Posts Tagged ‘testing’

The Trouble with Testing

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Deborah Birx is at it again, urging mass testing for the detection of bird flu. She wants cows and dairy workers examined to ferret out asymptomatic infections and exposures in animals and people. We have the technology so why not use it, she demands to know. We are making the […]

The Pennsylvania House race testing the fallout from the Israel-Hamas war

PITTSBURGH — Few Democrats would seem to be more vulnerable to the political fallout of the Israel-Hamas war than Summer Lee. The first high-profile progressive House member to face a contested primary this year, her Pittsburgh-based district is home to a tight-knit Jewish community that is grappling with the effects of the war. Last month, […]

The Testing Pandemic – How they created the scamdemic with their bogus tests

PCR and Rapid Antigen tests created the scamdemic by automatic, and false, diagnosis This is how they did it Virology is woo woo Virologists are “trapped deep inside Plato’s Cave just watching dancing shadows on the wall”   “Note to Readers: Last night I read a portion of Drs. Mark and Samantha Bailey’s book, The Final […]

Why Do the Rothschild’s Own the 2015 Patent for COVID-19 Testing?

While so-called “conspiracy theorists” continue being proven right about COVID-19, one conspiracy stands out – the fact that a member of the Rothschild family holds the patent for COVID-19 testing. “It has been reported that … COVID-19 caught the world by surprise in 2020,” reported 100 Percent Fed Up. “Well, all of us – except the Rothschilds, […]

Why does a Rothschild hold the 2015 patent for COVID-19 testing?

While many conspiracies about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) have been revealed to be true, one stands out – the fact that a member of the infamous Rothschild family holds the patent for COVID-19 testing. “It has been reported that … COVID-19 caught the world by surprise in 2020,” wrote 100 Percent Fed Up. “Well, all […]

Gaza Becomes Israel’s Testing Ground for Military Robots

One of the most horrifying facts about this dystopia we live in is that large-scale military operations are routinely used as testing grounds for new war machinery, using human bodies as guinea pigs for experimentation in what amount to giant blood-soaked field laboratories — all to benefit the strategic objectives of empire managers and the […]

NWO Geoengineers Testing Out Even More Devastating Weather Weapons On The USA Like This One

READ HERE:   Source

REMINDER BEFORE THE NEXT ROUND OF PCR TESTING IS ENFORCED…… Professor Astrid Stuckelberger on why they want to access the blood brain barrier. Source

Remember when the U.S. Army was caught secretly testing deadly chemical weapons near St. Louis residential neighborhoods during the Cold War?

(NaturalNews) In 2012, Fox News ran a story about secret chemical weapons testing schemes being run by the United States military on U.S. soil during the Cold War… Source

Iran Touts Hypersonic Missile Testing In Response To US Sending Troops To Region

Iran Touts Hypersonic Missile Testing In Response To US Sending Troops To Region In fresh statements aired by state media and picked up by Al Jazeera and other international sources, Iran says it has not only achieved hypersonic cruise missile technology, but is actually testing hypersonics, in what would mark a historic breakthrough for the […]

Russia plans to start testing its digital ruble CBDC this summer

(NaturalNews) Russian lawmakers have approved the development of a digital ruble, and it could begin testing later this summer. While the bill has already passed… Source

Russia Will Begin Testing A Digital Currency Next Month

By Mac Slavo Russian rulers have outlined their rules for a digital ruble. Testing of the new central bank digital currency (CBDC) with clients will reportedly begin next month. Russia’s central bank published draft regulations for the use of a digital ruble on Wednesday, as it prepares to launch testing of the new currency with clients. […]

Matt Gaetz proposes end to cannabis testing for military

Nearly 33 percent more recruits tested positive for marijuana in 2022 than in 2020. | Steve Helber/AP Photo By Natalie Fertig 07/05/2023 01:46 PM EDT Updated: 07/05/2023 03:22 PM EDT A proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) would end cannabis testing for members of the military — both […]

Childhood Jabs And Placebo-Controlled Safety Testing & The Artificial “Trans Movement” Is Dangerous

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/29/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Testing Shows Substantial Glyphosate in Populations, Even Some Foods Labeled Organic

From Download Interview Transcript | Download my FREE Podcast | Video Link Story at-a-glance As food has become increasingly adulterated, contaminated and genetically engineered, the need for laboratory testing has grown HRI Labs is often hired to test foods claiming to be non-GMO, “all natural” and/or organic. Testing often reveals such claims to be […]

Testing and Filtering Your Water – #SolutionsWatch

If you’re a regular Corbett Reporteer, then by now you’re aware of the danger to human health caused by water fluoridation. But are you aware of the chlorine and other potentially toxic and carcinogenic substances in your tap water? And are you aware of your options for filtering your water and how to test to […]

Victoria Police Employment Suitability Testing Candidate Information Booklet

See 56 page document: Source

Google Launches ChatGPT Rival Called ‘Bard’ For testing in US and UK

Google launched its ChatGPT rival, “Bard” for testing in the United Kingdom and the United States to rival the currently popular ChatGPT. The tech company invited people in both countries to test its new AI chatbot in a bid to catch up with its Microsoft-backed competitor. Google announced the development of Bard last month, just two […]

Owner of National COVID Testing Company Indicted on Federal Criminal Charges

A Chicago man has been slapped with a federal indictment on allegations he frauded a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agency out of more than $83 million with bogus or nonexistent COVID tests. The indictment against Zishan Alvi, owner of LabElite, was handed down on March 8. It was obtained by the […]

Unearthed emails from 2020 prove that covid PCR testing is a SCAM

(Natural News) The PCR tests that the government pushed on the masses during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” are nothing more than a scam, unearthed emails show. Prof. Martin Neil in September 2020 received a handful of anonymous emails that unequivocally prove the fraudulent nature of PCR tests, which were never designed to detect viruses. […]

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