Posts Tagged ‘Taiwan’

U.S. House Passes $95bn in Aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

Meanwhile… Source

Taiwan Earthquake Compilation

Taiwan Earthquake Compilation – Forbidden Knowledge TV Find Out What’s Really Going On! H/T MJTruth Source

Senate Passes $95.3B Aid Package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan With Nothing for U.S. Border Security

The Senate worked through the dead of night on Monday to pass a $95 billion aid package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan with nothing for securing the US border. The Senate worked through the dead of night on Monday to pass a $95 billion aid package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan with nothing for securing […]

China interfered heavily in Taiwan’s election and failed — but next time it could succeed

In the lead-up to Taiwan’s presidential election, China launched a massive disinformation campaign, with the explicit intention of sowing confusion and making the Taiwanese people question the validity of their own election. Source

Taiwan’s ‘anti-China’ candidate wins presidential election

Lai Ching-te of Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has been elected as the self-governing island’s new leader following Saturday’s presidential election. Lai, who entered the election as Taiwan’s vice president, claimed victory after the candidate representing the island’s main opposition party, Hou Yu-ih, conceded defeat. The DPP, which was seeking a third term in […]

Candidate Strongly Opposed By China Elected President Of Taiwan

The ruling-party candidate will handle the democratic nation’s relationship with China for four years. Source

Chinese President Issues Warning: Conquering Taiwan is Inevitable

In a resolute statement on Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized that Beijing is committed to preventing the secession of Taiwan and asserted that the reunification of the island with the mainland is an inevitable trend. Speaking at a symposium marking the 130th birthday of Mao Zedong, President Xi addressed the Central Committee of the […]

Two Chinese balloons spotted flying over Taiwan ahead of the island nation’s presidential election

(NaturalNews) Military observers have spotted two Chinese balloons flying over Taiwan ahead of the island nation’s presidential election.The balloons traveled… Source

Pandas, Fentanyl And Taiwan: The Xi-Biden Meeting

WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a meeting a year in the making. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping sat down together on Wednesday just outside of San Francisco, where Asian leaders gathered for an annual summit. It was almost exactly one year since their last encounter in Bali, Indonesia, on the sidelines of […]

The Inevitable Convergence of Taiwan with the Mainland

Despite US efforts, reciprocity between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will not decrease. On June 16, the traditional 15th Strait Forum opened in the Chinese city of Xiamen, opposite Taiwan. The event has no particular focus and is geared more toward encouraging contact and demonstrating that Chinese people are not so different on […]

Taiwan’s Armed Forces Prepare to Break the PLA Blockade

Meanwhile, Taipei’s allies, led by the United States, develop plans to evacuate their citizens from the island Despite Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense’s “appeasement” statement on June 14 this year that the country’s leadership has no intention of integrating into the battlefield intelligence sharing mechanism used by the US and Japan to obtain a unified […]

China Defends Buzzing American Warship In Taiwan Strait, Accuses U.S. Of Provoking Beijing

SINGAPORE (AP) — China’s defense minister defended sailing a warship across the path of an American destroyer and Canadian frigate transiting the Taiwan Strait, telling a gathering of some of the world’s top defense officials in Singapore on Sunday that such so-called “freedom of navigation” patrols are a provocation to China. In his first international […]

Taiwan pushes back, won’t let US destroy semiconductor factories to prevent them from falling into Chinese hands

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Taiwanese government is resisting what is quickly coming into favor among a growing number of American leaders and diplomats: The destruction of the island’s highly advanced semi-conductor plants, in order to avoid having them fall into the hands of invading Chinese forces.”Taiwan’s defense minister on Monday pushed … [Read More…] Source

Strange Anomaly in the sky over Taiwan


Taiwan Pushed Closer to Conflict by Washington

The island province of Taiwan has been pushed closer still to conflict by Washington recently as the US hosted a visit by Tsai Ing-Wen of the Democratic Progressive Party who currently heads the administration in Taipei. During her trip to the United States, Tsai Ing-Wen met with the current US Speaker of the House Kevin […]

42 Chinese Warplanes, 8 Vessels Sent Toward Taiwan After Leader’s US Meeting

China reportedly sent 42 warplanes and eight naval vessels toward Taiwan on Saturday in a retaliatory move against the Taiwanese leader’s meeting with the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in California. Taiwan’s military detected the Chinese aircraft and ships at around 11 a.m. (local time), with 29 aircraft spotted crossing the “northern, […]

China flies fighter jets near Taiwan after leader’s US trip

China sent warships and dozens of fighter jets toward Taiwan on Saturday, the Taiwanese government said. It’s retaliation for a meeting between the US House of Representatives speaker and the president of the self-ruled island democracy claimed by Beijing as part of its territory. Source

Current events in relation to the Taiwan issue

The trite claim that “global political processes are accelerating” is most glaring at their center, which is steadily evolving into the Indo-Pacific region as a whole and, notably, its “particularly heated” zones, of which Taiwan is still on the list. A number of events in the coming days could be indicative of both the maintenance […]

Taiwan Shuts Down Another Nuclear Plant, Threatening Blackouts And More Emissions

The self-governing island faced major outages the last time reactors went offline. Source

China held yet another meeting of the “Two Sessions”; the Taiwan issue was also discussed

At the beginning of March this year, the regular annual meetings of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (NC CPPCC) and the National People’s Congress (NPC) was held in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In the mediasphere, this event is referred to as the “Two Sessions”. As for the role […]

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