Archive for the ‘Vatican’ Category

Vatican rules that Catholic priests can bless same-sex, LGBTQ couples

In a landmark ruling approved by Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic religion will now allow priests to issue blessings to same-sex couples, just so long as the blessings are not issued within the context of religious rituals or liturgies. The doctrinal shift will not, according to the Vatican, legitimize what it calls “irregular situations,” but […]

Vatican says the Catholic Church will Baptize Transgenders

If it would not cause scandal or confusion among other Catholics, “a transsexual — even one who has undergone hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery — may receive baptism under the same conditions as other faithful,” said a document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. The document, signed Oct. 31 by Pope […]

Pope Francis to consider Making Women Priests at ‘Alternative Catholic synod’ in October

They make up more than half its membership, they have been denied a say for centuries in the way it is run: but, early next month, women will gather in Rome for a process that they hope can bring the Catholic church’s thinking on female equality into the 21st century. The central event is a […]

African Christians are calling for Pope Francis and Vatican to Legalize Polygamous Marriages

So, the Anglican Church in Southern Africa has developed certain ethics aimed at accommodating more and more homosexual partners. I also hear that the Pope of the Catholic Church has begun to warm up to homosexuality as opposed to previous stances from the papacy. Then Steven Hofmeyr apologised to the gay and lesbian community for […]

Financially-Strapped Vatican Opens Its First-Ever Shopping Mall

The economically ailing Vatican has inaugurated a 120,000-square-foot shopping mall to cater to the millions of tourists and pilgrims that visit it each year. Source

The Divine Return of the Parthenon Sculptures

The signing ceremony for the final pilgrimage of three sculptural fragments from the Parthenon currently held in the Vatican has just taken place in Rome, paving the way for their return to Athens where they will be officially unveiled in the Acropolis Museum on 24 March. The formal deed of donation of the three fragments… […]

Report: 2 Million People Attend Pope Francis Mass in D.R. Congo Airport

Local media in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) reported on Wednesday, citing event organizers, that “about 2 million” people convened in the capital of Kinshasa that day to attend a Mass by Pope Francis. Source

Remembering Pope Benedict XVI: A Man of Truth, Faith, and Tradition

Commentary Before he became Pope, a Mexican colleague of mine and her family saw Cardinal Ratzinger near the Vatican. They introduced themselves, and he graciously took the time to get to know them. He then asked them a series of questions about the Church in Mexico. My colleague remarked on the depth of his questions […]

Pope Benedict XVI Dies in Vatican at 95

Benedict XVI, the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church, died peacefully in his bed Saturday morning, the Vatican announced. Source

Former Pope Benedict XVI dies at 95

Former Pope Benedict XVI, who was born in the Weimar Republic, has died aged 95. Pope Francis, who replaced him as head of the Catholic Church and thus made the former Pope become the first pontiff to resign in some 600 years, had asked the faithful to pray for him at the end of his general… […]

Pope Francis: Spend Less on Christmas, Send Excess to Ukraine

Pope Francis is urging Christians to spend less on Christmas this year and to send the savings to the people of Ukraine. Source

Will the US try to pull off a “Grenada” in Serbia?

November 29, 2022 Remember the 1983 US invasion of Grenada aka “Operation Urgent Fury”? It all began on October 23, 1983 when two truck bombs blew up the buildings housing the US and French  “Multinational Force in Lebanon”.  This attack resulted in  307 people killed including 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel.  Following the […]

U.S. Embassy to Vatican Celebrates ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’

The United States Embassy to the Holy See celebrated “Transgender Day of Remembrance” Sunday, offering tribute “to those of the transgender community who have been murdered because of hate.” Source

Pope Francis: Today’s World Needs Young ‘Transgressives’

Pope Francis called on young people to be “transgressive” Sunday instead of conforming to the expectations of the world. Source

Pope Francis: ‘Peace Is Gravely Violated, Wounded, Trampled’ in Europe

Pope Francis joined an assembly of global religious leaders Tuesday in praying to God for peace, especially in Ukraine. Source

Conjunctional Events September 2022: An Overview

Topics include: German legislator’s foreboding words, Vatican assets, Autumn Equinox, Rosh Hashanah, Zelensky the Bloodsucker, Planet Jupiter, The God-King of The Universe, Chrislam, The Pope, fake alien invasion, and Denver’s event 2022. By this time some people might be aware of the video featuring German legislator Friedrich Merz telling attendees at the Bundestag a couple […]

Pope Francis: Migrants Are Not ‘a Virus from Which We Need to Be Protected’

ROME — Pope Francis called for greater openness to migrants Saturday, appealing for a change of narrative from the primacy of national security to the primacy of welcome. Addressing civil authorities on the first day of his visit to the island nation of Malta, the pontiff urged his hearers to open their hearts and “rediscover […]

Pope Francis: Putin Is ‘Sadly Caught Up in Anachronistic Claims of Nationalist Interests’

ROME — Pope Francis pronounced his harshest condemnation of Russia’s war on Ukraine to date Saturday, condemning Vladimir Putin’s “infantile and destructive aggression.” While never mentioning Putin by name, the pontiff referred to “some potentate, sadly caught up in anachronistic claims of nationalist interests” who is “provoking and fomenting conflicts,” an unmistakable reference to the […]

Fatima a Satanic deception for anti-Christ ecumenism, subjection to Russia, to lead souls to hell, says Catholic author

FATIMA, PORTUGAL—Worshippers hold candles during the Candles Lights procession as men carry a figure representing Our Lady Of Fatima at the Sanctuary of Fatima on May 12, 2017 in Fatima, Portugal. Pope Francis will be attending the Sanctuary of Fatima, in Portugal, on May 12 and 13 to canonize two Portuguese shepherds, Jacinta and Francisco […]

Soviet artist smuggles heretic into Vatican with help of ‘Pope’

VATICAN CITY, VATICAN—Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria Egypt prays together with Pope Francis at the Redemptoris Mater Chapel on May 10, 2013 in Vatican City, Vatican. The Joint Declaration that was signed then by those two Popes represented “a milestone on the ecumenical journey” and helped institute a joint commission of theological dialogue […]

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