Posts Tagged ‘driven’

BlackRock CEO: ‘Xenophobic’ Countries With Shrinking Populations May Be The ‘Big Winners’ in AI-Driven Future

Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock who has spent years pushing open borders and mass immigration onto America, told the World Economic Forum this week that “xenophobic” countries with “declining populations” may actually be the “big winners” in a future dominated by AI and robotics. NEW – BlackRock CEO: “The social problems that one will […]

Euthanasia Driven Depopulation Agenda

The core tenet of the depopulation agenda has always been to make people want their own demise. Convince people that our earthly resources are finite and that overpopulation is an existential threat to humanity. Once this seedling takes route in the brain stem of a free-willed human being who is indifferent to evil – they […]

Lavender’s lethal legacy: AI-driven warfare and the human cost in Gaza

Image Credit: Molly Mendoza for Reveal The unveiling of Lavender, an artificial intelligence system employed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), has ignited a firestorm of controversy and concern. This AI tool, designed to identify and mark targets in the complex and densely populated landscapes of Gaza, represents a new frontier in military technology. However, […]

Biden’s post-pandemic “job recovery” driven almost entirely by MIGRANT LABOR, study finds

(NaturalNews) A study from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has found that the “job recovery” following the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic touted by… Source

Can An ‘Independent’ Kennedy Destroy “The Whole Left-Right Demon-Driven Pyschodrama”

By James Howard Kunstler via Three-Way? “Intents have been overtaken by events.” – Jacob Dreizin You have to wonder what took Bobby Kennedy, Jr. so long to recognize that the Democratic Party was a home that he had long ago been turned out of, like a dog that has peed on the carpet too […]

D.C. Attorney General Launches Politically Driven Investigation into Leonard Leo

Washington, DC, Attorney General Brian Schwalb has launched a baseless, politically driven investigation into Federalist Society co-chairman Leonard Leo, Politico reported. Source

The COVID Crisis Response Has Driven a Global Increase in ‘Learning Poverty’

International Literacy Day, celebrated on September 8 each year, is a global observance dedicated to promoting the significance of literacy as a human right and a powerful driver of sustainable development. Literacy is a key ingredient of personal development and social progress because it empowers people to access education and information, enabling them to make […]

Anti French coups in Africa are US driven

  “Brig. Gen Moussa Barmou, the American-trained commander of the Nigerien special operations forces, beamed as he embraced a senior U.S. general visiting the country’s $100 million, Washington-funded drone base in June. Six weeks later, Barmou helped oust Niger’s democratically elected president” Me: A succession of African coups [that often harm France] have a common […]

Very few scientists agree that climate change is driven by human activity

BY RHODA WILSON ON JANUARY 23, 2023 • ( 38 COMMENTS ) You have likely heard that 97% of scientists agree on human-driven climate change. The overwhelming majority of scientists take no view on the question of whether climate change is man-made, for it is beyond our present knowledge to answer. Only 0.3% of science papers state humans are the cause of […]

Unified by national leaders and results-driven storylines, Democrats show up the obstructionist, do-nothing right 

Dems make the future palatable,/ The right twists it intolerable. Source

Jan. 6 panel reveals new details of Trump’s fringe-driven push to hold power

A swath of Donald Trump’s top advisers and Cabinet officials began urging him to concede defeat by mid-December 2020, after the Electoral College’s official vote to make Joe Biden president, according to testimony the Jan. 6 panel aired Tuesday. The select committee at its Tuesday hearing revealed video of former White House counsel Pat Cipollone, […]

TLAV: How The Ukraine Situation Was Driven Into Reality, Vaccine-Induced Liver Failure & COVID Insurance

In this joint interview, Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report and Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout/TLAV take turns asking each other questions about their recent work and discuss different solutions and ways to prepare for what is likely to be a bumpy year ahead. July 21, 2021 Source

How The Ukraine Situation Was Driven Into Reality, Vaccine-Induced Liver Failure & COVID Insurance

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/26/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

Newly Christian Families Driven from Homes in Uganda

Destroyed crops on banana plantation of Umar Opoloto in Pallisa District, Uganda on Dec. 12, 2021. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A Christian woman and her children last week fled the violence of her Muslim husband in eastern Uganda, and earlier in a nearby district villagers destroyed a newly believing family’s crops […]

Video: DeSantis Introduces ‘Stop WOKE’ Act, Says CRT Is “Elite-Driven Phenomenon”

Senator Rand Paul escalated his feud with Anthony Fauci Thursday by calling for the NAID head’s arrest and imprisonment for continually lying to Congress and denying he funded gain of function research on coronaviruses. Appearing on Fox Business, the Senator remarked “Fauci should go to prison for five years for lying to congress. They [the DOJ] […]

UK Changes “Fully Vaxed” To 3 Shots & WHO Admits Omicron Driven By The “Young, Healthy & Vaccinated”

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/14/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

Chris Christie: Trump Would Not Concede — January 6 Riot Was ‘Driven from the Top’

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol “was driven from the top” by former President Donald Trump. Anchor George Stephanopoulos said, “It seems like every single day, Chris Christie, we’re learning more about what was going on inside the White […]

Drs. Ardis and McCullough Talk About COVID-Driven Fear in the Medical Profession

Several medical experts say that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is mainly driven by fear. Dr. Bryan Ardis touched on this during the Oct. 20 episode of “The Dr. Ardis Show” on Brighteon.TV. He is joined by Dr. Peter McCullough, who has spoken at length about COVID-19. Ardis asserts that COVID-19 “isn’t as dangerous or […]

Dr. Fleming Interview – Vaccinated Driven Variants, Hiding Natural Immunity & Creating Bioweapons

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Joining me today is Dr. Richard Fleming, MD, PhD, here to discuss the COVID-19 deception, focusing especially on what is driving the variants, the inherent dangers of these injections, and the origin of SARS-CoV-2 regarding gain-of-function research and bioweapons.  […]

World Bank: Half of all internal migrants could be driven by climate change

The World Bank said 6% of the North Africa population could be displaced by climate change, in its damning Groundswell II report. The report laid bare the extent of climate migrants if world leaders do not clean up their act. In three scenarios tested, it was estimated that a total of 13 million climate migrants […]

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