Posts Tagged ‘aluminum’

Maui Update: Land Grabs, 2030 Goals, Aluminum Dust & New Space Force DEW Unit Activated Last Week

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/17/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Quarterly aluminum ingot output stands at nearly 167,000 tons

TEHRAN – Production of aluminum ingot in Iran stood at 166,986 tons in the first three months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-June 21), nine percent more than the goal set for the output in the mentioned three months, IRIB reported. Source

Chemtrails Deliver Aluminum & Reduced Graphene Oxide to Enhance Phonon Based Consciousness Harvesting

UK Daily Mail has published an article about the Biden Administration’s plans to block sun with aluminum, graphene, (and all that other shit) with ambitious geoengineering plan to “fight climate change”. Here is that patent link: “The freezing of liquid water into solid ice is one of the most common natural phenomena, where ice can […]

CDC confirms aluminum in vaccines linked to childhood asthma and AUTISM

CDC confirms aluminum in vaccines linked to childhood asthma and AUTISM 10/06/2022 / By Ethan Huff A new study funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms that aluminum compounds found in childhood vaccines are linked to an array of illnesses, including neurological disorders, asthma, and the Big A: autism. Though the study’s authors tried their best to […]

Aluminum ingot output up 17% in 10 months on year

TEHRAN – Production of aluminum ingot in Iran rose 17 percent in the first ten months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2022-January 20, 2023), as compared to the same period of time in the past year, according to the data released by Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO). […]

Biden set to implement 200% tariff on Russian aluminum, which will worsen U.S. inflation

(Natural News) During his State of the Union Address on Tuesday, Joe Biden tried to claim that his economy was a success by lying about job ‘creation’ and downplaying inflation — though the latter would not even be a problem were it not for his economic policies and those of Democrats in Congress. At the […]

The SHUTDOWNS continue in 2022: Aluminum, copper, iron, steel production being shuttered at alarming rate

The SHUTDOWNS continue in 2022: Aluminum, copper, iron, steel production being shuttered at alarming rate10/20/2022 / By Lance D Johnson In 2020, global shutdowns were advertised, pushed and praised by government officials and multinational organizations around the world. Ultimately, as communist ideals and decrees seeped into the fabric of society, these lockdowns were rejected by […]

Aluminum move provisionally top of IPL

TEHRAN – Aluminum football team went top of Iran Professional League (IPL) standing with a 2-1 win over Naft Masjed Soleyman on Thursday. Emad Mirjavan scored for the hosts in the 43rd minute but Nima Doroudi equalized the match before the halftime from the penalty spot. Esmaeil Sharifat scored the winner for the visiting team […]

AUTISTIC children found to have high ALUMINUM in their brains

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch So also are the brains of Alzheimers patients who have died found to have high concentrations of Aluminum. The environmental sources of this now are aplenty. It’s been found in high concentrations in our drinking water (thanks to the ‘not happening’ Geoengineering). It is also in many of our products, personal […]

Aluminum Toxicity: Vexxines and more

Aluminum and other “adjuvants” make vexxines even more dangerous.  Here’s the science: Injecting Aluminum on Vimeo Vexxines against immunity: Wide Awake Seminar – Part 2 on Vimeo Stay tuned to EFR for the best up-to-date vexxine info! Share this: Source

New study finds significantly more aluminum in infant vaccines than noted by their manufacturers

From SOURCE: Emma Shardlow1, Caroline Linhart1, Sameerah Connor2, Erin Softely2, Christopher Exley3Affiliations  Abstract Background: Aluminium salts are the most common adjuvants in infant vaccines. The aluminium content of a vaccine is provided by the manufacturer and is indicated on the patient information leaflet. There is no independent verification, for example by the European Medicines Agency, of the aluminium […]

Annual aluminum ingot production up 61%

TEHRAN – Production of aluminum ingot in Iran rose 61 percent during the previous Iranian calendar year 1399 (ended on March 20) compared to the figure for the preceding year. The country’s aluminum ingot output stood at 446,800 tons in the previous year, data released by the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation […]

Biden Commerce Secretary Says Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Saved American Jobs

Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo told reporters at the White House on April 7 that the Trump administration’s tariffs on steel and aluminum saved American jobs. “With respect to tariffs, there is a place for tariffs. The 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum have in fact helped save American jobs in the steel and aluminum industries,” […]

IPL: Alireza Mansourian takes charge of Aluminum

TEHRAN – Alireza Mansourian has been named as new head coach of Aluminum football club. The 49-year-old coach will take charge of the Arak based football team until the end of the season. Mansourian was named Tractor coach at the beginning of Iran Professional League season but was sacked after five weeks. Mansourian, who has […]

Aluminum ingot output climbs 51%

TEHRAN- Production of the aluminum ingot in Iran rose 51.2 percent during the first nine months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20-December 20, 2020) compared to the same period of time in the past year. The data released by the Industry, Mining and Trade Ministry show that the country’s aluminum ingot output stood […]

1 Million + People Download Study Showing Heavy Aluminum Deposits In Autistic Brains

The Facts: Unnatural sources of electromagnetic seem to be harming not only us, but our bees, trees and other insects. Reflect On: How is so much of this technology able to rollout without appropriate safety testing? Why do many countries already have bans and restrictions in places like schools and nursing homes? Multiple studies have […]

Landmark FDA Paper On Aluminum Safety In Vaccines Found To Have A Critical Math Error

What Happened: The Physicians For Informed Consent (PIC) outline that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), which is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have already raised concerns about the negative effects of aluminum exposure in humans. They state […]

Scientists Call For Safety Testing of Aluminum Based Vaccine Adjuvants

The Facts: A new paper recently published a paper in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology calls into question the safety of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines. Reflect On: Why have there been no studies by regulatory agencies in conjunction with independent scientists to see where vaccine ingredients travel to in the body […]

Study finds Trump tariffs may add 19k aluminum & steel jobs

     A study conducted by the Coalition for Prosperous America found that President Donald Trump’s tariffs on aluminum and steel will add roughly 19,000 jobs. The group found that Trump’s 25 percent tariff on steel imports and 10 percent tariff on aluminum will add roughly 19,000 jobs, offsetting potential jobs losses from other sectors of […]

Commission takes note of United States’ restrictions on steel and aluminum affecting the EU

nsnbc : The European Commission reports that it takes note of the announcement by U.S. President Donald Trump of the imposition of restrictions in […]

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