Posts Tagged ‘trudeau’

Trudeau Authorizes Hospitals To Use Drowning As ‘Cheap’ Euthanazia Method

The Trudeau regime has authorized hospitals in Canada to begin using drowning as a “viable and cheap” method of euthanizing disabled patients. In a disturbing new interview, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson spoke to combat veteran […] The post Trudeau Authorizes Hospitals To Use Drowning As ‘Cheap’ Euthanazia Method appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Brad Salzberg – Threats Against Trudeau Liberals Skyrocket

Liberal MP Dzerowicz took the vandalism of her office as a threat and  contacted police. “Toronto will burn,” is a threat, she said. Liberal MP Pam Damoff continues to complain about being harassed by constituents. Three recent articles from Canada’s National Post speak of a rapid rise in cases of Member of Parliament intimidation, particularly […]

Trudeau’s Proposed Hate Speech Law Could Apply Retroactively And Preemptively

Sounds insane Source

Pierre Elliot Trudeau Was Also a Commie Traitor

(Left, Pierre Elliot Trudeau with Justine’s father) Fidelito’s cuckold “father” Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2000) was Canadian Prime Minister from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. His file was destroyed because he was a Communist (Illuminati) agent. Most  “leaders” are Freemasons. The goal of Freemasonry is Rothschild (Cabalist Jewish, i.e. Satanic) world tyranny, i.e. Communism or “globalism.”  Communism is monopoly (i.e. banker […]

Trudeau plans to continue immigration policies despite admitting they have caused decline in wages, housing crisis in Canada

Trudeau plans to continue immigration policies despite admitting they have caused decline in wages, housing crisis in Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that his government will continue bringing in up to 500,000 permanent immigrants to Canada annually, despite openly admitting that his immigration policies have contributed to declining wages and housing crisis. In a […]

Justin Trudeau Caught LYING During CBC Interview: Here’s the Proof

Justin Trudeau is not only a liar but one of the worst human beings on this planet. He says that his infamous comments painting “anti-vaxxers” as “racists” and “misogynists” have been “taken out of context” on “one particular day.” What Justin Trudeau isn’t telling you is that he made such comments on MANY days. In […]

Trudeau Regime Lays Groundwork To Imprison Citizens Who Have Not Committed a Crime

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seeking the power to imprison Canadians who the government suspect “might” commit a “hate crime” in the future. The Daily Telegraph reports that the policy will form part of the Trudeau’s dystopian ‘Online Harms Bill,’ which cracks down on any opposition to the regime’s far-left authoritarian agenda. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up […]

Was Fidel Castro Justin Trudeau’s Daddy?

Was Fidel Castro Justin Trudeau’s Daddy?  Fri 9:57 am +01:00, 8 Mar 2024  2 posted by pete fairhurst 2 I know what I think. You decide for yourself…. “The Lugenpresse and usual suspects have spent a lot of effort debunking a theory that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s is the bastard son of Communist revolutionary […]

Shocking documents reveal Trudeau covered up massive PRC infiltration

march 4 2024 Trudeau has been reckless and dangerous with Canada’s national security – he can’t be trusted to protect the Canadian people. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to […]

Justin Trudeau Reminisces Over the Days When the Corporate Media Controlled What Canadians Believe

As his online “hate speech” bill is accused of being a ban on speech he hates. Tired of censorship and surveillance? Source

Trudeau: ‘Independent Media Threatens To Destroy WEF Agenda’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has warned that independent media outlets represent a threat to the WEF’s Great Reset agenda that the global elites are working so hard to implement. “There is out there a […] The post Trudeau: ‘Independent Media Threatens To Destroy WEF Agenda’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Trudeau Blames ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists For ‘Destroying Media Credibility’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declared war on so-called “conspiracy theorists” blaming them for “deliberately undermining mainstream media” and “preventing people from agreeing on a common set of facts.” According to Trudeau, the world […] The post Trudeau Blames ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists For ‘Destroying Media Credibility’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Trudeau Government Is Sued Over Emergencies Act, Freezing Civil Liberties Protesters’ Ban Accounts

Trudeau’s authoritarian overreach, which a court ruled was unconstitutional, is being challenged by the victims of his actions. Source

Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians To Get Euthanized To Help Save the Planet

The Trudeau regime has urged Canadians who feel stressed or depressed to seek government assisted suicide as a means to ease the burden on the state and help save the planet. On Monday, Trudeau’s Health […] The post Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians To Get Euthanized To Help Save the Planet appeared first on The […]

Trudeau’s Orwellian Attack On Canadian Truckers Declared Unconstitutional

Canada’s Federal Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act in 2022 to punish protesting truckers was both unreasonable and unconstitutional. Source

Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament

Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament Source

Truculent Trudeau’s Tumble As Pierre Poilievre Topples the Insufferable Tyrant


Trudeau’s Tumble: From Canada’s Golden Boy To Political Punchline

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s career appears to be fading to blackface – as his approval ratings, which now suck, have plummeted thanks in no small part to housing and inflation woes fueling a firestorm of disapproval. Despite a safety net agreement with a left-leaning opposition that defers his political reckoning until 2025, the rumblings […]

HUNGER IN CANADA: Trudeau controls prices of food in grocery stores, initiating a series of events that will lead to EMPTY SHELVES

HUNGER IN CANADA: Trudeau controls prices of food in grocery stores, initiating a series of events that will lead to EMPTY SHELVES Back in September, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned grocery chains that they could be hit with new taxes if they do not take steps to control rising food prices. He asked the […]

Banned: Health Fan Favorite Becomes the Latest Victim of Trudeau’s Canada

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this website running to bring you uncensored news.) “The Trudeau government wants you sick. They want you [to be] dependent on big pharma. They want you dependent on their mRNA vaccines and their other drugs that they’re all heavily invested in,” warned Canadian oncologist […]

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