Posts Tagged ‘barge’

Barge strikes Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston, causing oil spill and bridge’s partial collapse

(NaturalNews) A barge has struck the Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston County, Texas, which links the Galveston and Pelican islands, partially collapsing the… Source

Is a Rogue AI Company Training Powerful AI on a Barge to Avoid U.S. Regulations?

After President Biden’s Executive Order on artificial intelligence technologies was announced this week, one company posted that it had taken an extraordinary step to avoid a new requirement that firms must report to the government if they are training a powerful AI model: taking a bunch of computer hardware and putting it on a barge […]

BARGE-POCALYPSE unfolding as rivers DRY UP, leaving farmers and coal producers with no transportation

(Natural News) Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, now there’s a “barge-pocalypse” unfolding that you might find rather disturbing. This is a problem with massive global implications that very few people saw coming because barges don’t exactly attract a lot of attention. But they are critical for efficient […]

Residential, repair barge to be stationed in South Pars

TEHRAN – The director of production and operations in Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC), which is in charge of developing Iran’s giant South Pars gas field, said for the first time, a large residential and repair barge will be stationed in the field to support safe gas production from the field’s platforms, Shana reported. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

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