Posts Tagged ‘rogue’

Israel is a ROGUE nation, Dennis Kucinich tells Judge Napolitano

Independent candidate for Congress in Ohio’s 7th district Dennis Kucinich appeared with Judge Andrew Napolitano this week to talk about how the United States military-industrial complex is leading America straight into World War III, including with its virtually unquestioning support for the Israeli war machine. During the conversation, Kucinich discussed how Israel has become a […]

Massachusetts Gone Rogue

You would not believe how your tax dollars are being spent by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine, an organization whose sole purpose is to protect the citizens of Massachusetts from rogue, incompetent medical practitioners. Especially during pandemics. Once upon a time I came to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to study and later to practice […]

The White House Goes Rogue: Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws

The government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from its mass spying programs as long as we’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t believe it. Source

Is a Rogue AI Company Training Powerful AI on a Barge to Avoid U.S. Regulations?

After President Biden’s Executive Order on artificial intelligence technologies was announced this week, one company posted that it had taken an extraordinary step to avoid a new requirement that firms must report to the government if they are training a powerful AI model: taking a bunch of computer hardware and putting it on a barge […]

Rogue State Apartheid Israel Deploys Nuclear Armed U-Boats

Apartheid Israel Deploys Nuclear Armed Nazi Subs for War with Iran – THE INTEL DROP 4–5 minutes Dolphin subs modified by Germany to carry cruise missiles like the one they used to attack the Pentagon on 9/11 (TID can prove it with leaked FBI files) The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has deployed its submarine […]

“They Were Laughing”: Rogue Gang Of ‘Teens’ Brutally Beat Gas Station Clerk In Lawless Seattle

Renegade Editor’s Note: Zero Hedge is just as bad as mainstream media in covering up the race of Source

The FDA Has Gone Rogue

Many of us knew this day would come, and now here it is. As of Monday, September 11, 2023, the FDA has provided “Emergency Use Authorization” for the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine boosters. But there is no public health emergency at this time. And the “boosters” being “Emergency Use Authorized” are designed to provide protection against the […]

FDA has “gone rogue” by approving new COVID booster shots without clinical trials, warns Dr. Robert Malone

(NaturalNews) Without any clinical trials whatsoever to back their alleged safety and efficacy, the all-new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “booster” shots now being… Source

FDA GONE ROGUE: How can the government approve even more “emergency use authorization” COVID jabs when there’s NO REAL EMERGENCY?

(NaturalNews) On the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to grant approval for the latest Wuhan… Source

Rogue MSM Using Rogue AI to Create Fake News


Will AI Go Rogue?


Biden Blames Nord Stream Explosion on ‘Rogue Ukrainian Navy Seals’… But Ukraine Has No Navy

Biden officials are attempting to cover their tracks by blaming the Nord Stream pipeline explosion on “rogue Ukrainian Navy Seals” who were supposedly working without the approval of President Zelensky. However, there is just one […] The post Biden Blames Nord Stream Explosion on ‘Rogue Ukrainian Navy Seals’… But Ukraine Has No Navy appeared first […]

Biden officials claim rogue Ukrainian Navy Seals pulled off deep sea Nord Stream sabotage, despite Ukraine not having a functioning navy

Biden officials claim rogue Ukrainian Navy Seals pulled off deep sea Nord Stream sabotage, despite Ukraine not having a functioning navy The state’s churnalists continue to publish anonymously sourced, comically deficient tales of ruling class heroism. Jordan Schachtel The people in charge have become comically deficient at spinning tales of ruling class heroism and international […]

The War of Terror of a Rogue Superpower: Cui Bono?

February 11, 2023 by Pepe Escobar, widely distributed on the Internet, posted with the author’s permission When it comes to the Global South, what the Hersh report imprints is Rogue Superpower, in giant blood red letters, as state sponsor of terrorism. Everyone with a brain already knew the Empire did it. Now Seymour Hersh’s bombshell report  not […]

Mexico Bans Chemtrails and Geoengineering After Rogue Startup Attempts To Dim The Sun

Mexico has cracked down on chemtrails and experiments in solar geoengineering after a rogue startup company attempted to dim the sun to fight climate change. The controversial proposed climate solution, in which aerosol particles are […] The post Mexico Bans Chemtrails and Geoengineering After Rogue Startup Attempts To Dim The Sun appeared first on News […]

Rogue News

Whitney Webb joins TrineDay to discuss The Wellcome Leap, which professes to advance healthcare but is led by people who focus on transhumanist technologies, specifically brain-machine interfaces and other technology aimed at merging humans and machines. Whitney and Kris also discuss sexual blackmail going back to J. Edgar Hoover in the FBI and how the […]

‘Rogue Wave’ Kills American Tourist Aboard Antarctic Cruise Ship

A 62-year-old American woman was pronounced dead after a “rouge wave” slammed into a Viking cruise ship en route to Antarctica. Source

UK PM labels Russia ‘rogue state’ after carrying out 2 terrorist attacks–one against Nord Stream & one against Crimea

READ HERE:   Source

How Murdoch’s Rogue News Corp Operates

The way News Corp operates must be traced to Rupert Murdoch himself for he has told us that ‘for better or worse (News Corp) is a reflection of my own thinking, my character and my values’. Let me give some examples of how News Corp operates. Ken Cowley was a very senior and loyal executive […]

Rogue T-Mobile store owner found guilty of illegally unlocking phones in $25 million fraud

“Illegally unlocking” – whatever that really means. Your hardware, your choice. Law made to the detriment of consumers, for the benefit of corporations. See article: A former T-Mobile store owner was found guilty of breaking into the wireless provider’s internal system allowing the rogue businessman to unlock and unblock smartphones. The illegal activities took place […]

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