Posts Tagged ‘Kazakhstan’

Comer: Biden Business Received over $20M from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan While Joe Biden Was VP

The Biden family business received over $20 million from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan while President Joe Biden was vice president in the Obama administration, the House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) revealed. Source

Kazakhstan votes in snap election a year after deadly unrest

Voters in Kazakhstan will go to the polls on Sunday, casting their ballots in a snap election, the first since deadly unrest gripped the resource-rich Central Asian nation a year ago. The vote comes after a short but active campaign for seats in the reconfigured lower house of parliament, and falls on the third anniversary of […]

Where Next For Kazakhstan?

In November President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan won re-election with over 80% of the vote. As he was the official candidate of every party represented in parliament, this was not surprising. It is this sort of thing which has given Central Asian states in general a bad name. Even though they may be democracies in […]

The Kazakhstan Gas Situation: A Key Indicator of Things to Come

The western assault on Russia and other rivals is economic. The military conflicts in Ukraine and elsewhere are only symptoms of the competition for the remaining resources that power world economies. This, as well all know, is abundantly clear. A perfect example of how the world is reeling energy-wise can be seen in Kazakhstan’s natural […]

98K Russians Have Entered Kazakhstan After Putin’s Call-Up

Thousands of Russian men are seeking to avoid the call-up by fleeing into neighboring countries by land and air. Source

Kazakhstan Happily Welcomes ‘Hopeless’ Russians Fleeing Putin’s War

Kazakhstan has risked the wrath of Putin by offering to ‘care for’ Russian men fleeing conscription due to the ‘hopeless situation’ back home. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, president of the ex-Soviet state, also offered muted criticism of Putin’s war – saying that the ‘territorial integrity of states must be preserved’ as the despot moves to carve up […]

Pope Francis visits Kazakhstan, will not meet with Russia’s patriarch

Pope Francis has arrived in Kazakhstan for a three-day visit that will include an interfaith conference — a trip overshadowed by the fact that he will not be meeting with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, while there. On Wednesday and Thursday, the leader of the Catholic Church will participate in the […]

Washington’s and Kyiv’s Failed Attempt to Drive a “Fake News” Wedge between Kazakhstan and Russia

The well-informed reader need not be reminded of the United States’ “eagerness” to regain the positions it has lost in Central Asia in recent years. And of Washington’s incessant attempts to separate the former CIS republics and now independent Central Asian states from Russia for this reason. It is enough to recall the speech given […]

Kazakhstan’s Importance for Central Asia, the EU, China & Russia

Opinion: Kazakhstan’s importance for Central Asia, the EU, China and Russia: Relations in progress SHARE: PUBLISHED 8 YEARS AGOON MAY 9, 2014 By EU Reporter Correspondent Signup to our weekly newsletter to receive exclusive interviews, articles & videos. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding […]

China-Kazakhstan Energy Partnership

Despite all the turmoil of early 2022, China and Kazakhstan continue to develop their energy cooperation with confidence. On September 29, 2021, at the international scientific conference “Energy Silk Road in Central Asia: results and prospects of oil and gas cooperation”, the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aset Magauov, announced that […]

China: Freedom in Kazakhstan Would Be a National Security Threat for Beijing

China’s state-run Global Times on Wednesday argued that political stability in neighboring Kazakhstan is a vital Chinese national security interest — even the stability of a merciless authoritarian regime with a ruler “elected” under shadowy circumstances who imprisons and kills protesting citizens to remain in power. The Global Times said China shares this interest with […]

NED Provided $1.2 Million To Help Kazakhstan Spark A Color Revolution

Above Photo: Protesters climb on top of a van in Almaty on January 6.; collage by staff. Media Has Covered Crisis In Kazakhstan In Biased Way. On January 2nd, protests erupted in the city of Zhanaozen in western Kazakhstan that have since spread across the country. Over 160 people have been killed, including at […]

Kazakhstan Riots: The Regional Dimensions & Implications

Kazakhstan’s riots, beginning just after new year’s Day have been called a failed color revolution and may have posed a threat to a number of regional powers, but how true are the claims that this was an anti-Russia Western conspiracy? The Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) quickly mobilized in the wake of violent protests in […]

Kazakhstan Detains Nearly 1,700 More After Violent Unrest

MOSCOW (AP) — Kazakh authorities said Wednesday they detained 1,678 more people in the past 24 hours over their alleged participation in the violent unrest that rocked the former Soviet nation last week, the worst since Kazakhstan gained independence three decades ago. The additional detentions, reported by authorities in Almaty, the country’s largest city that […]

The Straight Gas on Kazakhstan’s Recent Upheaval

It’s time we begin taking notes on where every nation, organization, and business stands on the crises in our world. The recent unrest in Kazakhstan, the world’s ninth-largest country, is a good place to start. A recent editorial from a multiple Pulitzer Prize winning media outlet warns of the further disintegration of truth. With trust […]

Who “lost” Kazakhstan and to whom?

Jauary 09, 2022 Dear friends, Christ is born!  Glorify Him! The magnitude of the crisis in Kazakhstan has surprised many, including myself.  Some compared what happened to the Euromaidan in Kiev, but that is a very bad comparison, if only because the Euromaidan happened on one square of one city whereas the violent insurrection (because […]

Life in Kazakhstan’s main city and former capital seems to be returning to normal.

Life in Kazakhstan’s main city and former capital seems to be returning to normal. Public transport has started operating for the first time since the violence, which left government buildings burned and gutted, and many businesses looted. The authorities in Kazakhstan said that nearly 8,000 people were detained by police during protests that descended into […]

Kazakhstan crisis heightens instability in Central Asia

The political crisis in Kazakhstan, which began on January 2 with mass protests against gas price hikes, has become a focal point of geopolitical and social tensions across Central Asia. With the support of the Kremlin, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s government has cracked down on the protests with extraordinary violence, turning the country’s largest city, Almaty, into a […]

Kazakhstan’s Security was Undermined by Outside Forces

Numerous publications that discuss the situation in Kazakhstan in recent days testify with increasing clarity that those events were sparked by outside forces. Doesn’t the terrorist assault with two law enforcement officers getting decapitated on January 6 in Almaty resemble the recent attacks of DAESH (banned in the Russian Federation) terrorists in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan? And […]

Kazakhstan arrests spy chief for treason as rift inside government widens

IN A SIGN OF WIDENING disagreements within the government of Kazakhstan, the once supremely powerful head of the country’s internal intelligence agency has been fired. He was subsequently arrested by his own agency for alleged treasonable acts. Karim Masimov (or Massimov) served twice as prime minister of Kazakhstan under his political mentor, former President Nursultan […]

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