Posts Tagged ‘protections’

FCC restores Net Neutrality protections

The reinstated Net Neutrality protects will “reclassify high-speed-internet access services as telecom services subject to Title II of the Communications Act.” Source

Whistleblower protections ZERO, ‘alleged’ criminals in government, protected 100%

Why would anyone truly believe that the lawmakers would make law against their ‘brethren’ in government, encouraging the exposing of corruption or illegal, oops ‘alleged’ corruption or illegal activities? They wouldn’t! The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013, allegedly gives protections to those exposing corruption, but the reality is totally different. See Act within the following […]

Democrats To Strip First Amendment Protections From Independent Media Outlets

Democrats have vowed to strip First Amendment protections from independent media outlets to prevent the spread of so-called “misinformation.” Senate Intelligence Committee chair Sen. Mark Warner announced on Thursday that the Biden regime intends to […] The post Democrats To Strip First Amendment Protections From Independent Media Outlets appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Where is the Office for Human Research Protections?

Recent posts on the Brownstone site have done an excellent job of exposing the professional, ethical, public health, governmental, ideological, and political lapses (to put it very politely) in handling what has been the nation’s COVID pandemic response, which has been a total disaster.  Concurrently, I was engaged in email dialogue with Brownstone contributors covering […]

Georgia Passes Hate Crimes Bill – Democrat Questions Why New Protections Only Apply to Jews

By Chris Menahan The GOP-controlled Georgia House of Representatives passed a bill earlier this week to expand what constitutes a “hate crime” which left one Democrat questioning why the measure only expands protections for Jews. The Georgia House is about to vote on a measure to treat attacks fueled by antisemitism as a hate crime. […]

Pro-Israel groups are using identity-based protections on campus to ban criticism of Israel

Zionist groups are making cynical use of San Francisco State University’s identity-based protections against discrimination to ban criticism against Israel as antisemitic. At the heart of such campaigns is the false notion that criticism of Zionism and Israeli policy and support for justice in Palestine constitute antisemitism. In response to these attacks and the growing […]

Biden signs Respect for Marriage Act into law, granting federal protections to same-sex marriage

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) President Joe Biden on Tuesday, December 13, signed into law the Respect for Marriage Act – a bill granting federal protections to same-sex marriage. Critics say this law doesn’t show any respect at all for how most people around the world view marriage.According to Biden, the law recognizes that “everyone should have … […]

Gov. DeSantis Drops the Hammer: Investigations, First Amendment Protections, New Health Committee

Gov. DeSantis Drops the Hammer: Investigations, First Amendment Protections, New Health Committee Major power play moves from America’s Governor. by Vigilant Fox December 13, 2022   Governor DeSantis’ mRNA accountability hearing was nothing short of epic — as he brought in renowned experts like doctors Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, and others to testify against Fauci-ism. But the […]

Japan’s Lack Of Protections For LGBTQ Couples Is Unconstitutional, Tokyo Court Rules

The plaintiffs and their lawyers welcomed the ruling as “ground breaking” and urged the government to promptly mitigate the problem. Source

Supreme Court to hear challenge against Section 230 protections for “publisher” vs. “platform”

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) There is a case moving through the courts right now that seeks to decide, once and for all, which entities qualify for protection under 47 USC Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA).Gonzalez v. Google addresses the years-long debate over whether social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter become … [Read […]

GOP Rep. Reschenthaler: Biden’s Wrong that Gun Industry Has Unique Liability Protections, Tech Is Protected under Section 230

On Thursday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Stinchfield Report,” Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) responded to President Joe Biden claiming that gun manufacturers have liability immunity that is unique to them by pointing out that tech platforms have strong liability protections under Section

Activists launch attack on Ireland’s remaining protections for unborn

Photo Credit: Garon Piceli (The Christian Institute) — Pro-abortion campaigners are calling on the Irish government to scrap its remaining legal protections for the unborn. Ahead of the 2018 referendum on repealing Ireland’s pro-life laws, the then-Taoiseach Leo Varadkar claimed abortion would still be “rare.” Since then, 13,243 reported abortions have…

While we were watching “Ukraine”: EU quietly waters down protections against mandatory jabs

by Mark Crispin Miller From Carmel McCormack: READ AT THE LINK Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Religious Believers in Australia Get Protections, Not Freedom

There would be no need for this Bill if secularists did not harass their religious neighbours with such fervour Commentary Time appeared to be running out for the Australian government to deliver on its 2019 election pledge to legislate protections for religious believers and faith-based organisations. But in late November, Attorney-General Michaelia Cash finally briefed […]

USDA announces proposal to reinstate protections for Tongass National Forest

A Trump-era rollback of protections for the Tongass National Forest could soon be reinstated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Environmentalist are hailing the proposed safeguards to species, habitats and the climate in America’s largest national forest a huge win. The Tongass National Forest, which consists of a 17-million-acre area, is home to “some of […]

California adds new endangered species protections for leatherback sea turtles

California’s Fish and Game Commission voted last week to include their state reptile on the list of endangered species. The Pacific leatherback turtle population has been on the decline for the past three decades.  According to EcoWatch, these turtles have declined 5.6 percent per year in the last almost 30 years.  “California’s action will make […]

‘This looks like the Exxon infrastructure bill’: Bipartisan deal omits key climate protections

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) (5th L) speaks as (L-R) Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) listen during a news conference on a bipartisan […]

When Judges Aren’t Safe Your Equal Protections Are Violated!

 June 10th, 2021  Wake Up Fools Attorney General Merrick Garland told a Senate panel on Wednesday that the threats to the safety of federal judges are a “dangerous problem” and a “serious threat” amid a rise in domestic extremism, while calling for more funding for judicial security. Garland made the remarks in testimony before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, […]

Biden Administration Restores Transgender Health Protections

The Biden administration has made ‘gender identity’ a protected class in healthcare. They announced on Monday that they will forbid healthcare providers from discriminating based on “gender identity” in a move critics claim is vague and which could have far-reaching consequences for doctors. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms […]

Biden administration restores protections for migratory birds

Back in 2017, the Trump administration had altered the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) so companies were no longer penalized for accidentally or incidentally harming or killing these birds, reported The Hill. The reversal of this much-needed bill “drastically weakened the government’s power to enforce a century-old law that protects most U.S. bird species,” writes AP […]

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