Posts Tagged ‘situation’

Israel has always exerted complete control over the hostage situation so they can use it like this to further incite the Gaza genocide and justify their ongoing land theft.

They even found 3 photogenic crisis actors to play the part of the hostage dead bodies. ___ Source

Good morning America, Here’s The Current Situation!-“Piss on the Wall”

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UN Expert Says Situation In Haiti Has Reached ‘Apocalyptic’ Levels

The UN’s top expert on human rights in Haiti has warned that Haiti has become an open air prison with apocolyptic violence tearing it apart. Human rights observer William O’Neill said conditions in Haiti were rapidly moving towards becoming “like Somalia in the worst of its times” after a criminal uprising displaced tens of thousands […]

The Ukraine Situation Is A Failure Of Strategy And Leadership

The Ukraine Situation Is A Failure Of Strategy And Leadership Authored by András László via ReMix News, Additional funding for Ukraine has been delayed both on behalf of the U.S. and the EU. However, too many experts and commentators are focusing on a lack of funding and too few on strategy and the political challenges […]

WHO says Gaza Strip’s situation is ‘Humanity’s Darkest Hour’

The crisis in Gaza is the World Health Organization (WHO) now so serious that it is approaching “mankind’s darkest hour”. According to Richard Peeperkorn, WHO representative for the West Bank and Gaza, the situation has worsened significantly. The number of people fleeing central and southern Gaza now “is increasing enormously,” Peeperkorn told a news conference. […]

Trapped Burning Man Attendees Report “Ebola-Like” Illness as the Situation Turns from Bad to Worse

Originally Published on Vigilant News “Things went down the drain” for Burning Man this year, reported popular YouTuber “TheSneezingMonkey.” Some 70,000 attendants of Burning Man, an annual arts and culture festival held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, are trapped — and they might be stuck there for days or longer. Heavy rains turned […]

Hochul: NY Migrant Problem ‘Because of the Border Situation’ — We Want Money in Ukraine Package and Work Permits

On Tuesday’s broadcast of Spectrum News NY1’s “Inside City Hall,” New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) stated that New York’s migrant crisis “is a federal problem. People are coming here because of the border situation and people’s desire to seek Source

Esteghlal in chaotic situation

TEHRAN – These days, Esteghlal club, one of the giants of Iranian football, experience critical conditions and strange problems. During the 2023/24 pre-season training camps for the Iranian teams and the ongoing summer transfer window, Esteghlal are grappling with managerial and financial problems, as well as a lack of iconic players. Javad Nekounam, newly appointed […]

Further aggravation of the domestic political situation in Pakistan

The NEO last commented on the situation in Pakistan in connection with a large-scale terrorist attack on the (apparently) heavily guarded grounds of a Shia mosque on January 30 in Peshawar, capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Once again, the author has to state with regret that terrorist acts and simple guerrilla warfare in “problematic” regions are […]

Situation will become more complicated if JCPOA talks fail: IAEA chief

TEHRAN- The chief of the UN’s nuclear watchdog has emphasized the necessity of restarting negotiations to save the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, stating that failure to do so would result in a rapid deterioration of the situation. Rafael Grossi stated on Tuesday that while progress is “not impossible,” the diplomatic effort to revive the nuclear […]

Yet another chronicle of the Taiwan situation

The penultimate chronicle of events accompanying the development of the Taiwan problem, discussed more or less regularly in the NEO, described the state of the initial reaction of politicians, both in Taiwan itself and among leading players in the world, to the rather unexpected results of local authorities elections on the island in late November. […]

The situation in African countries is deteriorating as a result of US policies

In the last few years the USA and its Western allies have been making increasingly overt attempts to put pressure on Africa in a bid to stop the continent turning towards Russia and China. The situation in African countries has started to deteriorate seriously as a result of the West’s thoughtless and self-serving sanctions against […]

On the situation with refugees in the Republic of Korea

At the beginning of January 2023, several media outlets reported the wide-spreading news that Russian citizens who had had their refugee status rejected were stuck at Incheon Airport (Republic of Korea). And this case was not the only one, because under the guise of receiving this status, some with ill intentions were trying to enter […]

Baloch and Pashtun issue “undermines” the situation in Pakistan and the region in general

In late December last year, Pakistan’s Balochistan province, which covers 45% of the country’s desert and sparsely populated area, suffered three terrorist attacks in less than two days. The most damaging of these was an improvised explosive device that blew up an army convoy in the eastern Kohlu district of the province on December 25. […]

An overview of the situation in Pakistan

NEO has frequently reported on the situation in Pakistan, which has been in a highly unstable situation for most of this year, and at the time of this author’s last article supporters of Imran Khan, the former Prime Minister who stood down this spring, were gathering for a protest march to Pakistan’s first national capital, Rawalpindi […]

The Kazakhstan Gas Situation: A Key Indicator of Things to Come

The western assault on Russia and other rivals is economic. The military conflicts in Ukraine and elsewhere are only symptoms of the competition for the remaining resources that power world economies. This, as well all know, is abundantly clear. A perfect example of how the world is reeling energy-wise can be seen in Kazakhstan’s natural […]

Arab League: warns situation in Palestine on verge of explosion

Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, warned Thursday, that the Israeli violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are escalating in a manner that could lead the situation to explode right before the international community's sight, which seems to have abandoned its responsibility to achieve the vision of a two-state solution through negotiations. Aboul […]

Hamas: Israel coalition gov’t deal will explode situation

Hamas spokesperson, Hazem Qassem, said the Israeli right-wing parties' agreement on "legalising settlement outposts" in the occupied West Bank reflects the depth of racism and fascism that will rule in the next Israeli government. Qassem said in a statement issued yesterday that the next government's expansionist schemes and terrorist ideology will exacerbate the situation in […]

Turkey-Libya gas deal exacerbates regional situation

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, who was visiting Tripoli on October 3, signed with Najla Mangoush, Foreign Minister of the Government of National Unity (GoNU), memoranda on cooperation between the two countries in the oil and gas sector, including joint exploration. The deals were also signed by the North African country’s Minister of Economy and […]

The US is pushing the situation towards a clash of major nuclear powers

With its actions in recent months, the United States is blatantly pushing the international situation towards a clash of major nuclear powers. This is true of Washington’s blatantly provocative moves against both Russia and China. US officials continue to inflame the situation, intimidating their own and the world public with “imaginary nuclear threats” from Russia […]

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