Posts Tagged ‘chemtrails’

Banning Chemtrails – #SolutionsWatch

Today chemtrails researcher and author Peter Kirby joins us to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails, from the legislation that’s been popping up in various states to criminalize geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to Save Our Skies. Source

Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities with Chemtrails

Sean from The People’s Voice is back with this bombshell report from whistleblower pilots involved in geoengineering programs. ### TRANSCRIPT @TPVSean: We have all seen the freakish and unnatural Chemtrail patterns in the skies above major cities and regional centers. While the mainstream media attempts to convince the public that there’s nothing to see here, […]

ABC News: Chemtrails Are Real After All, Now About Those COVID Vaccine Conspiracy Theories Like They Are Trying to Kill You

Would the trusted mainstream media lie to you? Like this Reuters “fact check” on the age-old conspiracy theory about chemtrails? Whelp here’s the bad news for all ya’ll who trusted the media and government that the COVID “vaccines” were “safe and effective.” Are you confused yet? Remember all those people you made fun of? Read […]

Two USA states ban chemtrails

Two USA states ban chemtrails

Of Eclipses, Chemtrails, Sunglasses & Women

The wife is running around asking me which way to look because we have been chemtrailed so heavily the sun can not be seen.Told her where the sun will be in the sky but also told her she will not see anything.She really don’t want to believe me but had to admit I “might” be […]

Tennessee Senate Passes Bill Banning Chemtrails

Legislators in the State of Tennessee have passed a bill seeking to ban the spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere. The government weather manipulation technique is known as “geo-engineering.“ The state Senate passed SB2 691/HB […] The post Tennessee Senate Passes Bill Banning Chemtrails appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Nov 21 – Chemtrails Turn the Atmosphere into Toxic Sludge?

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Most of Dr. William Deagle’s grim predictions did not come true but some are disturbingly familiar. Dr. William Deagle: Chemtrails contain mycobacteria, viruses, Pseudomonas bacteria and human plasma Swallowing the Camel (2006) “National health care will be a nightmare,” because it will be an “electronic choker chain on […]

Chemtrails: Marking Territory

Author’s Note: The following article, “Chemtrails: Marking Territory” by V. C. Renfroe, was first published in January of 2011 on the then newly established website, (Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of Humanity). In light of observable actions and events which demonstrate that our hour is late, as a point of reference with forward trajectory, this […]

Chemtrails Deliver Aluminum & Reduced Graphene Oxide to Enhance Phonon Based Consciousness Harvesting

UK Daily Mail has published an article about the Biden Administration’s plans to block sun with aluminum, graphene, (and all that other shit) with ambitious geoengineering plan to “fight climate change”. Here is that patent link: “The freezing of liquid water into solid ice is one of the most common natural phenomena, where ice can […]

LibertyNZ Interview: Clare Swinney on Chemtrails, Weather Warfare & Mind Control in NZ, March 2023

Thanks to Clare Swinney … must read/listen NORTHLAND NEW ZEALAND CHEMTRAILS WATCH Grant Edwards of LibertyNZ spoke to Clare Swinney of ‘Northland NZ Chemtrails Watch’ about the aerosolization of the atmosphere and evidence which indicates that extremes in weather are being manufactured in order to win sympathy for ‘climate change’ agendas.They addressed the matter of […]

Mexico Becomes First Nation To Admit Harms Of CHEMTRAILS, Halts Future Experiments

Back when I still used Face Book, I used it to post some truths which FB kept putting me in Face Book Jail for, and to keep up with some of the old farts I had grown up with when they were young farts. One day a women who I had known in grade and […]

Mexico Bans Chemtrails and Geoengineering After Rogue Startup Attempts To Dim The Sun

Mexico has cracked down on chemtrails and experiments in solar geoengineering after a rogue startup company attempted to dim the sun to fight climate change. The controversial proposed climate solution, in which aerosol particles are […] The post Mexico Bans Chemtrails and Geoengineering After Rogue Startup Attempts To Dim The Sun appeared first on News […]

Biden White House Finally Admits ‘Chemtrails’ Are Real – Media Blackout

The Biden administration has announced a 5-year plan to research “chemtrails,” specifically using them to combat climate change. “In the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), in […] The post Biden White House Finally Admits ‘Chemtrails’ Are Real – Media Blackout appeared first on News Punch. Source

NASA Scientist Says Chemtrails Are Real

NASA Scientist Says Chemtrails Are RealPublished on October 5, 2021Written by Being questioned by Sue, a courageous and concerned citizen, NASA scientist Douglas E. Rowland admits chemtrails are real, during a phone conversation. Dr. Rowland gives details about when it all started:“It’s been done in the 1970s, it’s been done recently in the 1990s […]

UN To Consider Spraying Chemtrails Above Earth’s Surface To Reduce Global Temperatures

The United Nations is considering the use of spraying “surface aerosols” above the earth’s surface as a means to reduce global temperatures, according to a Reuters reports. This week, a U.N. climate panel released a “code red” report that hysterically warned of “deadly heat waves, gargantuan hurricanes and other weather extremes” if extreme action isn’t taken quickly […]

What if they put covid vaccines in those chemtrails?

» What if they put covid vaccines in those chemtrails?Today at 12:52 am by RamblerNash » UFOs Disappearing Into The Oceans Remains A Mystery Yesterday at 12:02 pm by PurpleSkyz » Good People Doing Good Things — Ms. Shirley RainesYesterday at 10:03 am by PurpleSkyz » I’m in healthcare caring for the vaxed and will tell you how many deaths…Yesterday at 9:57 […]

Chemtrails Exposed Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Prince Talking About Issues Threatening Our Safety – Chemtrails & The New World Order

11K Shares As most of you reading this probably know by now, music legend Prince passed away yesterday at the age of 57. His memory will assuredly live on, especially here at Collective Evolution. Not long ago, Prince shared one of our articles on his Facebook page, and he has spent much of his time raising awareness […]

What Most People Call “Chemtrails” Could Kill Tens of Thousands of People, Says Harvard Professor

Next Story Remember, don’t panic! These are issues we have to approach from a place of peace. Responding with fear and worry is completely useless. Yes, it’s a major issue, but issues are transformed in a number of ways. It’s not all “doom and gloom,” it’s not all dark, there are wonderful things happening on […]

14 Ways To Cleanse The Body From Chemtrails GMO’s Flouridated Water & Environmental Toxins

From the chemtrails being sprayed over our neighborhoods to the poisons killing our bees and making our food toxic ‘medicine’ we need a way to purge the deadly elixirs of a greedy government, owned and run by corporate interests. For the sake of keeping your attention, I won’t go on ad nauseum about fluoridated water, […]

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