Posts Tagged ‘nationalist’

Joel Webbon’s Christian Nationalist Agenda: ‘Crushing Our Enemies and Rewarding Our Friends’

Radical Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon used his most recent podcast to explicitly lay out his agenda, which boils down to gaining political power and then using that power for the purpose of “crushing our enemies and rewarding our friends.” That agenda is perfectly in line with Webbon’s previously stated beliefs that the American people […]

Christian Nationalist Pastor Paul Blair Melts Down Over Pride Month

Paul Blair is a far-right pastor and Christian nationalist who runs an organization called Liberty Pastors, which is dedicated to training pastors to become more involved politically. To that end, Liberty Pastors regularly hosts multi-day retreats around the nation where local pastors and their spouses are instructed by right-wing speakers like Rick Scarborough, Mat Staver, […]

Christian Nationalist Joel Webbon Claims To Have The Support Of ‘Massively Influential People’

During a recent episode of his “Theology Applied” podcast, far-right pastor Joel Webbon said that his critics would be shocked to learn that “massively influential” and wealthy people are reaching out to him to voice their support for his radical Christian nationalist agenda. Webbon is an ardent Christian nationalist who believes that the American people […]

Christian Nationalist Pastor Joel Webbon Says Women Should Not Be Allowed To Vote

Joel Webbon is a far-right Christian nationalist pastor who believes that the American people have become such “degenerates” that the Constitution is no longer adequate and therefore the nation must be governed by a Christian dictator who “just rules with an iron fist.” The American people are too stupid and cowardly to rule themselves, Webbon […]

‘Men Must Be Governed’: The Christian Nationalist Worldview Laid Bare By Pastor Joel Webbon

Joel Webbon is a Christian nationalist pastor at Covenant Bible Church in Texas and the founder of Right Response Ministries. Through his ministry, Webbon organizes events like “Blueprints for Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines for Ruling the World,” which took place earlier this year and featured militant Christian nationalists like Doug Wilson and Oklahoma state Sen. […]

Tim Barton Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

There is no myth that Christian nationalists love repeating more than the claim that the Bible was the source most frequently cited by the Founding Fathers. And Tim Barton of WallBuilders has a particular love for spreading this false claim, which makes sense given that it originated with his father, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton. […]

Michael Flynn Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

When right-wing conspiracy theorist and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn appeared on “domestic terrorist” Matt Shea’s “Patriot Radio” program earlier this month, he made several misleading claims about the supposedly Christian founding of this nation. Flynn’s tenure in the White House was short lived as resigned early in the Trump administration for having […]

Benny Johnson Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

Right Wing Watch has noted multiple times in the past that there seems to be a common theme among Christian nationalist commentators who, time and time again, spread blatant falsehoods in defense of their ideology. The latest example comes courtesy of right-wing commentator and TPUSA contributor Benny Johnson, who recently delivered a rant in which […]

Voters Remove Judson Blevins from Office Over White Nationalist Past Exposed by Right Wing Watch

In 2019, Right Wing Watch’s Jared Holt identified Judson Blevins as the Oklahoma state coordinator of the white nationalist organization Identity Evropa and a participant in the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Blevin had used a pseudonym to hide his white nationalist organizing. Blevins played a central role in Identity […]

Michele Bachmann Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

The Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint” has, since its inception, served as a platform for spreading wild conspiracy theories and Christian nationalist disinformation.That pattern continued when “FlashPoint” hosted an event in Oklahoma last week at which former Rep. Michele Bachmann delivered a speech overflowing with falsehoods about the supposedly Christian nature of the Constitution and Declaration […]

Right Wing Round-Up: The White Nationalist In Office

Brandy Zadrozny @ NBC News: A small city in Oklahoma elected a white nationalist. Will it be able to vote him out? Judd Blevins, a city commissioner in Enid, Oklahoma, marched in the 2017 white nationalist Unite the Right rally. Now he faces a recall vote. Christopher Mathias @ HuffPost: He Didn’t Deny Being A […]

Dutch Sheets Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

Yesterday, Right Wing Watch noted how Christian nationalists routinely spread fake pseudo-history regarding the founding of this nation in support of their Christian nationalist political agenda. In that post, we exposed televangelist Kenneth Copeland for making a myriad of demonstrably false claims, primarily about George Washington. Last night, as if to drive home this point, […]

Kenneth Copeland Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland appeared on the “Joni Table Talk” program recently to promote his latest book, “God, The Covenant, and the Contradiction.” During the course of the discussion, Copeland made a series of demonstrably false Christian nationalist claims about George Washington and the founding of this nation. [embedded content] “Study George Washington,” Copeland said. “He […]

Radical Anti-LGBTQ Christian Nationalist Mark Robinson Is Now The GOP Nominee For Governor Of North Carolina

In 2020, Robinson was catapulted from relative obscurity to the lieutenant governor’s office because, he says, he has been chosen by God to “literally make war on the devil” and see that this nation is “led by the people of God.” Robinson describes himself as “more preacher than politician” who has to constantly remind himself […]

Radical Anti-LGBTQ Christian Nationalist Mark Robinson Is Now The GOP Nominee For Governor Of North Carolina

In 2020, Robinson was catapulted from relative obscurity to the lieutenant governor’s office because, he says, he has been chosen by God to “literally make war on the devil” and see that this nation is “led by the people of God.” Robinson describes himself as “more preacher than politician” who has to constantly remind himself […]

Christian Nationalist MAGA Cultists Launch ‘The Courage Tour’ To Put Trump Back In Office

In 2023, self-proclaimed Christian nationalist and unabashed Trump cultist Lance Wallnau announced his intention to travel the country ahead of the 2024 elections in order to break the “demonic strongholds” in swing states that are supposedly preventing Republicans from winning elections. That idea eventually merged with the revival Fire and Glory Tour that Wallnau was […]

Right Wing Round-Up: A Christian Nationalist Administration

Alexander Ward and Heidi Przybyla @ Politico: Trump allies prepare to infuse ‘Christian nationalism’ in second administration . An influential think tank close to Donald Trump is developing plans to infuse Christian nationalist ideas in his administration should the former president return to power, according to documents obtained by POLITICO. Peter Smith @ The Associated […]

‘Why Can’t We Go Back?’ Christian Nationalist State Sen. Dusty Deevers Wants To Go Back To The 1600s

Dusty Deevers is a far-right pastor and unabashed Christian nationalist who was elected to a seat in the Oklahoma state senate last year. Since taking office, Deevers has attracted national attention for his efforts to, among other things, pass legislation that will abolish abortion, ban no-fault divorce, and outlaw pornography. On Friday, Deevers appeared on […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: ‘Charlie Kirk Has Become A White Nationalist’

Outraged that a new Netflix series accurately portrays Alexander the Great’s sexuality, Stew Peters and Isabella Moody blame the Jews. The “Dilley Meme Team” continues to produce absolutely vile content in support of the Trump campaign. When white nationalist Nick Fuentes approvingly notes that Charlie Kirk “has become a white supremacist,” who are we to […]

A Case Study In The Spread Of David Barton’s Christian Nationalist Disinformation

Recently, Warren Throckmorton launched a podcast called “Telling Jefferson Lies” that chronicles the career Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton and exposes the ways in which Barton misrepresents and misuses history to promote his far-right political agenda. The podcast is centered about the new second edition of the book Throckmorton co-authored with Michael Coulter called “Getting […]

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