Posts Tagged ‘reminder’

A Reminder – William Cooper Warned Israel Was Created To Usher In ‘One World Government’

William Cooper, the author of Behold a Pale Horse, explained in detail what the true purpose of Israel’s founding in 1947 was really about. “Israel was created as the instrument to bring about…a war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will be used, so that [people] will get down on their knees and […]

REMINDER BEFORE THE NEXT ROUND OF PCR TESTING IS ENFORCED…… Professor Astrid Stuckelberger on why they want to access the blood brain barrier. Source

REMINDER: FEMA Alert System Will Sound Alarm and Send Emergency Alert on EVERY Cellphone, TV, and Radio on October 4th at 2:20 PM ET

REMINDER: FEMA Alert System Will Sound Alarm and Send Emergency Alert on EVERY Cellphone, TV, and Radio on October 4th at 2:20 PM ET Source

Microsoft enforcing its internet browser needs a reminder like in the good ol’ days.

Microsoft is again engaging in anti-competitive behaviour without any court action. It’s ‘forcing’ its users to use the inbuilt browser, instead of allowing the user to freely choose competitive products. Last time this occurred, Microsoft was in the courts and as a result it was fined. No such action even after months of this fraudulent […]

Shen Yun Is a Reminder of the Value of Freedom, Says First Time Audience Member

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.—Communism is something people often say looks great on paper but is terrifying when it actually plays out, and Shen Yun Performing Arts is using beautiful dance and music to show the world what communism really looks like. Chris Brune works in real estate, and after seeing New York-based Shen Yun, he was […]

Reminder: A “Peaceful Culling” is Underway

The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 to deliberately push the global climate terrorism agenda in order to usher in the eventual planetary Great Reset. Today, the WEF and UN and their various assets are the public faces of this PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE scam. One of the founders and thought leaders of the Club of Rome […]

The Alternative To Cash Bail Is A Simple Reminder

Last March, the California Supreme Court ruled that low-income individuals were not to be subject to cash bail, stating that “conditioning freedom solely on whether an arrestee can afford bail is unconstitutional.” This came four months after a widely scrutinized bail reform law subject to a referendum was defeated by California voters in 2020.  Other states have moved even […]

Iranian Airbus 655 Anniversary Should Be a Chilling Reminder of U.S. Blundering

July 6, 2022 Martin Jay The incident should be remembered and considered in the context of today’s proxy war which the West is waging with Russia. The anniversary of Iran Air Flight 655, a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai via Bandar Abbas which was shot down on 3 July 1988 by a missile fired by the USS Vincennes, passed perhaps unsurprisingly with […]

Reminder: All Women Required To Report To Mike Pence To Receive Standard-Issue Handmaid Outfit By 5 PM Today

PUBLIC NOTICE: All women are required to report to Mike Pence to receive their standard-issue handmaid outfits by 5:00 PM EST today. Any woman who is not in line by 5:00 PM EST will be rounded up by Pence’s Soldiers of the Patriarchy and transported to one of the country’s 38 Handmaid Reeducation Hovels via […]

Madeleine Albright’s legacy is a reminder that Clinton’s Iraq policy was murderous too

Madeleine Albright has died at the age of 84. She was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State from 1997-2001, the first woman to ever hold that position. From 1993-1997 she was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. For some the enduring legacy of Albright won’t involve anything she did during her historic political career. […]

Reminder: We Must Resist The Commercialization Of January 6 And Remember Trump Is The True Reason For The Season

Reminder: We Must Resist The Commercialization Of January 6 And Remember Trump Is The True Reason For The Season On January 6 families all over America will be sitting down to a nice warm meal of Trump Steaks and ketchup. Kids will be opening briefcases full of presents and grandpas will be falling asleep on […]

Reminder: Husbands, It’s Time To Start Christmas Shopping

Reminder for all the husbands out there: it might be time to start thinking about maybe Christmas shopping, perhaps sometime soon. We don’t want to put too much pressure on you, so take it easy. We’re not saying, like, for sure you’ve gotta drop what you’re doing this very instant and go get your wife something for […]

Guru Nanak’s birth anniversary is a reminder of our obligation to raise voices against state repression   

               It was Sunday, November 13 in 2016. We had gathered at Holland Park in Surrey to protest against the growing attacks on religious minorities and political dissidents in India under the current right wing Hindu nationalist government in New Delhi. The keynote speaker at the event held by […]

East Coast flooding is a reminder that sea level is rising as the climate warms—here’s why the ocean is pouring in more often

The U.S. East Coast has been hit with hurricanelike flooding in recent weeks, with South Carolina and Georgia getting the latest round. High tides are part of the problem, but there’s another risk that has been slowly creeping up: sea level rise. Since 1880, average global sea levels have risen by more than 8 inches […]

A reminder: Ardern said the VX will NOT be compulsory Remember this also: The CV Jab: Compare possible side effects listed by the NZ Govt with those listed by the FDA Here are those supplied by the authorities in NZ: The most common reported reactions are: pain or swelling at the injection site feeling tired or fatigued headache muscle aches chills joint pain fever […]

Reminder: If You Won’t Date A Star Wars Geek, You Are A Geekphobic Bigot

Internet, we need to talk. It’s come to my attention that there are many human females out there who won’t date me, not because of anything I’ve done wrong, but because of their deep-seated biases against Star Wars geeks. This is called geekphobia, and it’s a real problem. Look, let’s talk frankly here. If you […]

A reminder that Pfizer is still testing their vaccine …according to their own documentation

Here is a link to a report published by Pfizer themselves. The report shares details about the protocol they are supposed to follow regarding the vaccine. There is a table describing the phase 3 of the trial. The trial includes follow-up visits up to 24 months after getting the jab. Here is another reminder that […]

Kabul School Bombing A Dreadful Reminder of Dangers Ahead

When children leave school for the day they are in a joyous mood. They are happy to be going home, and yet they have so much to tell their friends before they go. So friends cling to each other to say all their  precious important things before they separate for the day. Free of the […]

Exhibition a sober reminder of Nazi brutality

Browse > Home / News / Exhibition a sober reminder of Nazi brutality May 7, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article Titled “Registered, persecuted, annihilated: The Sick and the Disabled under National Socialism,” the Queensland-first exhibition showcases the brutality of Nazi Germany’s Aktion T4, the so-called Nazi ‘euthanasia’ program. Bart Mellish, Professor Margaret Sheil, […]

Reminder- Antifa Counted the Nov. 3 Vote, Literally

Reminder- Antifa Counted the Nov. 3 Vote, Literally Henry Makow Eric Coomer, left, is the director of product strategy and security and a vice president of Dominion Voting Systems, the election service company at the center of the 2020 vote fraud. Here is his Manifesto listing Antifa’s demands which he posted online. “Don’t worry about […]

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