Posts Tagged ‘national’

GOP takes aim at Palestine at Republican National Convention

Donald Trump’s closing speech to the Republican National Convention threatening Gaza ended a week of speeches featuring full-throated support for Israel, false allegations of campus antisemitism, and condemnations of pro-Palestine protests. Source

A National Disgrace! EXPOSED – The false agenda of male oriented domestic violence

Another false agenda is in play by the governments and ‘supported’ by the mainstream media. The allegation that a ‘shocking’ amount of women die in the hands of their current (male) partner or (male) ex-partner. See the following video for explanation: Source

Israel’s national murder-suicide pact

First published by The Electronic Intifada An Israeli father gave a frightening TV interview back in February. Thomas Hand grasped the small palm of his 9-year-old daughter Emily. The girl had been released in a prisoner exchange with Hamas only a few months prior. As she watched on, her father told Israeli interviewer Tali Moreno […]

Diddy’s “Sex Slave” Shot Up the Trump National Hotel in 2018

Oddi is shown here during a police interview talking about how he was paid to be a sex slave for Diddy aka Sean Combs. The latter would tell him to engage in sex acts with his then-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura while he played with himself, because he is not attracted to women. Oddi claimed that Diddy […]

Gov. Newsom Says California Is The National Model On Solving Homelessness

While speaking at an event to announce a $3.3 billion fund to help California tackle homelessness, Governor Gavin Newsom boasted that his state served as a “national model” for solving the issue. There are an […] The post Gov. Newsom Says California Is The National Model On Solving Homelessness appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

National Day of Prayer Task Force Promotes Dominionist Language, Christian Nationalist Speakers

The second Thursday in May is designated as the National Day of Prayer by federal law, which requires the U.S. president to issue a proclamation recognizing the day. While the occasion is officially nonsectarian—President Joe Biden’s 2024 declaration recognizes “Americans of every religion and background”—the National Day of Prayer Task Force, which promotes the day […]

Cotton and Hawley: Send in the National Guard to Columbia

Republican Sens. Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley called on President Joe Biden to send the National Guard to Columbia University as pro-Palestinian demonstrations that saw over 100 people arrested last week roil the campus. The senators issued the appeal for federal action as Monday marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. Over the […]

Passing the national security supplemental is about preventing war with China 

This national security supplemental is not just about Ukraine, Taiwan or any one democracy. It’s about deterring future conflict.   Source

D.C. National Guard whistleblowers say Trump was about to deploy them on January 6 but Pentagon held them back

D.C. National Guard whistleblowers say Trump was about to deploy them on January 6 but Pentagon held them back In a hearing scheduled for next week, whistleblowers from the Washington, D.C., National Guard will tell Congress that Donald Trump wanted them deployed during the January 6 Capitol riot, but the Pentagon interfered with that deployment. […]

Donald Trump says he would not sign national abortion ban if reelected

(The Hill) — Former President Trump on Wednesday said he would not sign a national abortion ban if reelected and such a bill passed Congress. The Biden campaign quickly dismissed him as a “liar,” citing his record on the issue. Trump was asked by reporters in Georgia if he would sign a national abortion ban if it reached his […]

US National Security Advisor Worried about Russian NUCLEAR FIRST-STRIKE Upon USA


Hamas like all resistance groups, from the African national congress to Irish Republican

Posted on April 5, 2024 by uprootedpalestinians Mar 29, 2024 Journalist and historian Paola Caridi, author of “Hamas: From Resistance to Regime,” joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the roots and nature of Hamas, and what we miss when we unthinkingly cast Hamas as nothing more than a terrorist organization. Journalist and historian Paola […]

USA Army singing the Israeli national anthem

Here’s the U.S. Army singing the Israeli national anthem.  

Illegal Migrants Overwhelming Texas National Guard, Storming Border Wall

by DailyCaller Video taken near El Paso, Texas, shows illegal immigrants tearing down a barrier and overwhelming members of the Texas National Guard as they stormed across the border. The illegal immigrants are seen pulling the barrier open as four National Guardsmen try to keep them from crossing the border in the video posted on […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Preparing For A National Divorce

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

New York City descends into a police state as Gov. Hochul deploys 1,000 national guardsmen and police in subway system to “mitigate crimes”

(NaturalNews) War correspondent and former Special Forces soldier Michael Yon recently shared on X, formerly known as Twitter, video footage showing people in New… Source

Another 9/11? NYC mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops to patrol SUBWAYS

Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York is bringing in 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officer to the Big Apple as a major show of force to patrol the city’s increasingly dangerous subway system. The job of these State Police officers and National Guard troops will be to dodge poop piles and urine puddles […]

Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways 

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officers across New York City’s subway system in a show of force meant as a warning to criminals who have been terrorizing passengers.  Gov. Hochul announced earlier today that 750 guardsmen and 250 law enforcement officers would be deployed across “the […]

Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways 

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officers across New York City’s subway system in a show of force meant as a warning to criminals who have been terrorizing passengers.  Gov. Hochul announced earlier today that 750 guardsmen and 250 law enforcement officers would be deployed across “the […]

Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways 

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officers across New York City’s subway system in a show of force meant as a warning to criminals who have been terrorizing passengers.  Gov. Hochul announced earlier today that 750 guardsmen and 250 law enforcement officers would be deployed across “the […]

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