Posts Tagged ‘current’

Facial Recognition Software Reveals that the Current President Is an Imposter

by Shepard Ambellas (SQAUK) — Recent investigations have raised doubts about the current occupant of the White House, who identifies himself as President Joe Biden. Facial recognition software, known for its precision, has concluded with over 99% probability that the current “Biden” is a different individual altogether. These findings have ignited fervent debate and suspicion […]

Good morning America, Here’s The Current Situation!-“Piss on the Wall”

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Brilliant analysis of earth’s current climate and ground state

Nothing to do with CO2.  It’s about pressure as we burn fuels.  The pressures expand and change temperatures in the mesosphere, the ionosphere and above.  We are expanding our envelope which is absorbing more energy from outside.  The ionosphere is 1500 degrees centigrade and getting hotter.  We are being blown up like a  big balloon. […]

The outsized place of the U.S. university in the current struggle

On October 26, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a condemnation of so-called “campus antisemitism” (in line with the State Department’s capacious understanding of that term). In its wake, administrators at Columbia University have suspended their campus chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, as announced by their ominous special committee […]

Four Current and Former L.A. Sheriff’s Department Employees Died by Suicide in a 24-Hour Span


Foreign workers could fill the current gap in our high-tech competition with China

When the world’s largest computer chip maker pledged to pump $40 billion into a production hub in Phoenix, it sparked optimism that the United States would remain a world leader in tech. But the huge investment has been slowed due mainly to “an insufficient amount of skilled workers,” according to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company chairman… […]

Here’s why Ukraine’s defeat could mean the end of NATO in its current form

10 Sep, 2023 11:28 The bloc has too much riding on Kiev’s highly-unlikely success, and that’s why it’s doing all it can to prolong the conflict By Chay Bowes, journalist and geopolitical analyst, MA in Strategic Studies, RT correspondent As the West’s proxy war in Ukraine slips inexorably towards utter failure, the neocons behind the debacle are faced […]

What is behind the current tension in Turkish-Iranian relations?

Turkey and Iran continue to be important Middle Eastern nations. Due to their geographical proximity, imperial past, violent rivalry, theological tensions (between Sunnism and Shiism), and, of course, the continuous divergence of geopolitical interests, both nations have a rich history of relations. There were multiple Turkish-Persian clashes and wars, with various interruptions and varying degrees […]

David Barton Doesn’t Just Lie About History. He Lies About Current Events Too

Right Wing Watch has spent years exposing and debunking the false history promoted by Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton of WallBuilders. While a lot of our focus has been on correcting Barton’s lies about the founding era and the creation of this nation, Barton also has a tendency to lie about contemporary issues that can […]

Regarding the current state of US-China relations

There are nearly constant developments in the relations between the two major international powers that merit at least cursory attention. The most recent occasions for addressing the transformation of these relations were visits of former and incumbent presidents of Taiwan, respectively, to the United States and China, as well as a series of visits to […]

The Impending Economic Collapse – A Cause of Current Conflict

Brazil’s Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has called on BRICS nations to create an alternative to replace the dollar in foreign trade. Other experts suggest President Joe Biden’s policies will destroy America’s middle class for good. The news comes when China and Russia strengthen ties with Brazil and Latin America. Brazil’s leader questioned the institution […]

Current events in relation to the Taiwan issue

The trite claim that “global political processes are accelerating” is most glaring at their center, which is steadily evolving into the Indo-Pacific region as a whole and, notably, its “particularly heated” zones, of which Taiwan is still on the list. A number of events in the coming days could be indicative of both the maintenance […]

Nuclear-Powered Submarines Outperform Australia’s Current Diesel-Electric Subs, Says Defence Minister

Australian Defence Minister has defended the federal government’s $368 billion (US$244 billion) deal to purchase up to five nuclear powered submarines, saying Australia’s diesel-electric submarines pale compared to U.S. nuclear-propulsion technologies and China’s existing fleet of more than 10 of nuclear submarines. On March 13, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced that Australia would convert its […]

War in motion: Will new Western arms tip current balance in Ukraine?

 February 22, 2023  Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Jezzini  As the war enters its second year, both Russia and the Western-backed Kiev forces are ramping up their efforts to win a war that still looks far from being over. As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, costs continue to accumulate on both the […]

YCP – Current News and Letters from Listeners

German Gov’t Bombshell: ‘Alarming Number of Vaccinated Are Developing AIDS’     The post YCP – Current News and Letters from Listeners appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

OPEC+ agrees to stick to current production levels

OPEC+ yesterday agreed to adhere to its current production policy. The decision came at the group's 47th Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee (JMMC) videoconference meeting. The ministers on the panel reviewed production figures and "reaffirmed their commitment" to the OPEC+ accord which cuts oil output by two million barrels per day until the end of 2023, […]

On the Death of God and the Current Mental Health Crisis

“The lack of meaning in life is a soul-sickness whose full extent and import our age has not yet begun to comprehend.” -Carl Jung  Source

The US factor in current China-EU relations

The countries of the European continent, which the EU bureaucracy also claims to represent, are among China’s top three partners in foreign trade and economic relations. The other two are a dozen Southeast Asian countries that form ASEAN, and the US. In turn, trends in trade and economic relations cannot be considered outside the context […]

Background to current US policy in Europe

It is said not in vain that one man’s problem is another man’s opportunity. And the military actions in Ukraine against Russia, unleashed by the US and NATO, has clearly demonstrated this. Every day there is more and more evidence to show what huge dividends the US tycoons are reaping from the policies that the […]

On the Current Situation in Pakistan

The topic of political developments in and around Pakistan (remember, a de facto nuclear power!) was left in a state that can be characterized by a few key points. First, the struggle between the faction led by the Pakistan Muslim League (N), which came to power in April this year, and the sidelined faction led […]

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