Posts Tagged ‘falling’

EI live: Israel is falling apart

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream right now for our ongoing coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Palestinian resistance to it. The stream just started. As well as YouTube, the stream will also be live on Twitter, Facebook and Twitch. This afternoon’s lineup: Our friend Abdel Baker Abed will join us live from […]

Here’s Why the World is Falling Apart (and What You Can Do About It!)

Increasingly, it feels like we’re just digital drivers rubbernecking at the car crash of chaos unfolding on the information superhighway. But did you know that there’s a name for this phenomenon? Source

Falling Into gangsterism?

The rules are falling to pieces because powerful people refuse to abide by them or enforce them This Ukraine fiasco suggests that America is falling into gangsterism Powerful players no longer care what elected officials say or think as they conduct their private agendas.   “Whenever there is a terrorist attack, the main question immediately […]

Geological records show correlation between falling CO2 levels and mass extinction events

(NaturalNews) The geological time scale (GTS) contains certain eras where CO2 levels were historically high due to thriving plant life, and also contains periods… Source


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Engage Central Asia and keep it from falling back into Russia’s orbit

A Russian victory in Ukraine could reverse Central Asia’s pro-Western orientation by generating new pressures to return the region to Moscow’s orbit. Source

Explanation: Why nearly all liberals are falling for the Communist takeover of America

(NaturalNews) Inherently, most people are good people, who want fairness, equality, and to eliminate bias all around them. People are mostly accepting of other’s… Source

Is The World Falling Apart?

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Rite Aid pharmacy chain files for bankruptcy amid falling sales, opioid lawsuits


Remember, Disinflation Doesn’t Equal Falling Prices

Remember, Disinflation Doesn’t Equal Falling Prices While progress in the fight against inflation has been stalling in the past three months, the inflation rate has come down significantly since peaking in June 2022. However, as Statista’s Felix Richter notes, looking at the steep decline of the inflation rate since then, some people are probably thinking: […]

Like A Red Shield Dragon Falling From The Sky In Flames

‘Like A Red Shield Dragon Falling From The Sky In Flames’ Like a Red Shield dragon falling from the shy in flames- Israhell will light the night sky with her burning shame- Exposed as FAKE Hebrews, Liars, Fakes Frauds, bunch of pedophile- Slaughtering the Indigenous Semitic Palestinians in their own domiciles- A demon god’s promise […]

No Nation NEEDS to Kowtow to the Falling U.S. Anymore

Mexico Wants to Boost Trade With Russia By infostormer  – June 18, 2023 2 Mexico a country that literally borders the heart of the homosexual Jewish empire of America, is openly talking about boosting trade with Russia. RT: Mexico wants to increase exports of tequila to Russia, the country’s ambassador to Russia, Eduardo Villegas Megias, […]

Taiwan pushes back, won’t let US destroy semiconductor factories to prevent them from falling into Chinese hands

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Taiwanese government is resisting what is quickly coming into favor among a growing number of American leaders and diplomats: The destruction of the island’s highly advanced semi-conductor plants, in order to avoid having them fall into the hands of invading Chinese forces.”Taiwan’s defense minister on Monday pushed … [Read More…] Source

Biden Official: Pollution Falling During Lockdowns Helped Life Quality, Many People Enjoyed Being in Environment Instead of Being at Work

The Department of State’s Monica Medina says that during coronavirus lockdowns, “we saw pollution levels go down.” Source

Is The US-Israel Relationship Really Falling Apart?

After the mysterious leaking of Pentagon documents and months of instability for Tel Aviv, the Israel-US relationship is being called into question in a significant way. What seems to be a clash between the extremist Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden White House, has sparked interest in where the special relationship is headed. […]

Ukropol-Zelenskyy: The Sky is Falling—“Polish Version of Chicken Little!”

People left on the edge of society often speak truth to power, and reveal inconvenient truths. For instance, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a visit to Poland on April 5, and the Polish media did their best to censor it, at least the news of it before it was to happen. Why? Was it only […]

Elon Musk’s new satellites ‘falling out of the sky’ in massive blow for SpaceX

SpaceX owner Elon Musk’s brand new satellites are reportedly crashing out of the sky, sparking huge concerns for the billionaire entrepreneur. Elon Musk has seen some of his firm SpaceX’s Starlink satellites fall out of the sky and reenter the Earth’s atmosphere earlier this week. Source

Mysterious White Dust Falling From the Sky in West Virginia Has Been Identified

Mysterious White Dust Falling From the Sky in West Virginia Has Been IdentifiedDate: March 3, 2023Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: Bill | NwoReport When you see white dust falling from the sky, there are generally two possibilities for what it might be. The first is snow. The second is… confusing. So when mysterious white dust […]

Howard Dean: ‘It’s Really Fun’ to Watch the Whole Republican Party Falling Apart

Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean claimed Friday on MSNBC’s “All In” that he was having fun watching the “whole Republican Party” falling apart. Discussing the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against Fox News for defamation, anchor Chris Hayes said, “They don’t respect you. They have a fear and loathing in contempt for you. You […]



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