Posts Tagged ‘theorists’

True the Vote Conspiracy Theorists Urge Supporters to ‘Step Onto the Battlefield’

True the Vote, a group that has promoted false claims about election fraud to justify restrictions on voting, made a fundraising pitch on X/Twitter on Tuesday, saying it was trying to raise $150,000 to meet a match and advance toward their goal of recruiting and training “1,000,000 pro-liberty election workers.” Given that True the Vote leader […]

Largest Vaccine Study Ever Reveals What the “Conspiracy Theorists” Have Said All Along

Scientists have found MASSIVE increased risks of developing several serious health conditions post-jab. But headlines suggest the increased risk factors post-shot are “small” and “extremely rare.” This study conducted by the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) looked at a cohort of 99 million vaccinated individuals. The risks of developing 13 adverse events of special interest […]

Trudeau Blames ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists For ‘Destroying Media Credibility’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declared war on so-called “conspiracy theorists” blaming them for “deliberately undermining mainstream media” and “preventing people from agreeing on a common set of facts.” According to Trudeau, the world […] The post Trudeau Blames ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists For ‘Destroying Media Credibility’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Most Taylor Swift conspiracy theorists are also election deniers, poll finds

Americans who believe the conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is part of an elaborate scheme to help Democrats win the November election are also more likely to not believe the 2020 election results, according to a new poll released Wednesday. Almost three-quarters of those who believe the Swift conspiracy also believe the 2020 election outcome […]

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Climate Lockdowns

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Well folks, I really hate to say this, but it’s another win for the conspiracy theorists. They can take off their tinfoil hats and take a deep bow. Yet another one of their outrageous “predictions” is coming true. For anyone keeping score, sadly the score card is rather one-sided. I […]

Bill Gates Complains ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Are Making His ‘Super Important Work’ Much Harder

Unelected world health czar Bill Gates slammed “conspiracy theorists” for making his “super important work” pushing vaccines on children in developing countries “much harder”, during an appearance on Trevor Noah’s podcast Thursday. Gates also took the opportunity to deny allegations that he pushed Covid vaccines on the public as part of a plot to depopulate […]

UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Who Are ‘Threatening Agenda 2030’

The United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theories, describing the rise of conspiracy thinking as “worrying and dangerous,” while stating that conspiracy theories about Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum must be scrubbed from the […] The post UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Who Are ‘Threatening Agenda 2030’ appeared first on The People's […]

Mainstream Media Confirming “Conspiracy Theorists” Were Right About Killer COVID Vaccines

#VaccineGenocide #ExcessDeaths As the mainstream media and medical establishment acknowledge extraordinary waves of deaths that are often closely linked to the rate of COVID vaccination, doctors and scientists who were called “conspiracy theorists” a few years ago are not the least bit surprised, and are seeing their predictions of massive deaths caused by the vaccines […]

Dissent Into Madness: Crazy Conspiracy Theorists

This week I will explore how the public has been trained to accept the pathologization of those peskiest of dissenters, the conspiracy realists. I will also explain how the trigger has already been pulled on this psychiatric weapon and how it is impacting those who dare question the motives of our would-be rulers The post […]

Coincidence Theorists

Coincidence Theorists — David Wolfe (@DavidWolfe) January 11, 2023 Source

‘Coincidence Theorists’, Nothing To See Here, Move Along…

STRANGE DAZE: ‘Coincidence Theorists’, Nothing To See Here, Move Along… SM  Source – “…Let me get this right. TWENTY TWO residents of the same care home die within one month. They’ve obviously had the vaccine because it says at the end that it takes a few weeks for antibodies to build. Am I the […]

FBI Says Twitter Infiltration Business As Usual , Slams ‘Conspiracy Theorists’

The FBI has issued a statement in response to the Elon Musk’s release of THE TWITTER FILES, which boils down to ‘Of course we’ve embedded ourselves in social media companies, and anyone who has a problem with it is a conspiracy theorist trying to tarnish our stellar reputation.’ Source

Fauci: ‘Conspiracy Theorists Represent a Threat to Democracy’

President Biden’s disgraced chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci has warned that “misinformation” about the Covid jabs represents a “direct threat to democracy.” In an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Fauci dismissed criticism from Twitter CEO […] The post Fauci: ‘Conspiracy Theorists Represent a Threat to Democracy’ appeared first on News Punch. Source

New Zealand Demands Citizens Report ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Who ‘Oppose Gov’t Policies’ as ‘Terrorists’

The authoritarian left-wing New Zealand government has ordered citizens to report their friends and family to the police if they suspect them of opposing government policies, including COVID measures. According to literature released by Jacinda […] The post New Zealand Demands Citizens Report ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Who ‘Oppose Gov’t Policies’ as ‘Terrorists’ appeared first on News […]

Conspiracy Theorists on TikTok Are Saying Anne Heche Was Murdered: ‘She Knew Too Much!!!’

In a script that’s becoming unpleasantly familiar, conspiracy theorists have seized upon actor Anne Heche’s tragic death, claiming she didn’t die from a car crash but rather was murdered. Heche was taken off life support and pronounced dead on Sunday after being involved in a fiery car crash in which her vehicle slammed into a […]

Will DeSantis Join Right-Wing Activists and Conspiracy Theorists for Event Designed to Save US From God’s Judgment?

In September 2020, religious-right activists gathered on the National Mall for an event dubbed “The Return.” Questionably timed to coincide with the presidential election, End Times author Jonathan Cahn brought together dozens of prominent right-wing activists ranging from James Dobson and Pat Robertson to former Rep. Michele Bachmann and Alveda King for a day-long prayer […]

14 ways official reports agreed with “conspiracy theorists” on 9/11

As part of our season marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 “terrorist attacks”, OffG is going to be highlighting some of the research papers and scientific studies done over the years. These studies have been key in pointing out logical flaws and impossible physics used to support the official narrative. Our first paper is […]

Why Are ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Worried About an Impending Power Grid Failure?

On the eve of the World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon simulation of a cyberhack a number of independent journalists and their supporters are warning of a potential power grid failure. Is there reason to be concerned? In recent months various independent media outlets and journalists have been sounding the alarms, warning their followers of the […]

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack DemocratsDate: June 15, 2021Author: Nwo Report  Source: RTSome followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory might decide to engage in real-world violence against the ruling Democrats, FBI and Homeland Security analysts wrote in a memo provided to Congress that has now been made public.“We assess […]

Living in a time when the media insults our intelligence by calling us conspiracy theorists

To conspire By Jenese James We are living in a time when the media insults our intelligence by calling us conspiracy theorist and yet the media its self has conspired to keep the official story; the only story. Everything else is termed a conspiracy. They have conspired to shut down any debate, any and all discussion […]

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