Posts Tagged ‘gangs’

CANNIBAL gangs are roving Haiti on murder sprees, “eating people they’ve killed”

(NaturalNews) A real-life walking dead situation is unfolding in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, where roving gangs are attacking police officers with… Source

DUTCH CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Eritrean Migrant Gangs Cause Major Riot, Burn Police Cars – Geert Wilders: ‘I’ll Become the Prime Minister Who Finally Puts Things in Order’

DUTCH CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Eritrean Migrant Gangs Cause Major Riot, Burn Police Cars – Geert Wilders: ‘I’ll Become the Prime Minister Who Finally Puts Things in Order’ Source

Eritrean Gangs Wage War on the Streets of Hague, Netherlands

In a disconcerting turn of events, The Hague became the scene of violent clashes between two rival groups of Eritreans, prompting the deployment of police in riot gear to restore order. The confrontation unfolded at the Opera conference hall on Fruitweg Street, where two factions clashed, leading to scenes of chaos and mayhem. After an […]

The Allergic Plan to flood England with rape gangs and destroy our people

The UN Migration Pact and Hate Speech explained. The rape gangs are coming in under UN treaties signed into by the UK. England must leave the UK and nullify the treaties. Clearer version of the graphic at The Allergic Plan – to fill England with the rape gangs and destroy our people – England Calling […]

Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro under siege by Gangs, 36 buses torched

Criminals reportedly set fire to at least 36 buses, four lorries and a train, apparently in retaliation for the killing of a senior paramilitary leader by police Rio de Janeiro’s state governor, Cláudio Castro, has vowed to strike back against organised crime after paramilitary gangsters launched an unprecedented assault on Rio’s public transport system, torching […]

CONFIRMED: Mexican cartels are now INSIDE the U.S. forming gangs and SNIPER NESTS to take out Americans

(NaturalNews) Soon it will all be readily apparent to everyone, but right now most Americans are too busy TikToking and gorging themselves on GMOs, vaccines, and… Source


Based on a year-long investigation, reporter Gary Webb wrote that during the 1980s the CIA helped finance its covert war against Nicaragua’s leftist government through sales of cut-rate cocaine to South Central L.A. drug dealer, Ricky Ross. Source

Swedish Gangs Use Fake Spotify Hits From Affiliated Ganster Rappers To Launder Money

Swedish Gangs Use Fake Spotify Hits From Affiliated Ganster Rappers To Launder Money Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, The bombshell investigative report by a Swedish newspaper revealed how the Swedish underworld is converting its dirty cash into legitimate income via the streaming platform… Swedish criminal gangs are using Spotify to launder money by […]

UK, Turkiye ‘step up joint operations’ targeting human trafficking gangs’ tactics – British Premier

UK and Turkiye are “stepping up joint operations” to target human trafficking tactics across Europe, the British Prime Minister said Wednesday, Anadolu Agency reports. Responding to a question at the House of Commons about the supply chain of small boats, often referred as dinghies, Rishi Sunak said everything must be done “to stop the boats […]

UK, Turkiye strike deal to ‘disrupt and dismantle’ human smuggling gangs

The UK and Turkiye have struck an agreement to "disrupt and dismantle" human smuggling and trafficking gangs across Europe, as well as the supply of small boat parts. The British Government announced its support for establishing an operational "centre of excellence" by Turkiye's national police last night, which aims to strengthen collaboration between Turkiye-based staff […]

New UK PM Enters Whilst the Rest of the World Gangs Up Against the Schoolyard Bully, America

The ongoing debacle in Ukraine demonstrates that the US and the “allies of the willing” are no longer the main power block in the world. There are new camps forming, alliances, and these are often connecxted to old colonial wounds and shared pain. Collectively they are ganging up against the schoolyard bully, the US, and […]

’24 hours of hell’: Israeli settler gangs terrorize Palestinian town under army protection

Israeli settlers continued their attack on the Palestinian town of Huwwara in the northern occupied West Bank for the second day in a row on Friday, vandalizing several storefronts, vehicles, and homes, while Israeli forces fired live ammunition at Palestinians in the town.  At around 1 p.m., as Friday prayers were ongoing in the town, […]

Ghislaine Maxwell Gangs Up with Notorious Double Murderer Narcy Novack in Florida Prison

Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell has ganged up with notorious double murderer Narcy Novack in a Florida prison, according to reports.

LAPD: 17 Gangs Target L.A.’s Richest Residents in ‘Follow-Home’ Attacks

Seventeen gangs are targeting the city’s wealthiest residents, often following them out of stores and restaurants before robbing them, according to a new task force of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).

Patriot Front Leaks: Rape Gangs Are Good if They Only Target White Girls & All Females Should be Property Under White Sharia

I just recently published an article about how Patriot Front was shouting for White sharia at Charlottesville back when they went by Vanguard America. Maybe some people would assume that they have changed their ways and ideology, but this would be completely incorrect. Patriot Front pretends to have great OpSec, which is why no one […]

White Genocide in Berlin – North African Gangs Terrorize Remaining Germans with Rape, Drugs, Murder, Robberies

jews used their “allies” to destroy Germany in WWII and have been using invaders to destroy the Germans who survived ever since. link Share now! Source

Johnson proposes hi-vis chain gangs as part of crime plan

July 27, 2021 Punishment for antisocial behaviour included in proposals that will also extend powers of stop and search Boris Johnson (centre) with the home secretary, Priti Patel, in Surrey as the government released new proposals to tackle crime. Photograph: Yui Mok/AFP/Getty Images Jessica Elgot Senior political correspondent@jessicaelgot Offenders guilty of anti-social behaviour should be in “fluorescent-jacketed […]

Violent Gangs Target Jews, the New York Times Insists They Are ‘Overwhelmingly Peaceful’

A taxi passes by in front of The New York Times head office, Feb. 7, 2013. Photo: Reuters / Carlo Allegri / File. Reporting on a firebombing in New York’s diamond district and other anti-Jewish violence, a New York Times news article insists, “The protests remained overwhelmingly peaceful and organizers said they believed some were […]

Bloody Battle Between African, Balkan Gangs in Small Swiss City

    An ongoing conflict between gangs of Africans and Kosovars has led to a shooting in Delémont, a minor Swiss city near the French border. Members of both groups engaged in battle on Sunday night, according to 20 Minutes. Armed with bats, knifes, and other weapons, the rival factions squared off in the cantonal […]

German police target far-right crime gangs in early morning op, one day after raiding major Islamist group

German authorities have raided a far-right crime network, in their second major operation in two days. More than 500 officers, including special units, targeted 27 homes and business premises. Ten arrests have been made. The detained were aged between 24 and 55, and were members of a far-right network allegedly involved in drug and weapons […]

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