Posts Tagged ‘dutch’

Dutch Lawyer Faces Prison for Politely Criticizing Mass Migration Online

A Dutch conservative lawyer faces a hefty prison sentence after being charged with “inciting hatred” for politely criticizing mass migration on social media. Raisa Blommestijn expressed her shock in an online post in response to […] The post Dutch Lawyer Faces Prison for Politely Criticizing Mass Migration Online appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Dutch Sheets Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

Yesterday, Right Wing Watch noted how Christian nationalists routinely spread fake pseudo-history regarding the founding of this nation in support of their Christian nationalist political agenda. In that post, we exposed televangelist Kenneth Copeland for making a myriad of demonstrably false claims, primarily about George Washington. Last night, as if to drive home this point, […]

DUTCH CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Eritrean Migrant Gangs Cause Major Riot, Burn Police Cars – Geert Wilders: ‘I’ll Become the Prime Minister Who Finally Puts Things in Order’

DUTCH CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Eritrean Migrant Gangs Cause Major Riot, Burn Police Cars – Geert Wilders: ‘I’ll Become the Prime Minister Who Finally Puts Things in Order’ Source

Dutch court bans sending F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel as they may be used to carry out genocide and crimes against humanity

(NaturalNews) The Hague Appeals Court on Monday, Feb. 12, ruled that the Dutch government should stop sending Israel spare parts for its F-35 fighter jets in the… Source

Dutch court orders government to stop providing F-35 parts to Israel

An appeals court ordered the Dutch government to cease exports of F-35 components to Israel, saying “there is a clear risk that the F-35 parts to be exported will be used in committing serious violations of international humanitarian law.” Source

Chevy Chase in wheelchair (though in “excellent health”); Dutch Mantell in hospital “due to illness”; Eric Stonestreet “appears in pain” on “Today”; Hayley Erbert needs “emergency craniectomy”

More updates on the elephant in that global room so to speak …. From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack Coach Mike McCarthy has “acute appendicitis” (like Colbert); ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit’s son Zak, 20, in hospital with “heart condition”; Philly sports reporter Jamie Apody “seems to have disappeared” RELATED: Pope Francis and Stephen Colbert are still […]

Dutch court case looks to cut off military supplies to Israel

Strolling down the street or along a green pathway in the southern Netherlands, it’s not uncommon to see F-35 stealth bombers roaring overhead. They could be heading up to the Netherlands’ largest F-35 base in northern Leeuwarden, or to another airfield in the southeast.  Or, perhaps, returning from an F-35 maintenance base in the southwest, near the […]

It’s Official: Geert Wilders And Conservative Freedom Party Win Dutch Election

Update (1841ET): It’s official – Geert Wilders has won the Dutch elections and says he will lead the country’s next government. “The hope of the Dutch people is that they will get their country back,” Wilders said following an exit poll published by state broadcaster NOS. In his post-election speech, Wilders called for a coalition […]

Geert Wilders’ Conservatives Surge To Top Of Polls Just Days Before Dutch Election

Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, A shock new poll saw Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) enjoy a dramatic rise in support to put it on equal footing with the governing VVD… Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) has experienced a dramatic rise in popularity among Dutch voters in a matter of days, rising […]

Netherlands’ Land Grab: A new documentary records the Dutch farmers’ struggle against a regime that is attempting to seize their land

Comment: of course it is not about the fake climate change narrative … anybody who still thinks it is is greatly duped. EWNZ [embedded content] A couple of weeks ago,  Big Picture released the documentary ‘NITROGEN 2000: The Dutch Farmers’ Struggle’ to watch for free. NITROGEN 2000 is a 45-minute documentary on the Dutch Farmer […]

Dutch Central Bank Admits It Has Prepared For A New Gold Standard

By Jan Nieuwenhuijs, of Gainesville Coins In a recent interview the Dutch central bank (DNB) shares it has equalized its gold reserves, relative to GDP, to other countries in the eurozone and outside of Europe. This has been a political decision. If there is a financial crisis the gold price will skyrocket, and official gold […]

NITROGEN 2000 The Dutch Farmers’ Struggle

Nov 6 2023 Nitrogen 2000 is a 45 minute documentary on the Dutch Farmer struggle of 2019-23. 70% of Holland is owned by small cattle farmers and since 2019, the Dutch government has been advocating a 50% forced buy out of their land. This amounts to a nationalization of a third of the territory of […]

The Dutch Are The Most Likely To ‘Borrow’ Their Neighbor’s WiFi

The Dutch Are The Most Likely To ‘Borrow’ Their Neighbor’s WiFi According to data collected by Statista’s Global Consumer Survey, 18 percent of Dutch online respondents said that they mainly access their internet at home via their neighbor or landlord’s wireless connection. As Statista’s Anna Fleck notes, this is more than double the rate of people in the […]

Dutch Farmer Party Calls for Hard Asylum Seeker Cap and Opt-Out of EU Green Agenda in Election Manifesto

Planting its flag on the populist right, the Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement called for an “opt-out” of EU climate and migrant agreements. Source

The Dutch School of Understanding – #SolutionsWatch

Tjeerd Andringa joins James on #SolutionsWatch to discuss his cancellation from his former position at the University of Groningen and, more importantly, how that prompted him to create the School of Understanding. Designed as a small-scale, decentralized, effective, and cheap solution to the problems of our current schooling, the School of Understanding that Andringa is […]

Dutch Citizens Reject WEF Agenda As Mark Rutte’s Government Dramatically Collapses

    The Dutch people rose up and rejected the agenda of the Davos elite on Friday, resulting in the sudden and complete collapse of Mark Rutte’s government. The WEF Young Global Leader’s coalition government collapsed on Friday after just over a year in office, following a massive rebellion by the people of Holland over […]

The Dutch Bond that’s Still Paying Interest After 375 Years (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

Dutch farmers, beaten by police, protest the seizure of 3,000+ farms, to make way for immigrant housing—on orders of Klaus Schwab

From Prof Mark Crispin Miller @ substack While France burns, let’s all keep an eye on Holland; because what’s happening there WILL also happen here, unless the people stop it READ AT THE LINK Photo: Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Dutch court bans man from donating sperm after he fathered over 500 children

A Dutch court has ordered a man believed to have fathered more than 550 children to stop donating his sperm. Source

Approximately 60 Dutch nationals to be repatriated from Sudan through Cyprus

Approximately 60 Dutch nationals will be repatriated from Sudan, through Cyprus, in the framework of the repatriation operation held in cooperation with the UK, as British aircraft continue to evacuate civilians transporting them to the Republic of Cyprus, policy officer of the embassy of the Netherlands in Cyprus, Giorgos Andriotis, has told the Cyprus News… […]

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