Posts Tagged ‘training’

New Documents Reveal Training Materials Explaining to Noncitizens and Illegal Aliens How They Can Register to Vote in DC Elections

By Cristina Laila May. 14, 2024 12:00 pm Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained documents explaining to noncitizens and illegal aliens how they can register to vote in local DC elections. A federal judge last year upheld a Washington DC law that allows noncitizens – including illegal aliens – to vote in municipal elections. US District Judge for the […]

The Courage Tour: Training Christians To ‘Occupy Territory Now’ As Preparation For Ruling With Jesus

In 2023, self-proclaimed Christian nationalist and unabashed Trump cultist Lance Wallnau announced his intention to travel the country ahead of the 2024 elections in order to break the “demonic strongholds” in swing states that have supposedly been preventing Republicans from winning elections. Wallnau’s vision manifested itself in the form of the “Courage Tour,” which is […]

Big Brother in Training? How Proposed Legislation Might Pave the Way for Online Age Verification and Digital ID


Courts halt DeSantis’ ‘Stop WOKE Act’: A victory for free speech and diversity training

A recent ruling by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has put a temporary halt to a significant portion of Florida’s “Stop WOKE Act,” challenging the state’s attempt to regulate discussions on race and diversity in workplaces. The court’s decision reaffirms the First Amendment’s protection of free speech, marking a critical juncture in the […]

Atlanta students rally against police training in Israel, suppression of campus activism

On November 9, 2023 Atlanta activists and students from universities across Atlanta, including Georgia State University, Emory, the Atlanta University Center, and Georgia Tech, rallied in opposition to the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) as part of the November 9 international “Shut It Down for Palestine” day of action and the week of action. […]

Is a Rogue AI Company Training Powerful AI on a Barge to Avoid U.S. Regulations?

After President Biden’s Executive Order on artificial intelligence technologies was announced this week, one company posted that it had taken an extraordinary step to avoid a new requirement that firms must report to the government if they are training a powerful AI model: taking a bunch of computer hardware and putting it on a barge […]

Report: Leaked Veterans Affairs Training Video Promotes Abortion, Says Pregnancy Not Exclusive to Women

A training video allegedly leaked from the Department of Veterans Affairs promotes abortion and even suggests that men can become pregnant. Source

Intercepted Audio Appears to Show U.S. Pilots Training to Bomb North Korean ‘VIP’

In October 2017, an amateur radio enthusiast with an interest in military communications noticed three B-2 stealth bombers flying low near his home in Missouri. He grabbed a radio scanner and tuned it to military channels. It was a training exercise and, as he listened, he heard one phrase repeated several times: “DPRK VIP.” He […]

Possible secret graves detected at NSW Aboriginal boys ‘training home’

September 7, 2023  Source: The Guardian By Al Mayadeen English Calls for excavation efforts at the site come in response to the detection of a minimum of nine suspicious anomalies through ground-penetrating radar scans. A chilling revelation by The Guardian unmasked that multiple potential secret or hidden burial sites have been located at the Kinchela Aboriginal Boys’ […]

MEDICAL MUTILATORS: Kaiser Permanente employee training video claims three-year-olds can decide to become TRANSGENDER

(NaturalNews) A “horrified” hospital worker employed by Kaiser Permanente, one of America’s largest health care providers, is sounding the alarm about a new… Source

Mass shooting in NZ: Armed Offenders Squad just happened to be in a training camp nearby at the time of the incident

Curious how frequently somebody or other happen to be training nearby during these incidents …. Two male construction workers aged in their 40s have been confirmed as the pair killed in yesterday’s Auckland CBD shootings. Police say formally identifying the victims is today’s priority, with autopsies to be completed in the coming days. READ AT […]


Fort Benning, the infamous Georgia U.S. military base, is once again in the news, changing its name to Fort Moore, thereby ditching its Confederate name. Yet none of the media covering the rebranding – not The New York Times, the Associated Press, CNN, ABC, CBS News, USA Today nor The Hill – mentioned the most controversial aspect of the institution.

Biden’s woke Navy now training sailors to create proper pronoun ‘safe spaces’ as Russia, China laugh

(Natural News) The far-left Biden regime’s efforts to destroy the very last bastion of American patriotism and exceptionalism — the U.S. military — are continuing unabated as evidenced by the latest ‘Pride Month’ offering from the once-vaunted U.S. Navy. The force that defeated imperial Japan following its attack on Pearl Harbor two generations ago is […]

Greek and Indian Air Forces conduct joint training exercises over the Mediterranean ahead of Iniochos 2023

Joint training exercises at the Andravida Air Base was held by the Greek Air Force and their Indian counterparts on March 27. The exercises included two PA F-4E fighter aircrafts and Mirage 2000 fighter jets, Rank X reported. The joint training is part of the Greek military’s state aim of strengthening cooperation with friendly countries,… […]

Resident Assistants at Baylor University Undergo Training Mired in Critical Race Theory

Students serving as resident assistants at Baylor University had to take a course on “cultural humility” that was based in CRT.  Source

From Citizen to Soldier: Inside the Roman Army’s Basic Training (Video)

The Roman Army was one of the greatest fighting forces the world has ever seen. It was an army defined by the discipline, strength and skill of its soldiers.  Read more Section:  News Video History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Armored and Ready: Inside the Training of a Greek Hoplite (Video)

The life of a Greek Hoplite in the 5th century BC was heavily influenced by their status as warriors. Hoplites were not just soldiers, but members of the Greek citizenry who were expected to fight for their city-state in times of war. Read more Section:  News Video History Read Later  Source

White Supremacist Networks Gab and 8Kun Are Training Their Own AI Now

As artificial intelligence technology becomes more and more mainstream, its influence is now reaching all corners of the internet, and in the last month, two of the darkest corners have announced their plans to unleash their very own AI engines on the world. Gab, a white supremacist forum that’s a favorite of mass shooters and […]

Don Lemon Forced To Do Sensitivity Training Until He Can Learn To Quit Referring To His Coworkers As ‘Dusty Old Broads’

ATLANTA, GA — According to CNN’s Department of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, news anchor and prolific storyteller Don Lemon has been required to participate in sensitivity training until he can learn to quit referring to his coworkers as “Dusty Old Broads.” Source

FBI whistleblower training now includes module on ‘insider threats’ aimed at staff, agents who contact Congress

(Natural News) The FBI is now combining annual “whistleblower” training with a module on “insider threats,” in what appears to be a clear message to anyone within the bureau who has been providing details to members of Congress about corruption within the agency. As reported by UncoverDC, “this is the first time FBI training has combined […]

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