Posts Tagged ‘insects’

America hellbent on Eating Disgusting Insects, Becomes First West Nation to Eat Bugs like in Asia

Home » Immorality, North America, Social » America hellbent on Eating Disgusting Insects, Becomes First West Nation to Eat Bugs like in Asia     Under the deceptive veil of environmental conservation and green initiatives, the United States is adopting a trend reminiscent of Asia, incorporating various unpalatable insects into its diet, potentially leading to […]

We Need to Eat Bugs & Insects to Save the Planet

Feb 12 2024 In this video, we’re going to take a look at edible bugs as an alternative protein source. Some say that we should be eating bugs by 2050 because of the growing population. Some blame climate change or claim that beef is not sustainable and that we need to find other sources of […]

Food Producers Caught Quietly Adding Insects in Children’s Food

Anybody who care about the health of their family and does not wish to introduce bugs, insects and crickets to their diet will need to start reading labels on food items very closely. Mainstream food producers have been caught quietly, deceitfully sneaking bugs and various species of insects into ingredients lists for popular, everyday snacks […]

Beetles in your cake? How this secret ingredient means you could be eating insects EVERYDAY – from Mr Kipling slices to yoghurt (and it’s even in your favourite lipstick!)

Carmine or E120 is commonly produced from ground up cochineal beetles By RYAN PROSSER PUBLISHED: 02:01 EST, 13 November 2023 It’s probably one of the last things you think about when you open a tasty treat or put on some lipstick. Eating insects is something we usually get entertainment from seeing people do on I’m a Celebrity. But […]

Weaponization of Food Goes Into High Gear. “Eating Insects for Dinner”

Weaponization of Food Goes Into High Gear. “Eating Insects for Dinner” By Stephen Karganovic Global Research, July 14, 2023 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to […]

Why Is the Pentagon “Weaponizing Insects”?

Why Is the Pentagon “Weaponizing Insects”? By F. William Engdahl Global Research, July 16, 2023 With foresight, this article by William Engdahl was published on October 30, 2018. In recent months Global Research has published several articles on the “Weaponization of Mosquitos”. *** There is strong evidence that the Pentagon, through its research and development agency, DARPA, is developing genetically […]

Insects to the Rescue! | Documentary

This film is only available in the United States because of territorial licensing. Are biopesticides—micro-organisms that fight pests naturally—the promise of chemical-free agriculture? Farmers all over the world are converting to biopesticides, stimulated by scientific research that is opening up new perspectives. But is the technique risk-free for the environment? … Source

Hundreds of Dutch Schools Forced to Serve Insects and Mealworms to Children

Klaus Schwab’s WEF agenda is being rolled out in the Netherlands, as farmland is seized by the “infiltrated” government and schools are forced to serve insects and mealworms to children. In a Twitter video the […] The post Hundreds of Dutch Schools Forced to Serve Insects and Mealworms to Children appeared first on News Punch. […]

Edible insects could be headed to UK supermarkets as global elites’ push to replace meat intensifies

(Natural News) As the cost of living continues to rise, budget supermarket chain ALDI could be poised to start giving families more affordable sources of protein by selling edible insect recipe kits in its UK stores –  but are edible insects really the great solution they claim to be? Crickets have been touted by some… […]

DARPA, Insects, Mad Science, and Us: Nowhere to Hide

Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE Irresponsible use of new and very advanced technologies by the military is life-threatening Engineered viruses can be used to edit genes in a target species, including in a heritable manner “Insect Allies” is a DARPA program designed to genetically modify mature plants in a live environment by releasing insects […]

UK Schools Begin Offering Kids to Eat Insects to ‘Save the Planet’

Four schools in Wales, UK will be offering primary school pupils bugs as an “alternative protein” source in a project directed to ascertain children’s attitudes to “environmentally friendly” foods. Academics at Cardiff University and the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) are targeting children ages 5-11 in this experiment offering plant-based and insect-based […]

The Trial of the Weevils: When French Winemakers Took Insects to Court

One surprising quirk about life in medieval times is that people could, and did, take animals and insects to court and try them as if they were humans. While there is scant verifiable evidence on the matter,  Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

Eating Insects: The History of the Human Hunger for Bugs

Have you ever thought about eating insects? Do cricket cookies, chocolate covered silkworms, or smoke cured mopper moth caterpillars make you froth at the mouth? This certainly was the case for our ancestors, who, since the beginning of human history have been dining on spicy leafcutter ants, sweet honeypot ants, savory crickets, and an assortment […]

Report: Fauci’s NIH Division Partially Funded Insects Eating Beagles Alive

Reports that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) partially funded an experiment of insects eating beagle puppies alive has sparked bipartisan outrage on Capitol Hill. Responding to a report from the non-profit organization White Coat Waste Project, both Democrats and Republicans signed a letter this week demanding to know why […]

Billionaires of World Economic Forum Tells You To Eat Worms & Insects

By infostormer -January 22, 20210 The World Economic Forum has posted a tweet telling people how great eating worms and insects are. These people are sick and diseased for even suggesting this. They literally want to use this global virus hoax as an excuse to make people live in pods and eat bugs. They’re pushing this propaganda […]

Watch “The great death of insects | DW Documentary (ecology documentary)” on YouTube

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‘Exploding’ ants discovered: Kamikaze insects kill predators with toxic… well, selves

The ‘colobopsis explodens’ was discovered by a team of international researchers who identified 15 separate species of exploding ants in the tropical rainforest. Details of the study have been published in Zookeys. The team noticed that this species was “particularly prone to self-sacrifice when threatened by enemy arthropods, as well as intruding researchers.” While the […]

Israeli Lawmaker Calls Palestinians Insects & Dogs To Their Face

The International Committee of the Red Cross has condemned an incident where an Israeli lawmaker boarded a bus carrying family members of Palestinian prisoners from the Gaza Strip and proceeded to insult them. “The ICRC deplores this incident and reminds the [Israeli] authorities of their responsibility to ensure that family visits take place safely and […]

Video: Israeli lawmaker insults Palestinians as "insects" and "dogs"

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 26 December 2017 The International Committee of the Red Cross has condemned an incident where an Israeli lawmaker boarded a bus carrying family members of Palestinian prisoners from the Gaza Strip and proceeded to insult them. “The ICRC deplores this incident and reminds the [Israeli] authorities of their responsibility to […]

Academics are trying to "normalize" eating insects by baking biscuits out of ground insect powder

(Natural News) A team of researchers at the Abertay University in Dundee, U.K. have created a cookie recipe made of cricket flour in hopes of attaining a more sustainable food source for the the world’s estimated population of nine billion people by 2050. In making the cookies, the research team used house crickets from Thailand that were finely-ground into flour. […]

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