Posts Tagged ‘korean’

Russia Fires Barrage of North Korean Missiles at Kyiv After US Visit

In the early hours of Thursday, Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, faced heavy missile attacks, marking the first such assault in six weeks. The strikes occurred shortly after a visit to the city by US national security adviser Jake Sullivan, indicating a brazen display of aggression amidst diplomatic efforts. Despite the onslaught, more than 25,000 people sought […]

South Korea Issues Order to Assassinate North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un

South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik has called for quickly killing North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and other top officials in Pyongyang in the event that war breaks out on the peninsula again. Shin issued his order on Wednesday, telling South Korea’s Army Special Warfare Command to make preparations for taking out North Korea’s leaders. […]

Russia Releases $9M In Frozen N.Korean Assets, Alleged To Be Helping Kim Skirt UN Sanctions

Russia Releases $9M In Frozen N.Korean Assets, Alleged To Be Helping Kim Skirt UN Sanctions Russia-North Korea ties have continued to deepen amid the backdrop of the Ukraine war and corresponding US-led sanctions. Already it’s believed Pyongyang has provided Russia with huge shipments of missies and ammunition, especially artillery, likely shipped by train. The New […]

South Korean opposition leader attacked: reports

An unidentified man attacked Lee Jae-myung, South Korean opposition leader, during the politician’s visit to southeastern port city Busan on Tuesday, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency (YNA). Lee was conscious, but bleeding, when he was taken to the hospital 20 minutes after the attack. Videos showing the moment Lee, surrounded by reporters, was… […]

South Korean Opposition Leader Stabbed By An Unidentified Man

South Korean emergency officials say opposition leader Lee Jae-myung has been attacked and injured by an unidentified man during a visit to the southeastern city of Busan. Source

Korean Mistletoe used to ward off Magnetic Fields and EMFs?

Mistletoe was initially used by the Druids who eventually became the Freemasons. It is magnetic, some say it absorbs magnetic fields? It can also bind to graphene and can be used as a catalyst? These patents were withdrawn? I was curious because mistletoe is being studied in Gordana Vitalianos department and in Korean with McCarins […]

South Korean Stocks Soar After Country Inexplicably Bans Short Selling Until June 2024

Coming soon to a “developed” capital market near you. On Sunday, South Korea’s Financial Services Commission shocked markets when it announced it would prohibit stock short-selling until June 2024 to allow regulators to “actively” improve rules and systems, a move analysts said was “unusual” and “unwarranted” when no (obvious) financial crisis or external shock that […]

Intercepted Audio Appears to Show U.S. Pilots Training to Bomb North Korean ‘VIP’

In October 2017, an amateur radio enthusiast with an interest in military communications noticed three B-2 stealth bombers flying low near his home in Missouri. He grabbed a radio scanner and tuned it to military channels. It was a training exercise and, as he listened, he heard one phrase repeated several times: “DPRK VIP.” He […]

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Arrives In Russia Before Expected Meeting With Putin

The meeting has sparked Western concerns about a potential arms deal for Moscow’s war in Ukraine. Source

American National Crosses Inter-Korean Border Into North Korea

The U.N. Command says an American national has crossed the border from South Korea into North Korea. Source

A Kaleidoscope of Stories about Korean Society

Review of the book The Koreas: The Birth of Two Nations Divided by Theodore Jun Yoo In 2023, the book The Koreas: The Birth of Two Nations Divided by South Korean Professor Theodore Jun Yoo was published in Russian. It was praised in the West as “a rare multidisciplinary study of the two Koreas from […]

South Korean space rocket, third launch

The launch of a North Korean satellite at the end of April 2023 brought the entire world to a standstill, but the South is also competing in the space race, and the author is paying close attention to the progress of the “Nuri” and “Tanuri” programs. A 200-ton South Korea’s KSLV-2 space launch vehicle, also […]

New tensions on the Korean Peninsula: who is to blame?

This spring on the Korean Peninsula has been hot so far. The United Nations Security Council held a meeting on the North Korean issue at the end of March, at the request of the United States and its allies. The reason was another missile launch carried out by Pyongyang on March 16. The US condemned […]

An Azerbaijani named Ashot, or a little more on how the North Korean arms trade in the Russian Federation is proven

We recently discussed how stories of North Korean weapons shipments to Russia were now being proven by saying things like, “Here’s a train with weapons on it; you can’t see them, but believe us, they’re inside.” But John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications for the National Security Council, showed that he was more than […]

Major South Korean Ports Will Stop Using Chinese Cranes Over Security Concerns

As the South Korean government investigates Chinese-made port cranes over security concerns, several ports recently announced they will stop using them and instead rely on domestic manufacturers. South Korea’s counter-spy authorities launched a security investigation against Chinese-made cranes in March. According to South Korean news portal, the Korean government is looking to frame follow-up […]

Large Military Exercises End on the Korean Peninsula but “Spring Fever” Goes On

While we concentrated on the March 23 shooting in last week’s Chronicle of Moving to the Dangerous Line, the Korean Central News Agency broke news on March 24 that merits separate thought as Pyongyang laid another set of trump cards on the table. The recent “confrontational hysteria of the U.S. imperialists and the South Korean […]

Kim Jong Un Supervises North Korean Troops Simulating Attack On South Korea

The dictator called for his troops to be ready to respond to the enemies’ “frantic war preparation moves.” Source

A North Korean connection in Lee Jae-myung case

The Lee Jae-myung’s saga continues, however, today we’ll not focus on the developments in his main case, which has resulted in an arrest warrant, but on the fact that after one accusation a second, potentially much more devastating, looms. We are talking about a lingerie company, Ssang bang wool and its manager, Kim Seong-tae. He is […]

Tension mounts on North Korean peninsula as Pyongyang fires second ballistic missile

North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles on Monday, Pyongyang’s second launch in 48 hours as Kim Jong Un’s powerful sister warned of turning the Pacific into a “firing range”, Seoul says. South Korea’s military said they had detected the launch of “two short-range ballistic missiles fired from Sukchon areas in South Pyongan province between […]

‘We Should Follow Shen Yun’s Example,’ Says Korean Professor of Dance

SEOUL, Korea—Lee Byoungok, an honorary professor at Yong In University’s Department of Dance, attended Shen Yun’s matinee at the National Theater of Korea on Feb. 19. The professor said excitedly after the show that Shen Yun has brought about the Renaissance of classical dance. He believes that artists everywhere can learn from Shen Yun Performing […]

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