Posts Tagged ‘apply’

Trudeau’s Proposed Hate Speech Law Could Apply Retroactively And Preemptively

Sounds insane Source

Does God’s Law And Judgment Apply Universally To All People — Or Only To Israel?

Here we present another chapter from Charles Weisman’s book, Is Universalism Of God? — where he addresses the false idea that God’s laws and punishment for their transgression are universal — rather than specifically for the 12 tribes of Israel, His covenant people. Weisman writes, God’s Law & Judgment If God’s law and judgments are […]

Food Service Giant Sued Over ‘White-Men-Need-Not-Apply’ Program

Ms. Rogers is seeking financial compensatory damages for discrimination and retaliation. Source

Georgia Passes Hate Crimes Bill – Democrat Questions Why New Protections Only Apply to Jews

By Chris Menahan The GOP-controlled Georgia House of Representatives passed a bill earlier this week to expand what constitutes a “hate crime” which left one Democrat questioning why the measure only expands protections for Jews. The Georgia House is about to vote on a measure to treat attacks fueled by antisemitism as a hate crime. […]

U.S. Army recommends soldiers suffering under #Bidenflation apply for food stamps while Congress spends tens of billions on foreign aid

(Natural News) The left loves to hate on America, but the fact of the matter is, we are the most generous nation on earth. Every single budget year, our Congress votes in a bipartisan fashion to spend tens of billions of dollars on foreign governments and for various foreign causes, even to the detriment of […]

Maher on Disinfo. Board: You Could Apply DHS’ Definition of Disinformation to Obama

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher criticized the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board and argued that the agency’s definition of disinformation could be applied to former President Barack Obama’s promise that people who liked

Finland and Sweden May Apply To Join NATO As Early As Summer

Finland and Sweden may apply to join the NATO military alliance as early as June, largely in reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

UK Police Apply For ‘No-Fly’ Zone Above Windsor Castle

LONDON (AP) — British police have applied for a “no-fly” zone over Windsor Castle as it reviews security arrangements at the landmark where Queen Elizabeth II has spent much of the pandemic. If granted, a restricted airspace order would prevent aircraft from flying up to 2,500 feet (762 meters) above and 1.5 nautical miles (around […]

Theater and club owners can apply for federal relief — on Shabbat

A $16 billion federal relief fund for the entertainment industry opens Saturday, when observant Jews will have to wait until sundown to apply. Jews in the live-events industry who don’t use electronics or engage in work on Shabbat said it puts them at a disadvantage for the first-come, first-serve COVID-19 relief grants. They and others […]

15 Signs You May Be In An Abusive Relationship | Apply this chart to the government; they are doing all 15 = We are being abused governments world wide

Dylan Eleven | This chart was made for relationships to help people see when they are being abused. When you are in a relationship with someone you love and you think they love you too it is hard to see sometimes if you are being abused by your partner. When we have a friend […]

Mexico pushes forward with ban of GMO corn, does not apply to imported animal feed

Tom Vilsack, U.S. Agriculture Secretary, confirmed that while Mexico plans to ban the import of genetically modified corn, it will not apply to livestock feed—a relief to the U.S. The ban, instead, is limited to human food products. U.S. farmers, who have relied on Mexico as a top exporter of GMO corn, are less likely […]

Stop Using UK Precents to Impeach Trump; They Don’t Apply — The Duran

[embedded content] Stop Using UK Precents to Impeach Trump; They Don’t Apply News Topic 33: The impeachment of Warren Hastings that the Democrats are constantly referring to: 56 more words Stop Using UK Precents to Impeach Trump; They Don’t Apply — The Duran Share this: Like this: Like Loading…

Laid off? You should apply for a tax refund

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Israel’s coronavirus lockdown rules don’t apply to many holiday worshippers

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Israel to Top Court: Human Rights Law Doesn’t Apply To Gaza Protests

HAARETZ – The protests by Palestinians on the Gaza border fall into the category of a state of war and thus human rights law does not apply to the rules of engagement, the state said in its response to a High Court petition filed by human rights groups. According to the response, the Israeli forces’ rules of engagement […]

Europe: 45,908 Nonwhites Apply for “Asylum” in Feb., Invasion continues by Tire and Jet Ski

45,908 nonwhites applied for “asylum” in Europe in February 2018, while at least another 25,306 invaded Europe across the Mediterranean in the first 14 weeks of the year, official figures reveal—with the latest invaders using inflated tires and jet skis to cross the sea to Spain. A North African tries to invade Europe on an […]

In latest left-wing totalitarianism insult, college groups must now apply for "permission" to exist as gender-specific organizations

(Natural News) New policies recently enacted at the University of Rochester in New York will reportedly penalize gender-specific campus organizations that have long existed for the enrichment and growth of one exclusive biological sex, which includes groups like fraternities and sororities, as well as male and female sports teams. According to reports, […]

Is Demonic Possession Ruining Your Life? Catholic Sect Lets You Apply For Exorcism Online

Sound of footsteps on the stairs or floors Sound of voices or animal sounds in rooms and walls Bad odors with no natural explanation Moving black shadows on floors and/or walls Tapping or knocking noises in walls or on the floors Clock hands moving backwards Lights turning themselves on and off Electronic equipment such as […]

The 7 most common toxins people apply to their skin DAILY without even knowing it

(Natural News) It’s so easy to say you are living a healthy life when you are safeguarding what you eat and drink, trying to stick to mostly organic and raw whole foods, but millions of Americans often forget the fact that their skin is their largest organ, and most body care products are loaded with […]

US DOJ to Invader-Sheltering Cities: Apply the Law or Lose anti-Crime Funding

August 06, 2017 0 Source Article from

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