Posts Tagged ‘insults’

Hunter Biden Insults Addicts In A Pathetic Attempt To Deflect From Corruption

Hunter Biden published an opinion piece this week claiming that his drug addiction has been used as a political weapon. He claimed: “My struggles and my mistakes have been fodder for a vile and sustained […] The post Hunter Biden Insults Addicts In A Pathetic Attempt To Deflect From Corruption appeared first on The People's […]


ASHLEY, James Lavington Rank: Captain Service No: 246174 Regiment: Royal Army Medical Corps Date of death: 6 February 1946 Age at death: 26 Died how: Killed during a Jewish attach on an African coloured soldiers’ camp near the township of Holon. Buried or Commemorated: Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel Bur or Com Ref: Plot 7 Row […]

GOP candidates trade insults at testy debate: Recap

Nine Republican presidential candidates were on air tonight, in two forums. Eight candidates took the stage in Milwaukee, looking for a moment to set themselves apart from one another but also to gain traction in the race to beat former President Trump, who declined to participate in the debate because of his commanding lead. Trump… […]

U.S. ‘insults Shireen’s memory’ by spinning her killing for Israel — Abu Akleh family says

After the State Department tries to sweep journalist Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing under the rug ahead of Biden’s visit to Israel by saying it can tell nothing from the bullet, her family dismisses the statement as “CSI-style forensics” designed to reach the “political” conclusion that an Israeli soldier did not intentionally target her, but was […]

Living in a time when the media insults our intelligence by calling us conspiracy theorists

To conspire By Jenese James We are living in a time when the media insults our intelligence by calling us conspiracy theorist and yet the media its self has conspired to keep the official story; the only story. Everything else is termed a conspiracy. They have conspired to shut down any debate, any and all discussion […]

Amerika Insults Russia Over & Over & Over Again; This is What We Do! We Are an Insult to Humanity Run By Synagogue of Satan!

8 May, 2021 09:30Get short URL A monument to the Soviet soldier-liberator (Alyosha monument) on Bunarjik Hill (‘Liberators’ Hill) in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. © Sputnik / Alexey Vitvitsky Follow RT on By Bradley Blankenship, a Prague-based American journalist, columnist and political commentator. He has a syndicated column at CGTN and is a freelance reporter for international news agencies including Xinhua News Agency. Follow […]

France says Turkey has stopped insults, but demands more action to fix fragile diplomatic relations

France’s foreign minister has called for more action from Turkey to fix the fragile ties between the two nations, despite accepting that Ankara has taken steps to cool tensions by ceasing insulting Paris and the European Union. Turkey and the European Union have been in a war of words in recent months, as tensions rise […]

Hollywood Leftists Spew Foul Insults At Pence And His Wife After Debate

A CNN reporter angrily whined about President Trump triumphantly removing his mask outside the White House Monday night, leading the President’s campaign staff to release video of the very same reporter casually removing her own mask inside the White House after cameras had stopped rolling. CNN White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins commented on Trump’s return […]

BLM Protesters Who Screamed Insults at White Diners and Drank Their Beer Say They Were Not Aggressors

Black Lives Matter protesters wearing “Nazi Lives Don’t Matter” t-shirts who were captured on video screaming “F*** white people!” at outdoor restaurant patrons before drinking their beer are now claiming they were NOT the aggressors in the situation. The BLM protesters were speaking out after video of them shouting at diners in Rochester, New York, […]

Trump insults Biden, predicts reelection in New Hampshire rally

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — US President Donald Trump on Friday insulted his Democratic challenger Joe Biden as “low-IQ” and barely conscious in a New Hampshire speech reinforcing his strategy of painting himself as the defender of the country against socialist mayhem. The speech, filled with hyperbolic and inaccurate descriptions of life under the Democrats, followed […]

Trump insults Biden, predicts reelection in New Hampshire rally

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — US President Donald Trump on Friday insulted his Democratic challenger Joe Biden as “low-IQ” and barely conscious in a New Hampshire speech reinforcing his strategy of painting himself as the defender of the country against socialist mayhem. The speech, filled with hyperbolic and inaccurate descriptions of life under the Democrats, followed […]

Trump insults Biden, predicts reelection in New Hampshire rally

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — US President Donald Trump on Friday insulted his Democratic challenger Joe Biden as “low-IQ” and barely conscious in a New Hampshire speech reinforcing his strategy of painting himself as the defender of the country against socialist mayhem. The speech, filled with hyperbolic and inaccurate descriptions of life under the Democrats, followed […]

Trump insults Biden, predicts reelection in New Hampshire rally

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — US President Donald Trump on Friday insulted his Democratic challenger Joe Biden as “low-IQ” and barely conscious in a New Hampshire speech reinforcing his strategy of painting himself as the defender of the country against socialist mayhem. The speech, filled with hyperbolic and inaccurate descriptions of life under the Democrats, followed […]

Trump insults Biden, predicts reelection in New Hampshire rally

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — US President Donald Trump on Friday insulted his Democratic challenger Joe Biden as “low-IQ” and barely conscious in a New Hampshire speech reinforcing his strategy of painting himself as the defender of the country against socialist mayhem. The speech, filled with hyperbolic and inaccurate descriptions of life under the Democrats, followed […]

Trump insults Biden, predicts reelection in New Hampshire rally

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — US President Donald Trump on Friday insulted his Democratic challenger Joe Biden as “low-IQ” and barely conscious in a New Hampshire speech reinforcing his strategy of painting himself as the defender of the country against socialist mayhem. The speech, filled with hyperbolic and inaccurate descriptions of life under the Democrats, followed […]

Trump insults Biden, predicts reelection in New Hampshire rally

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — US President Donald Trump on Friday insulted his Democratic challenger Joe Biden as “low-IQ” and barely conscious in a New Hampshire speech reinforcing his strategy of painting himself as the defender of the country against socialist mayhem. The speech, filled with hyperbolic and inaccurate descriptions of life under the Democrats, followed […]

UK chief rabbi criticises Israeli counterpart for racist insults

Britain’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has slammed Sephardic counterpart in Israel Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef for making “deeply offensive” remarks about black people, comparing them to “monkeys.” Yosef drew criticism last week for comparing, during one of his weekly religious lessons, black people with monkeys, referring to them using the pejorative term in Israel “kushi.” “We don’t […]

Video: Israeli lawmaker insults Palestinians as "insects" and "dogs"

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 26 December 2017 The International Committee of the Red Cross has condemned an incident where an Israeli lawmaker boarded a bus carrying family members of Palestinian prisoners from the Gaza Strip and proceeded to insult them. “The ICRC deplores this incident and reminds the [Israeli] authorities of their responsibility to […]

Israeli MK insults mothers of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails

Extremist Israeli Jewish MK Oren Hazan insulted on Monday Palestinian mothers during their way to visit their prisoners inside Israeli prisons. Hazan stopped and boarded the bus of the Palestinian mothers after it had crossed the Israeli Erez Crossing in the north of the Gaza Strip. The extremist Israeli MK asked one of the mothers […]

Emmanuel Macron: Gender-Based Insults Now Criminal Offence In France

French President Emmanuel Macron has made gender-based insults illegal in France and warns that citizens caught doing it could face prison. Macron claims the measures are aimed at enforcing politically correct anti-sexist values with the public and schoolchildren. “Let’s seal a pact of equality between men and women,” Macron said in a speech marking the […]

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