Posts Tagged ‘lawful’

New Sheriff of Victoria, Julie Brown – SHOW US YOUR (LAWFUL) APPOINTMENT!

The authorities of this colony have a long history of using force, intimidation, violence and threats of incarceration against the good people of whatever state you live in. Victoria Police do it and were called out for it, in a recent County Court of Victoria case. The so called ‘Sheriff’ and other ‘employees of the […]

Legal Expert: Israel’s Siege of Gaza Is Lawful, Not ‘Collective Punishment’

Legal expert Mark Goldfeder, Special Counsel for International Affairs at the American Center for Law and Justice, has written a detailed post on X/Twitter explaining why Israel’s seige of Gaza is legal under international law, and not “collective punishment.” Source

RFK Jr.: Seizing lawful firearms will not STOP mass shootings

(NaturalNews) Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) stood firm on his stance of preserving the Second Amendment and refusing to take… Source

A police officer has the duty to execute all ‘lawful’ summonses, warrants, orders and directions.

A police officer has the duty to execute all ‘lawful’ summonses, warrants, orders and directions. Victoria and certain other states of Australia are warrant-less states, meaning that no lawfully issued warrants exist. Take for example in the case of road traffic ‘infringements’, that when not dealt with end up at the so called Sheriff’s Office, […]

CIA plan to poison Assange wasn’t needed. The US found a ‘lawful’ way to disappear him

A Yahoo News’ investigation reveals that, through much of 2017, the CIA weighed up whether to use wholly extrajudicial means to deal with the supposed threat posed by Julian Assange and his whistleblowers’ platform Wikileaks. The agency plotted either to kidnap or assassinate him. Shocking as the revelations are – exposing the entirely lawless approach […]

REVEALED: Jeremy Corbyn Has Lawful Claim to Prime Minster’s Seat

PICTURED: Prime Minister Theresa May, opposite the Queen wearing EU flag’ hat at State Opening of Parliament. Mike Robinson21st Century Wire On 8 June 2017, Theresa May cast her vote in a General Election she had called in the belief that Jeremy Corbyn was so weak that she would end up with a huge majority […]

Man stabs mom & 3 daughters at French holiday center over shorts and T-shirts

The man attacked the woman and her daughters – aged 8, 12 and 14 – in the resort town of Laragne-Monteglin in the Hautes-Alpes region, outraged at the fact that they were wearing shorts and T-shirts, local Deputy Mayor Jean-Marc Duprat said, according to AP. Horrifying moment when Nice killer truck hits unsuspecting people filmed […]

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