Posts Tagged ‘demon’

The demon Kissinger plus sadistic teachers, procreating pandas and Irish nationalism, and more

The demon Kissinger plus sadistic teachers, procreating pandas and Irish nationalism, and more  Fri 3:54 pm +01:00, 1 Dec 2023  5 posted by pete fairhurst 2 [embedded content] A foul mouthed, funny and rambling monologue from the pagan Thomas Sheridan There is no need to agree with everything that he says, he is not a […]

Jewish woman becomes a demon when confronted by a street preacher in Israel.

Jewish woman becomes a demon when confronted by a street preacher in Israel.

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Carrying Around a Demon

Michael Farris—former president of the Alliance Defending Freedom, where House Speaker Mike Johnson previously worked—says that Johnson is “the highest ranking, serious, biblically-trained … government official we’ve ever had in my lifetime.” Dave Daubenmire declares that churches that celebrate Halloween “are no different than abortionists calling baby murder ‘health care.’” Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers […]

Can An ‘Independent’ Kennedy Destroy “The Whole Left-Right Demon-Driven Pyschodrama”

By James Howard Kunstler via Three-Way? “Intents have been overtaken by events.” – Jacob Dreizin You have to wonder what took Bobby Kennedy, Jr. so long to recognize that the Democratic Party was a home that he had long ago been turned out of, like a dog that has peed on the carpet too […]

‘Golden Demon’ Statue Placed Atop New York Courthouse to Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Abortion

A new state-sanctioned desecration of our heritage just dropped. Source

Pope Francis Admits An ‘Elegant Demon’ Is Lurking in the Vatican

Pope Francis has warned the cardinals who work in Vatican offices that an “elegant demon” is lurking among them. In his annual Christmas address in the Vatican’s gilded Hall of Benediction on Wednesday, the pope […] The post Pope Francis Admits An ‘Elegant Demon’ Is Lurking in the Vatican appeared first on News Punch. Source

Leslie Wexner Says He Is Possessed by a jewish Demon

Leslie Wexner is the jewish billionaire who sold thongs to little girls with Victoria’s Secret and funded Jeffrey Epstein’s operation. He is apparently controlled by a jewish demon. @whyweneedbitcoin How #lesliewexnerhelped create#jeffreyepstein. #ghislainemaxwell ♬ original sound – WhyWeNeedBitcoin Share now! Source

The Demon Drummer of Tedworth: Exploring The Truth Behind the Story

As a species, mankind has always been obsessed with things that go bump in the night. Whether it be around a campfire, written down in a book, or shown on the big screen, we’ve been telling each other spooky tales for thousands of years.  Read more Section:  News Unexplained Phenomena Read Later 

Leslie Wexner’s Inner Demon

1985 was the year that Leslie Wexner became a billionaire. It was also that year that the chairman of The Limited (now L Brands) began to build up his public persona. This effort to “re-brand” himself began with a series of fawning media profiles. The main outlets that participated in Wexner’s first main, personal PR […]

Satanism on the Rise & Morality in Decline: Baphomet Demon Statue Installed Alongside Nativity Scene in Illinois Capitol, While Satanists Chanted ‘Hail Satan’

Members of the Satanic Temple of Illinois traveled to the Illinois Capitol in Springfield to install a Satanic display in the rotunda alongside a Christian nativity scene already present. The Satanic display mocks Christianity with a statue of Baphomet as a baby. The Stanic Temple members allege the display is meant to recognize the holiday of Sol Invictus. However, […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Demon-Killing Machines

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Most Evil Demon in America

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Demon Kinda Bummed To Be Cast Out In English Instead Of The Traditional Latin

FARGO, ND—Local demon Asmodeus has been cast out of yet another church in rural North Dakota after terrorizing the church members for several weeks. Before spreading his charred wings to fly off to the next town, he complained to local reporters that exorcisms just aren’t the same since they started doing them in English instead of […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Voice of a Demon

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Is This Byzantine-Era Demon-Repellent Amulet Jewish or Gnostic?

A Byzantine-era amulet unearthed 40 years ago in Arbel, Israel, has been returned to the authorities. Archaeologists have calculated that the 1,500-year-old magical bronze amulet was definitely used to protect someone from the  evil eye . However, whether the wearer was a pregnant Jewish woman or a member of a Gnostic cult is proving harder […]

About the Sick Davos Psychopathic El-ite (Demon Scum) Yup Kill Gates & Angelina Are Part of This!

™ An “Almost Daily” Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Headlines “We read and rebut their vile crap so you won’t have to!” Globo-Gangster Klaus SchwabMAY 3, 2021 NY Times:A Look at Davos Through the YearsREBUTTAL BY In 1971, the first annual meeting of the World […]

Fake president pedophile satanist BIDEN and his demon filled ADMINISTRATION ISSUES harmful ORDER FOR POLICE TO BEGIN, for no scientific reason ARRESTING PEOPLE CAUGHT WITHOUT A MASK ON THEIR FACES who are exercising their human right to oxygen AND PROSECUTE THEM CRIMINALLY | There are exemptions: which exempt us all. Editor Note: Dylan Eleven I have not put a mask on yet. Not once. I simply explain the truth that I have an exemption for medical reasons. No one has challenged this. My medical reason is I am human and I need the correct amount of oxygen to function properly and to be healthy. […]

Hidden Welsh Witchcraft Den And Demon Traps Discovered In Old Home

A home full of occult objects has attracted enormous interest, recently. A hidden space beneath a staircase in a 16th-century Welsh home was filled with occult objects, including animal skulls and a hoard of left shoes, and its being called a “witchcraft den.” Lecturer Kerrie Jackson and her husband Bleddyn were renovating their 16th century […]

Demon possessed Catholic priest holds Orgy with Satanist Goth Porn Stars on Church Altar

    The sex act between a Catholic priest and two “dominatrices,” which allegedly happened on an altar of a Louisiana church, was nothing short of demonic desecration, the archbishop has ruled. Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans ordered the removal and burning of the altar of the Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church […]

Wizard Battles And Demon Traps Revealed In Ancient Christian Texts

A “wizard battle” and over 300 other bizarre stories including “trapped demons” have been published by  Biblical scholars  translating apocryphal ancient Christian texts into English for the first time.  The facts about Jesus’s life are shadowy to say the least, but by the end of the fourth century the church had selected and canonized the biblical texts […]

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