Posts Tagged ‘deploys’

Moms for Liberty Makes Show of Force, Deploys Spiritual Warfare Rhetoric at RNC 

After a rough year of scandal, electoral defeats, and effective counter-organizing, the anti-LGBTQ, book-banning Moms for Liberty put on a show of force at the Republican National Convention. A Moms for Liberty town hall Tuesday afternoon drew two governors, three members of Congress, and three state attorneys general. Also addressing the crowd were former Wisconsin […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 156: Israel deploys 15,000 troops in West Bank as Ramadan starts

Ceasefire talks falter as Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson says Israel is using “deception and evasion.” Israel deploys thousands of troops in the West Bank and Jerusalem ahead of plans to restrict access to Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan. Source

New York City descends into a police state as Gov. Hochul deploys 1,000 national guardsmen and police in subway system to “mitigate crimes”

(NaturalNews) War correspondent and former Special Forces soldier Michael Yon recently shared on X, formerly known as Twitter, video footage showing people in New… Source

U.K. deploys troops to NATO military drills while ramping up aid to Ukraine

U.K. deploys troops to NATO military drills while ramping up aid to Ukraine The U.K. has announced it will be sending troops to NATO military drills and a generous boost in aid to Ukraine as part of a new “defense agreement” signed by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in Kiev. The country plans to send […]

British WEF Leader Deploys 20,000 Troops to Russian Border Amid WW3 Fears

WEF Young Global Leader Grant Shapps has announced plans to deploy over 20,000 British military troops to the Russian border in anticipation for World War 3. Shapps, the British Defence Secretary and WEF puppet, announced […] The post British WEF Leader Deploys 20,000 Troops to Russian Border Amid WW3 Fears appeared first on The People's […]

India Deploys Three Warships To Waters Near Iran After Tanker Attack

Via The Cradle, The Indian Navy has deployed three guided missile destroyers to the Arabian Sea in response to an alleged drone attack on an Israeli-linked chemical tanker last week. New Delhi also uses long-range maritime patrol aircraft for “domain awareness,” the defense ministry reported Monday night. On Saturday, the Liberian-flagged MV Chem Pluto, a […]

Rogue State Apartheid Israel Deploys Nuclear Armed U-Boats

Apartheid Israel Deploys Nuclear Armed Nazi Subs for War with Iran – THE INTEL DROP 4–5 minutes Dolphin subs modified by Germany to carry cruise missiles like the one they used to attack the Pentagon on 9/11 (TID can prove it with leaked FBI files) The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has deployed its submarine […]

INSANITY: New York State deploys National Guard to help ILLEGALS with PAPERWORK

(NaturalNews) Amid the ongoing migrant crisis in New York, the state has deployed its National Guard – not to enforce border security, but to help illegal aliens… Source

Netherlands deploys more troops to NATO mission in Iraq

The Netherlands will deploy around another 120 soldiers and three Chinook transport helicopters to the ongoing NATO alliance mission in Iraq, the Dutch government said on Friday, Reuters reports. The deployment is in addition to the infantry unit of around 145 soldiers the Netherlands said in July they would send to Iraq from 1 January, […]

NYPD deploys robot cop to Times Square subway station

(NaturalNews) Knightscope 5 (K-5), a police robot manufactured by Knightscope, is now patrolling New York City’s busiest subway station in a new pilot… Source

NATO deploys AWACS to Lithuania

In another “first” & a major escalation, GLOBOHOMO to station 2 AWACS planes & support personnel in Lithiuania for (allegedly) several weeks. 1 AWACS has already landed. Prior AWACS activity in Baltics involved overflights only. AWACS obviously intended to, at minimum, pull Russian attention & air defenses away from Crimea & Ukr border, *BUT* may […]

Texas deploys MORE BUSES to transport ILLEGAL ALIENS to already-strained sanctuary cities

(NaturalNews) Texas has deployed additional buses to two more border towns for the purpose of transporting illegal aliens from the state to blue sanctuary… Source

WEF Declares Martial Law in America As Biden Deploys Military to U.S. Streets

Hundreds of military tanks have been deployed across the United States after the unelected globalist despot Klaus Schwab ordered Biden to “declare martial law” in order to “repair our global architecture and our global system” […] The post WEF Declares Martial Law in America As Biden Deploys Military to U.S. Streets appeared first on The […]

Texas Gov. Deploys New Marine Floating Barriers to Deter Illegal Crossings

Texas Gov. Deploys New Marine Floating Barriers to Deter Illegal Crossings Date: June 10, 2023Author: Nwo Report   Water barriers would ‘prevent illegal crossings between ports of entry by making it more difficult to cross the Rio Grande and reach the Texas side of the southern border,’ governor’s office states.’We continue to hold the line […]

Interview 1777 – Swiss Army Deploys to Protect Fat Cats at Davos – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the Swiss Army deploys ahead of next week’s World Economic Forum in Davos; an AI lawyer tackles its first case in court; and a computer outage stops all flights in America. The post Interview 1777 – Swiss Army Deploys to Protect Fat Cats at Davos – #NewWorldNextWeek […]

US Forces Deploys Massive Forces to Romania to deter Russian aggression

U.S. troops are being told to prepare for an all-out war with Russia as tensions continue to mount between Washington and Moscow. The U.S.’s 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Romania for the first time in 80 years. Trends Journal reports: The U.S. Army said in a statement in June that the division arrived […]

Biden Deploys 20,000 National Guard Troops To Defend Home From Incoming Migrants

WILMINGTON, DE — Upon hearing that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is sending another group of migrants to his mansion in Delaware, President Joe Biden authorized a mobilization of 20,000 National Guard troops to defend his home from the invaders. “This migrant invasion of my sacred personal 10,000 square-foot mansion is a cruel and evil threat […]

Beijing deploys TANKS to quell angry depositors wanting to withdraw their savings

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Chinese government has deployed tanks on the streets to quell angry citizens wanting to withdraw their savings. In a scene resembling the infamous Tiananmen Square protests and subsequent massacre in 1989, Beijing sent tanks from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to patrol the streets of Henan province as … [Read More…] […]

China Deploys Tanks to Stop People from Withdrawing their Money from Banks

The Communist Chinese government has deployed tanks to prevent its disillusioned people from withdrawing their savings from crisis-embattled banks. Shocking video taken in what is believed to be Rizhao in Shandong Province shows a line of tanks surrounding a local bank branch to prevent disgruntled citizens from withdrawing their money, which the government is now […]

World Health Organization Deploys Another Disease Threat to Push Global Survelliance

International vaccine passports are not out of the question. In fact, as the draft outlines, member states will be legally required to fully “support the development of standards for producing a digital version of the International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis.”

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