Posts Tagged ‘shopping’

Texas court sidesteps anti-judge shopping reforms, fueling conservative legal strategies

The Northern District of Texas has made a pivotal decision to continue its current case assignment process, defying new anti-“judge shopping” guidance from the Judicial Conference. This choice allows conservative groups to handpick judges for their cases, sparking a debate about fairness and impartiality in the judiciary. Chief U.S. District Judge David Godbey conveyed the […]

Shopping Centre Wars – Telford

Shopping Centre Wars – Telford  Fri 3:44 am +01:00, 8 Mar 2024   posted by Tapestry The most consistent and aggressive enforcers of a non-leafleting policy are Telford Centre, who tell me directly they don’t care about the law of the land, and I am simply not permitted to leaflet on their premises whether commercial, […]

Tucker Carlson Goes Shopping: Russian Economy Well Intact Despite Sanctions

Western populations have been hearing for the past two years that NATO sanctions would have a devastating effect on the Russian economy, so much so that Vladimir Putin would be forced to back out of military operations in Ukraine almost immediately.  The removal of Russia from the SWIFT network and the suffocation of its exports […]

Holidays 2023: What to Buy and Not to Buy? Privacy Aware Shopping Tips

November 15, 2023 It’s the season for gift buying once again and as you get saturated with ads on what to buy, I will give you the knowledge to choose wisely. Be aware of the privacy implications of what you’re buying. In this age of overreaching technology, you must learn that not all technology is […]

Shooting At Major Shopping Mall In Bangkok Kills At Least 2

Hundreds of shoppers fled a major shopping mall in the center of Thailand’s capital after what sounded like gunshots were heard inside. Source

Man In Australia Allegedly Takes Wild Platypus On A Train To ‘Show It Off’ At Shopping Mall

Police say the suspect allowed shoppers to pet the animal, a member of a threatened species. Source

Financially-Strapped Vatican Opens Its First-Ever Shopping Mall

The economically ailing Vatican has inaugurated a 120,000-square-foot shopping mall to cater to the millions of tourists and pilgrims that visit it each year. Source

‘You save at least 20%’: Croatians flock to Slovenia for grocery shopping after euro introduced

Cross-border shopping sees Croatians heading to Slovenia just three months after the euro was introduced and groceriy prices increased. Source

Pennsylvania’s New ‘Venue Shopping’ Rule for Malpractice Cases Will Worsen Doctor Shortage, Critics Say

A seemingly small procedural court change made by the Civil Procedural Rules Committee of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is expected to have devastating consequences for public health in the state, according to health care advocates, but medical malpractice plaintiff attorneys are celebrating the change. In August, the court reversed its own 20-year rule banning “venue shopping” […]

3 Dead After Shooter Opens Fire at Oregon Shopping Center

A gunman armed with an AR-15-style rifle opened fire in a shopping center in Bend, Oregon, on Sunday evening, killing at least two people, authorities have confirmed. An individual who is believed to be the shooter was also found dead at the scene, police said, taking the death toll to three. Officers and emergency medics responded to multiple […]

Evidence Shows Russia Lied About Deadly Ukraine Shopping Mall Attack

Human Rights Watch said Monday’s attack killed at least 18 people, while 36 are still missing. Source

Ukraine: Moment of strike on Kremenchuk shopping mall caught on CCTV

This is the fatal moment a Russian missile hit a shopping mall in Kremenchuk, Ukraine on Monday, June 27. According to officials, at least 18 people were killed in the attack, dozens were wounded, and many others were unaccounted for. Source

Russian Missile Strike Hits Crowded Shopping Mall In Ukraine

Ukrainian officials say scores of civilians are feared killed or injured after a Russian missile strike hit a crowded shopping mall in the central city of Kremenchuk. Source

Man Finds Woman’s Dismembered Torso in NYC Shopping Cart, Police Say

A woman’s torso was discovered in a bag inside of a New York City shopping cart early Thursday morning, police say. A man came across the shopping cart near the intersection of Pennsylvania Ave. and Atlantic Ave. in Brooklyn at about 1:45 a.m., the New York Daily News reports. He pushed the carriage before he […]

9 Most Important Things To Look For When Shopping For A New Church

We get it. Sometimes church can be offputting, especially when people ask you to do things or suggest you should stop sinning. What a bunch of jerks! When the time comes for you to separate from your brethren over a petty dispute we recommend keeping your eye open for these nine important things when shopping […]

Reminder: Husbands, It’s Time To Start Christmas Shopping

Reminder for all the husbands out there: it might be time to start thinking about maybe Christmas shopping, perhaps sometime soon. We don’t want to put too much pressure on you, so take it easy. We’re not saying, like, for sure you’ve gotta drop what you’re doing this very instant and go get your wife something for […]

Canadian Province Allows Grocery Stores To Ban The Unjabbed From Shopping

Grocery stores in the Canadian province of New Brunswick province have been given the power to ban shoppers who haven’t been ‘vaccinated’ against Covid-19. According to a new measure which started on Saturday, shoppers who do not show proof of full vaccination can be barred from entering the stores to buy food. New Brunswick is […]

French Citizens Resist Vaccine Passports, Take Over Shopping Mall

Watch: French Citizens Resist Vaccine Passports, Take Over Shopping Mall Date: December 4, 2021Author: Nwo Report    A worldwide revolution is in its infancy Source: Kelen McBreen A video is going around showing French citizens pushing past security and police to enter a shopping mall in protest of vaccine passports.While it’s not high-quality footage, the […]

French Storm Shopping Center and Refuse to Show Proof of mRNA Injections (“Vaccines”)

Going into eighth straight week of protests against proof of injection of mRNA agents, which already show more possibly-linked deaths than all other vaccines combined, since the CDC reporting system began in 1990.  All completely censored by media mostly owned by enemies of humanity Vanguard Group and Blackrock, which are controlled by Rockefellers, the Bushes, and the Rothschilds. […]

Macron Forced to Back Down on Mandating Vaccine Passports for Shopping Malls After Nationwide Protests

French President Emmanuel Macron has been forced to back down on imposing mandatory vaccine passports for entry to shopping malls after volatile nationwide protests. As we highlighted last week, Macron’s announcement that proof or vaccination or a negative test would be required to visit shopping malls, restaurants bars, hospitals, bars, cafés and access public transport […]

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