iran’s hard-line President Ebrahim Raisi, speaking to people gathered in front of the former U.S. Embassy building, criticized those protesting the theocracy. Source

Elon Musk Completes $44B Twitter Takeover, Top Execs And Censorship Czar Immediately Ousted

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter was completed on Thursday and the ousting of CEO Parag Agrawal and Censorship Czar Vijaya Gadde immediately followed. Source

Cardinal Müller says Pope Francis’ Synod is a ‘hostile takeover of the Church’ in explosive interview


2023 GOP ‘Takeover Plan’: More Empty Platitudes and Insincere Promises

“Listen to me! You have to consider the possibility that [the GOP] does not like you. [The GOP] never wanted you. In all probability, [the GOP] hates you. This is not the worst thing that can happen.”-Tyler Durden announcing a third-party run [embedded content] Bad news for the Republican faithful: the GOP won’t be swooping […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Hostile Takeover

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

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