Posts Tagged ‘siege’

Gaza Under Siege: Aggression Continues on 211th Day, Efforts Intensify in Cairo Talks for Ceasefire Deal

May 4, 2024 Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top On the 211th day of the ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation army ramped up its attacks on homes in Rafah, resulting in more casualties. Despite the devastating situation, efforts to reach a ceasefire deal were intensified in Cairo, where the Hamas delegation […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 174:  Israel announces it has killed 200 Palestinians in its siege of al-Shifa Hospital

Casualties  32,552 + killed* and at least 74,980 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 450+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139. 597 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 111: Hospitals under siege, UNRWA shelter bombed in southern Gaza

Israeli forces bomb Gaza’s perimeter to prepare for a “buffer zone” as medical staff in Nasser Hospital dig graves in anticipation of a large number of fatalities due to Israel’s ongoing siege on the hospital.  Source

I could have been one of those who broke through the siege on October 7 

Nothing can hide the determination and courage of those young people who returned to their land on October 7. I could have been one of them had I been much younger and still living in the concentration camp called Gaza. Source

79 Days of Aggression: Gaza Under Siege as Occupation Continues Shelling and Massacres

December 24, 2023 the day – Top The Palestinian resistance has continued their fierce confrontation with the Israeli occupation for the 79th consecutive day. The ongoing clashes, which took place in various areas of the northern Gaza Strip, coincided with relentless air raids on the region. As the battle intensifies, the resistance has successfully thwarted multiple Zionist […]

Ronna McDaniel is under siege — and, her critics concede, likely to survive

“Frankly,” he said, “I don’t think there’s any way in the world you can get a two-thirds vote to replace her.” Lori Hinz, the North Dakota national committee woman who also opposed McDaniel’s reelection campaign, said she has been hearing from grassroots activists in her state that they’re unhappy with McDaniel’s leadership. But Hinz also […]

Under siege: Gaza’s medical heroes plead for ceasefire as hospitals crumble in conflict

Gaza’s medical emergency: a struggle for survival amidst conflict As the devastating conflict in Gaza continues, the region’s healthcare system faces an unprecedented crisis. Dr. Mohammed Ghneim, an emergency room doctor at Dar Al-Shifa, the largest hospital in Gaza, has become a frontline witness to the catastrophic impact of war on civilian health. For four […]

Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro under siege by Gangs, 36 buses torched

Criminals reportedly set fire to at least 36 buses, four lorries and a train, apparently in retaliation for the killing of a senior paramilitary leader by police Rio de Janeiro’s state governor, Cláudio Castro, has vowed to strike back against organised crime after paramilitary gangsters launched an unprecedented assault on Rio’s public transport system, torching […]

PUTIN: “The Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip is unacceptable and is like the Nazi siege of Leningrad.”

PUTIN: “The Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip is unacceptable and is like the Nazi siege of Leningrad.” Powerful words — Jackson Hinkle (@jacksonhinklle) October 13, 2023 Source

Legal Expert: Israel’s Siege of Gaza Is Lawful, Not ‘Collective Punishment’

Legal expert Mark Goldfeder, Special Counsel for International Affairs at the American Center for Law and Justice, has written a detailed post on X/Twitter explaining why Israel’s seige of Gaza is legal under international law, and not “collective punishment.” Source

Israel knows that a complete siege of Gaza and its 2 million people IS A DESPICABLE WAR CRIME……

…but hardcore serial war criminals don’t care how the world views them. ___ Source

Critical infrastructure people depend on must not be targeted: Red Cross on Gaza siege

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said, Tuesday, that critical infrastructure must not be targeted following Israel’s supply cut announcement in Gaza, Anadolu Agency reports. Critical infrastructure that people depend on to live – including electricity and water networks – must not be targeted. Irrespective of any military siege, the authorities must ensure […]

Israel’s total siege of Gaza ‘prohibited’ by international law, UN says

Israel’s total siege of the Gaza Strip, depriving civilians of goods essential for survival, is banned under international law, the United Nations Human Rights chief said on Tuesday, Reuters reports. According to the report, Volker Turk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said people’s dignity and lives had to be respected as he called […]

Israel Announces ‘Complete Siege’ of Gaza, Says They’re Fighting ‘Human Animals’

By Dave DeCamp The Israeli defense minister on Monday announced a “complete siege” on Gaza and said Israeli forces were fighting Source

Israeli Defense Minister Announces Siege On Gaza To Fight ‘Human Animals’

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called for denying Palestinian people electricity, food, water and fuel as Israel continues its bombardment of Gaza. Source

***Live Updates*** Israel Orders ‘Complete Siege’ of Gaza Strip Following Hamas Terror Attack

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has approved a “complete siege” of the Gaza strip following Hamas’s massive terror attack on the Jewish state, which has killed 800 people and wounded 2,500 more, according to reports. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 3: Israeli Defense Minister orders full siege of Gaza “No power, no food, no gas”

Fighting between Israel and Palestinian resistance factions, led by Hamas in Gaza, continued into their third day on Monday, as Israel declared a complete siege of Gaza. Source

Israeli defense minister orders ‘complete siege’ on Gaza Strip

Israel’s defense minister on Monday ordered a “complete siege” on the Gaza Strip as retaliatory action ramps up against the Palestinian militants who launched a deadly surprise attack over the weekend. The militant group Hamas launched its unprecedented attack on Israel on Saturday, leading Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to formally declare war Sunday. Israeli Defense… […]

Israel Orders ‘Complete Siege’ Of Gaza “Barbarians” As Death Toll Tops 1,100

Israel Orders ‘Complete Siege’ Of Gaza “Barbarians” As Death Toll Tops 1,100 The total death toll among both sides as all-out war between Israel and Gaza militants enters its third day has topped 1,100 – with most of these deaths being Israeli, at an estimated 800. Israel’s defense minister has as of Monday ordered a […]

Palestinians in Gaza rally to end Israel’s years-long siege

Scores of Palestinians staged a protest in Gaza City on Saturday to demand an end to Israel’s years-long blockade, Anadolu reports. Protesters waved banners calling for the reopening of Gaza ports during the protest organized by the International Campaign to Break the Gaza Siege group, according to an Anadolu reporter. “The ports in all world […]

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