Posts Tagged ‘strengthens’

Spain Strengthens Animal Rights, But Exempts Bullfights

A new animal welfare law bans the use of animals for recreational activities that cause them pain and suffering, but allows bullfights and hunting with dogs. Source

The Moms for Liberty – Michael Flynn Connection Strengthens

An ally of far-right conspiracy theorist and political operative Michael Flynn has been named chair of the Moms for Liberty chapter in Sarasota, Florida. The alliance with Flynn is particularly revealing for a group that objects to criticism of its extremism; when former President Donald Trump suggested earlier this year that he would bring former […]

Australia Strengthens Ties With ‘Top Tier’ Partner Vietnam

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese celebrated 50 years of bilateral relations with Vietnam with banh mi and beer in Hanoi while calling the friendship between the two countries “absolutely vital” to addressing the regional challenges. Focusing heavily on enhancing trade, the prime minister indicated there were plans to upgrade Australia’s relationship with the Socialist Republic […]

Fascism strengthens Israeli apartheid

Editor’s Note: The following statement was issued by International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine on December 1, 2022. Mondoweiss occasionally publishes press releases and statements from organizations in an effort to draw attention to overlooked issues. The masks have fallen. After the recent Israeli election, a new coalition with Netanyahu at the helm, supported […]

Russia strengthens cooperation with its allies in the East

The start of the special operation to denazify the Kiev regime was essentially a dividing line, revealing not only the true Russophobic attitude towards Russia of the current US political elite and their Western allies, but also clearly highlighting the outspoken defenders and sponsors of today’s neo-Nazis. These circumstances have defined and deepened the sharp […]

South Korea strengthens its economic presence in Africa

As the struggle for multipolarity and resources in Europe and Asia continues, another field of strategic confrontation between world powers is gradually taking shape. The fragmented African continent, with sensitive hotbeds of simmering and re-emerging conflicts, but rich in natural resources, is increasingly attracting investors from all over the world. Leading Asian economies have been […]

Iran’s Membership in the SCO Only Strengthens It

The irreversible fundamental changes that have recently emerged in world politics and economics make the growing role of the new centers of power increasingly clear. They interact with each other based on the universally recognized principles of the primacy of international law and the Charter of the UN, to ensure equal and indivisible security, respect […]

Iran’s Membership in the SCO Only Strengthens It

The irreversible fundamental changes that have recently emerged in world politics and economics make the growing role of the new centers of power increasingly clear. They interact with each other based on the universally recognized principles of the primacy of international law and the Charter of the UN, to ensure equal and indivisible security, respect […]

Tropical storm Fiona strengthens and hurricane warnings issued

Tropical storm Fiona has strengthened and is now heading towards the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico where hurricane warnings are in place. It is threatening to dump up to 41 cm of rain on parts of Puerto Rico and where locals are bracing for potential landslides, severe flooding and power outages. Authorities opened shelters and […]

South Korea Strengthens Cooperation With Mongolia on Key Minerals

South Korea is seeking to strengthen cooperation with mineral-rich Mongolia, to lessen its reliance on China. South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin visited Mongolia Aug. 28-30, and met his Mongolian counterpart Batmunkh Battsetseg. The South Korean visit comes amid rising international tensions that include U.S.-China frictions and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. During Park’s visit, the […]

Growing Russia-India Cooperation Strengthens Global Stability

With its sanctions intrigues and the desire to demonstrate a servile adherence only to the United States, Europe is increasingly becoming a global strategic periphery. Asia, on the contrary, is moving forward in terms of the global significance of the events taking place there. Against this background, the strategies of Russia and India complement each […]

China Strengthens its Ties with Africa, which Irritates Those Opposing It

The Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which took place on November 29-30 in Senegal, Dakar, is quite a remarkable event at the present stage of the Great World Game, as it affects almost the central point of the said game due to the escalating struggle between the world’s leading actors […]

Cooperation between Russia and Vietnam Strengthens Steadily

Vietnam is one of Russia’s key partners in the Asia-Pacific region. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) and Russia continue to develop cooperation, which has traditionally been friendly, based on years of close cooperation in a wide range of areas (diplomatic relations were established on 30 January 1950). The bilateral legal framework consists of over eighty […]

Florida’s Greek Hub of Tarpon Springs Strengthens Ties with Homeland

Tarpon Springs, in Pinellas County, Florida, resembles a Greek island, with its blue and white structures, street names, the boats in the harbor, and the Greek-themed shops and restaurants. Credit: Greek Reporter The mayor of Tarpon Springs, Florida, Chris Alahouzos, continues to strengthen his ties with Greece after recently returning from an extensive visit to […]

Grace Strengthens to Regain Status of Tropical Storm, NHC Says

A woman wades through the water, as Tropical depression Grace approaches, after Saturday’s 7.2 magnitude quake, in Les Cayes, Haiti, on Aug. 16, 2021. (Ricardo Arduengo/Reuters) Tropical depression Grace has strengthened into a storm again, causing floods across portions of the island of Hispaniola, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Tuesday. Grace, which […]

Hezbollah’s Arab, International Relations Chief to Al-Ahed: Victorious Syria Strengthens Arabs

16/06-2021 By Mohammed Eid Damascus – The Head of Hezbollah’s Arab and International Relations Unit, Sayyed Ammar al-Moussawi, said that a victorious Syria gives strength to the Arab and Islamic worlds, and that its great position in the July 2006 war made it the main partner of the Islamic resistance in Lebanon in all its […]

The US Strengthens Its Presence in Mongolia

In recent years, Mongolia has received increasing attention in a comprehensive and multifaceted US strategy aimed at dominating the Eurasian continent. To a certain extent, this is due to the colossal amounts of natural resources and economic opportunities the country has, which are of undoubted interest for American industrial and business circles.  However, this is […]

The Obama-fication of ‘The Squad’ Strengthens The Right At The Expense Of The Left

The Obama-fication of ‘The Squad’ Strengthens The Right At The Expense Of The Left The so-called ‘progressive” model would have us wait half a dozen election cycles before taking real action on the demand for Medicare for All and a Green New Deal. “Black Americans had grown more economically optimistic and pro-U.S. intervention than ever […]

Assassination Strengthens Iranian Hardliners

Assassination Strengthens Iranian Hardliners Above photo: Car Fahhrizadeh was driving in when he was assassinated on Friday outside Teheran,. Fars News Agency/Wikimedia Commons. Weakens Chances of Renewed Nuclear Deal. An Iranian nuclear scientist’s assassination will bolster the hand of Iranian hardliners who don’t want a renewed nuclear deal with the incoming Biden administration. Israel used […]

US Department of Defense Strengthens Religious Liberty Protections for Service Members

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has released updated guidelines reinforcing religious liberty protections for those who serve in the nation’s Armed Forces. “Pursuant to the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, service members have the right to observe the tenets of their religion or to observe no religion […]

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