Posts Tagged ‘concede’

Ronna McDaniel is under siege — and, her critics concede, likely to survive

“Frankly,” he said, “I don’t think there’s any way in the world you can get a two-thirds vote to replace her.” Lori Hinz, the North Dakota national committee woman who also opposed McDaniel’s reelection campaign, said she has been hearing from grassroots activists in her state that they’re unhappy with McDaniel’s leadership. But Hinz also […]

RNC challenger not ready to concede to McDaniel

DANA POINT, Calif. — The Republican National Committee’s 168 members and their guests buzzed around the Waldorf Astoria on Wednesday, all under the same roof for the first time since a bitter race for party chair began nearly two months ago. Weeks of bickering on email chains, dueling on Twitter, bomb throwing on primetime conservative […]

NTD Good Morning (Nov. 18): Kari Lake Refusing to Concede; House Advances Bill to Track Mail-in Ballots

Kari Lake says the election for who sits in the Arizona governor’s chair is not over. She has not conceded. Instead, she is assembling lawyers and collecting evidence of voters having trouble casting ballots on Nov. 8. A U.S. House Committee advances a bill to track mail-in Ballots. But some feel it doesn’t do enough […]

Liz Cheney: Trump’s Refusal to Concede Defeat Put U.S. in Dangerous ‘No Man’s Land’

Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Monday on CNN’s “The Lead” that Donald Trump’s refusal to concede his defeat in the 2020 presidential election put the nation in a dangerous “no man’s land.” CNN anchor Jake Tapper asked about New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman’s new book claiming that Trump planned to stay at the White House after […]

ABC Concede: MKULTRA Came to Australia

After years of publicly vilifying and slandering me for verbalising my child abuse witness testimony, the ABC finally put in print what I stated and published years ago – that MKULTRA came to Australia via the University of Sydney. Yet the ABC article left out some crucial facts which I discuss below. ____________________________________________ _______________________________________ The […]

Chris Christie: Trump Would Not Concede — January 6 Riot Was ‘Driven from the Top’

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol “was driven from the top” by former President Donald Trump. Anchor George Stephanopoulos said, “It seems like every single day, Chris Christie, we’re learning more about what was going on inside the White […]

It can take a generation for the medical establishment to concede to new proven data – as demonstrated with handwashing & the lowering of newborn death rate

Thanks to the flyingcuttlefish blog for this link. The clip is taken from the Joe Rogan Experience with Dr. Mark Gordon & Andrew Marr. A short watch, basically we have evidence from an MD about how difficult it is – in spite of real data /evidence provided – to convince the medical establishment of the […]

Trump did NOT concede, and the “transition of power” doesn’t necessarily mean a transition to Biden | Lin Wood Explains “Many Traitors” To Be Arrested Shortly | Final List of Confirmed Traitors Acquired Last Night During Congressional Vote | There are two options remaining for defending America now: 1) Trump invokes the military authority option and initiates the mass arrests.2) Armed patriots rise up to defend the nation and declare independence from tyranny.

January 7, 2021 Mike Adams / Natural News Following yesterday’s false flag “storming” of the Capitol Building — staged by left-wing Antifa / BLM instigators who dressed up as MAGA supporters — we witnessed the final act of betrayal against our constitutional republic as members of Congress flipped against truth and voted to accept the fraudulent Biden […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Trump Should Never Concede

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Biden Must Concede

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Donald Trump Will Not Concede (Video)

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Antifa Leader Warns Trump: “We’re Armed… Concede by Sunday or We’ll Block Roads in Conservative Areas”

An Antifa leader has warned President Trump that if he doesn’t concede by lunchtime on Sunday armed Antifa terrorists will block the roads in conservative neighborhoods. During the September 29 debate, Joe Biden responded to President Trump’s remarks about Antifa being a violent organization by aruging that Antifa is simply “an idea” and “not an […]

Michelle Obama Lashes Out Over Trump’s Refusal To Concede -‘This Isn’t A Game’

Former first lady Michelle Obama says Donald Trump should respect the results of the election and accept corporate media’s declaration that Joe Biden won Mrs Obama told President Trump that it is “not a game” and reminded him that “Democracy is so much bigger than anybody’s ego.” Breitbart reports: In an Instagram post, Obama blasted […]

‘I concede nothing’: Trump says Biden ‘won’ election, vows to fight on

President Donald Trump on Sunday appeared to acknowledge for the first time that Joe Biden won the White House, but made clear he would not concede and would keep trying to overturn the election result. Trump’s statements came in tweets that included several baseless claims about the Nov. 3 vote, which state and federal officials […]

Gov. Cuomo: Trump Refusal to Concede the ‘Height of Irresponsibility and Narcissism’

Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) said Friday on CNN’s “Situation Room” President Donald Trump’s decision not to concede the presidential election to Joe Biden was “the height of irresponsibility and narcissism.” When asked about Trump’s refusal to concede, Cuomo said, “That is his delusion. That is just his dislocation from reality. It’s shameful what he has done, Wolf. […]

Zionist Kushner Tells Trump, Father-in-Law to Concede

By infostormer -November 9, 20202 Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law has been by far the worst figure in the White House. Many of the worst policy decisions pushed by Trump were largely the result of Kushner’s meddling. Now we are getting reports about how Kushner approached Trump to concede the election despite historical levels of vote fraud. Now […]

George W. Bush Congratulates Biden On His ‘Win’ & Tells Trump To Concede

George W. Bush has congratulated Joe Biden on his ‘election victory’ and for his ‘patriotic’ victory speech. Offering his “warm congratulations” to the President-elect, Bush called the Democrat “a good man, who has won his opportunity to lead and unify our country.” The former republican president also told Donald Trump that he should concede because […]

Lindsey Graham: ‘Do Not Concede, Mr. President — Fight Hard’

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” urged President Donald Trump not to concede the election. Graham said, “If we don’t challenge and change the U.S. election system, there will never be another Republican president elected again. President Trump should not concede.” He continued, “To my Republican colleagues out there, we have […]

Joy Behar: Trump Refusing to Concede to Avoid Imminent Prison Sentence

Anti-Trump host Joy Behar claimed President Trump is “hanging on to power” to avoid his imminent jail sentence. “The View” co-host made the remarks during Tuesday’s show. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg began by saying: “I know if it goes in a crazy way and Joe doesn’t get elected, he’s going to say to people everybody calm […]

RNC Night 2 – Live Coverage: Hillary Says Dems Should Not Concede Election Under Any Circumstance

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