Posts Tagged ‘flynn’

Right Wing Round-Up: The Flynn Family Business

Anne Nelson @ The Washington Spectator: God and QR Codes for Trump; The Courage Tour Goes to Michigan At the outset, the Courage Tour looks like an updated version of an old-fashioned Elmer Gantry-style revival, complete with Bible verses, Christian rock, and the promise of faith healing for sufferers of anything from arthritis to sciatica. […]

Eric Metaxas Flacks for Michael Flynn’s Self-Promoting Propaganda Flick

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is promoting “Flynn,” a new film that portrays him as a heroic figure battling persecution by the deep state traitors he claims went after him as a way of bringing down Donald Trump. Flynn, who pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI, then withdrew his plea and […]

Michael Flynn Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

When right-wing conspiracy theorist and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn appeared on “domestic terrorist” Matt Shea’s “Patriot Radio” program earlier this month, he made several misleading claims about the supposedly Christian founding of this nation. Flynn’s tenure in the White House was short lived as resigned early in the Trump administration for having […]

Michael Flynn Is Excited To Link Up With ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Matt Shea

Michael Flynn is releasing a documentary this month chronicling his career, which culminated with him serving briefly as national security adviser to former President Donald Trump. Flynn resigned early in the Trump administration for having misled the administration about discussions he had with Russian leaders prior to Trump assuming office. Flynn eventually pleaded guilty to […]

Vivek Ramaswamy Out as VP, Still In with Trump and Flynn

Donald Trump said a month ago that former presidential contender Ramaswamy was on his vice-presidential shortlist, but Trump has reportedly told the entrepreneur that he won’t be the running mate. Ramaswamy is instead being considered for a cabinet post, Bloomberg reported Monday. Ramaswamy is being honored by Trump pardonee and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn […]

MAGA Messaging: Alex Jones, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone Warn of Anti-Trump ‘Racial Uprising’ and ‘Subversion’

On the eve of the Iowa caucuses, the right-wing Real America’s Voice network sponsored an online Twitter space town hall hosted by Human Events Daily podcaster and pizzagate promoter Jack Posobiec and featuring conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, former Trump official Michael Flynn, and political dirty trickster Roger Stone. The more than two-hour conversation on Elon Musk’s […]

How many U.S. Congressmen are guilty of Epstein-style PEDO CRIMES? General Mike Flynn states there are many, and they are bent over a barrel by globalist actors

How many U.S. Congressmen are guilty of Epstein-style PEDO CRIMES? General Mike Flynn states there are many, and they are bent over a barrel by globalist actors The term “suicided” became popular during the Clinton Crime Family reign in America, where dozens of associates and whistleblowers seemed to die by “suicide,” though the evidence and […]

Gen. Michael Flynn says Americans are waging a SPIRITUAL WAR – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The American people are waging a spiritual war. Retired Gen. Michael Flynn made this remark during an appearance on the Oct. 12 episode of “Thrive… Source

The Moms for Liberty – Michael Flynn Connection Strengthens

An ally of far-right conspiracy theorist and political operative Michael Flynn has been named chair of the Moms for Liberty chapter in Sarasota, Florida. The alliance with Flynn is particularly revealing for a group that objects to criticism of its extremism; when former President Donald Trump suggested earlier this year that he would bring former […]

FBN’s, Energy Analyst Flynn: We Can’t Do Anything About Saudi, Russian Oil Cuts Because SPR Is Drained

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” FOX Business Contributor and Price Futures Group Senior Account Executive Phil Flynn stated that consumers will feel the rise in crude oil prices in the wake of Saudi Arabia and Russia Source

“You Should Mind Your Manners Mr. President. We Are Sick and Tired of Your Bullsh!t” – Gen. Mike Flynn SLAMS Former Boss Barack Obama

“You Should Mind Your Manners Mr. President. We Are Sick and Tired of Your Bullsh!t” – Gen. Mike Flynn SLAMS Former Boss Barack Obama Source

After a 2-year ban, Twitter reinstates General Michael Flynn

After a two-year suspension, Michael Flynn, the first national security advisor to former US President Donald Trump and a prominent role in the “Russiagate” scandal, was allowed to rejoin Twitter on Friday. Elon Musk, the platform’s new owner, promised increased openness and a revision of a number of regulations when he first announced an online […]

Retired Lt. Gen. Flynn: ‘We Have to Quit Playing Games’ With Illegal Immigration

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said he doesn’t agree with sending illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard and Washington, D.C., but he understands the political reasoning behind the efforts of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to draw more attention to the border crisis. “It’s a horrible idea,” Flynn told The Epoch Times […]

Retired Lt. Gen. Flynn: ‘We Have to Quit Playing Games’ With Illegal Immigration

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said he doesn’t agree with sending illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard and Washington, D.C., but he understands the political reasoning behind the efforts of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to draw more attention to the border crisis. “It’s a horrible idea,” Flynn told The Epoch Times […]

Michael Flynn Teams Up With Radical Far-Right Activist John Guandolo

John Guandolo is right-wing conspiracy theorist and anti-Islam activist so radical that in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, he praised insurrectionists for showing restraint by not publicly executing lawmakers, most of whom he claimed are “traitors” who should be “swinging from a rope.” After leaving the FBI in disgrace […]

General Flynn & Steve Bannon Blast Joe Biden Over Putin’s Ukraine Invasion

Former Trump National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn and former Trump advisor Steve Bannon both blasted Joe Biden on Thursday following Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. Bannon believes, or at least hopes, that Biden will be impeached when Republicans have a majority in the House and Senate after the 2022 midterm elections. BYPASS THE CENSORS […]

Judge Dismisses Michael Flynn’s Request to Block Jan. 6 Committee Subpoena on Procedural Grounds

Former Trump adviser and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn lost a legal challenge against the House select committee investigating Jan. 6 to block their subpoena issued last month for his testimony and documents. District Judge Mary Scriven dismissed without prejudice Flynn’s request for a temporary restraining order (TRO) to block the subpoena, saying Flynn can refile the […]

Judge Gives Gen. Flynn the Green Light To Sue CNN Into Oblivion

Judge Gives Gen. Flynn the Green Light To Sue CNN Into Oblivion Date: December 19, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source: Thegatewaypundit.comCNN might be forced to write another huge check for failing to do its job properly, this time to relatives of former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn.Last year, CNN was forced to hand over huge […]

Michael Flynn Warns of ‘Problems’ if Arizona Attorney General Does Not Indict and Arrest Election Officials

Former national security adviser and “stop the steal” activist Michael Flynn appeared on “constitutional sheriff” Richard Mack’s BrighteonTV show last week, where he claimed that Maricopa County, Arizona Board of Election Supervisors were guilty of “criminal behavior” and had committed “a million felonies” related to the 2020 election and subsequent “audit” ordered by state Senate […]

QAnon Idol Michael Flynn Endorses Amanda Chase, GOP Candidate for Va. Governor Who Supports Capitol Insurrectionists

The Trumpian state senator running to become the GOP’s candidate for governor in Virginia has received the endorsement of Michael Flynn, the disgraced, former three-star general who has since become a hero in the QAnon conspiracy movement and ​a star of the so-called Stop the Steal movement. The stamp of approval comes amidst Amanda Chase’s […]

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