Posts Tagged ‘noncitizens’

New Documents Reveal Training Materials Explaining to Noncitizens and Illegal Aliens How They Can Register to Vote in DC Elections

By Cristina Laila May. 14, 2024 12:00 pm Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained documents explaining to noncitizens and illegal aliens how they can register to vote in local DC elections. A federal judge last year upheld a Washington DC law that allows noncitizens – including illegal aliens – to vote in municipal elections. US District Judge for the […]

Appeals court rules NYC law allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections violates state constitution 

A New York appeals court ruled Wednesday that a law allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections in New York City violates the state’s constitution. The Appellate Division for the Second Judicial Department ruled against the bill allowing noncitizens to vote in local New York City elections, including for mayor, in a 3-1 decision released Wednesday. The… […]

Sanctuary City May Grant Voting Rights To Noncitizens For Local Elections

A temporary migrant shelter funding package cleared the Massachusetts State House in Boston this week despite Republicans opposing the measure.  (Tim Graham/Getty Images) In a controversy-sparking move, Boston, a self-proclaimed sanctuary city, is weighing a resolution to allow immigrants with “legal status” to vote in local elections. This proposal, which has reportedly gained the backing […]

Woke NYC Mayor Authorizes Noncitizens to Vote in U.S Elections

New York City’s far-left Mayor Eric Adams says he fully supports a new law that gives noncitizens voting rights in U.S. elections. The newly sworn-in Democratic mayor declared Saturday that he supports legislation passed by the city council that allows 800,000 foreign nationals to vote in New York elections. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to […]

USA Today Columnist Calls Allowing Noncitizens to Vote ‘Smart Policy’ ‘Rooted’ in ‘American Tradition, Ideals’

Allowing noncitizens to vote is “legally sound,” a “smart policy,” “good for democracy,” and even “rooted in both American tradition and ideals,” according to a USA Today columnist who claimed the inability of “potential citizens” to vote is “not fair,” while blasting Republicans — who have “no legal or moral standing to whine about protecting […]

Report: 5.7 Million Noncitizens Voted Illegally For Obama In 2008

According to a report a U.S. educational institute, up to 5.7 million noncitizens voted in the 2008 presidential election, helping Obama to become President. The president of non-profit organization Just Facts published an astonishing report in June showing that 82 percent of the 5.7 million illegals on the voter rolls were all Obama supporters. […]

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