Posts Tagged ‘courthouse’

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Angels In The Courthouse

MAGA pastor Shane Vaughn held an impromptu prayer session in his car yesterday to ask God to send angels into the Supreme Court to give former President Donald Trump a victory in his presidential immunity case. Christian nationalist Lance Wallnau told the audience gathered for this “Courage Tour” that they cannot trust anyone but God […]

Man sets himself on fire outside Trump trial courthouse

NEW YORK – A person has self-immolated outside the Manhattan courthouse where former President Trump’s first criminal trial is ongoing, police confirmed to The Hill. The incident, which occurred in a park outside the courthouse where protests of Trump’s trial have taken place this week, drew a heavy emergency response. Ambulances lined the block where… […]

DA Investigator Accidentally Shoots Self in Courthouse Bathroom

An investigator with the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney’s Office accidentally shot herself in the leg inside a courthouse on Friday.  Source

‘Golden Demon’ Statue Placed Atop New York Courthouse to Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Abortion

A new state-sanctioned desecration of our heritage just dropped. Source

NYC Courthouse Erects Demonic Statue With Horns Paying Tribute To RBG and Abortion

A statue of a horned, demonic figure, supposedly symbolizing a twisted version of “femininity” and celebrating abortion and the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been erected atop the New York City courthouse. […] The post NYC Courthouse Erects Demonic Statue With Horns Paying Tribute To RBG and Abortion appeared first on News […]

Steve Bannon, SWATTED Three Times, Speaks from Courthouse of “Desperate” Measures From “Dying Regime,” Urges Legal Activism Against Election Fraud

A journalist podcaster exploding in popularity who was President Trump’s chief-of-staff for a short time has been charged again, this time regarding funds raised for a Build the Wall initiative. Steve Bannon denies all charges.  Bannon has been previously SWATTED three times, SWATTING is the calling in of a false emergency report, such as a […]

Report: Peter Navarro Handcuffed at Airport and ‘Frogmarched’ to the Courthouse

Former White House economic adviser Peter Navarro was reportedly handcuffed at the airport in Washington, DC, on Friday and “frogmarched” to the federal courthouse after failing to comply with the partisan January 6 Committee.

Armed BLM Militia Marching Outside of Courthouse Where The Ahmaud Arbery Trial Is Occurring

The message here seems pretty clear. Unless the White men are found guilty, the Black terrorists are going to cause violence, to give justice to the jogger. Link Share now! Source

Rioters Flee In Terror As Kyle Rittenhouse Emerges From Courthouse With AR-15

KENOSHA, WI—As the Rittenhouse trial drew to a close, Antifa rioters were preparing their violent destruction of the city. But their plans were quickly foiled as Rittenhouse emerged from the courthouse a free man, AR-15 in hand.  “The jig is up! Scatter!” cried the terrified commie waifs as they skittered toward shadowy alleyways like cockroaches. “The […]

Kyle Rittenhouse Asked To Step Outside And Defend The Courthouse While Verdict Is Being Read

Kyle Rittenhouse Asked To Step Outside And Defend The Courthouse While Verdict Is Being Read KENOSHA, WI—Moments before reading the verdict, the twelve jurors in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse asked if the defendant would please step outside and defend the courthouse.  “We, the jury will perform our constitutional duty and declare the verdict in […]

Judge Instructs Jury To Ignore Angry Mob Outside Threatening To Burn Down Courthouse

Judge Instructs Jury To Ignore Angry Mob Outside Threatening To Burn Down Courthouse KENOSHA, WI—With closing arguments completed in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, the judge is now giving the jury their instructions before they deliberate, reminding them to ignore the angry mob that is currently outside threatening to burn the whole building down.  “Please be […]

Antifa Insurrectionists Set Fire to Federal Courthouse With People Inside

A group of violent Antifa insurrectionists stormed a U.S. federal courthouse in Portland on Thursday night, starting fires while people were inside. Video shows Antifa terrorists smashing windows, spraying grafitti, and settings fires with police nowhere to be seen. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. Department of […]

Mont. Man Found Guilty of Toppling Ten Commandments Monument at County Courthouse

KALISPELL, Mont. — A Montana man who was arrested for toppling a Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of a county courthouse with a chain and his pickup truck this past summer has been found guilty. Flathead County District Court Judge Amy Eddy found Anthony Weimer, 30, of Columbia Falls guilty of felony criminal mischief after […]

Wild Video: Convict Flees Courthouse During Sentencing

A fugitive has been captured after more than three days on the run following a dramatic escape from an Ohio courthouse. Nickolaus Garrison, 34, had been convicted of felony methamphetamine possession and was sentenced to nearly two years in prison during a hearing at the Highland County Courthouse on Monday morning, the Times-Gazette of Hillsboro […]

Gun battle at Istanbul courthouse, at least 1 injured – local media

Footage from the area shows people lying on the ground as they try to shield themselves from bullets. Some 20 people have been arrested, Hurriyet reported, noting that a brawl also erupted after police arrived at the scene. The gun battle broke out between members of rival gangs involved in a murder trial that is […]

New York Judge Arrested & Led from Courthouse in Handcuffs

An embattled City Court judge was escorted Monday from judicial chambers in handcuffs. Rochester court deputies and city police officers executed a bench warrant issued for Judge Leticia Astacio’s arrest last week after she missed a Tuesday court appearance related to an August drunken-driving conviction. Astacio, a Rochester City […]

Pokémon Go Linked to CIA

The ‘augmented reality’ mobile game Pokémon Go, which uses the player’s smartphone camera to ‘add’ Pokémon to real-world locations, has ties to the CIA. The developer of Pokémon Go, Niantic, Inc., was founded by John Hanke, who previously received funding from the CIA’s venture capital firm In-Q-Tel to develop what eventually became […]

Scan pyramids project: Cosmic rays can show us what the inside of a pyramid looks like

Cosmic rays allow us to slice through the structure of a pyramid, revealing the ancient and fine engineering at its heart.      You may have wondered what the inside of a pyramid looks like. Not the cavities and passages you see on The Mummy – the actual structure of the creation, how it was built […]

13-year-old Palestinian girl shot dead at gate of settlement

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem 13-year-old Palestinian girl shot dead after alleged stab attempt JERUSALEM (Ma‘an) 23 Jan  — A 13-year-old Palestinian was shot dead Saturday after reportedly attempting to stab an Israeli security guard outside of an illegal West Bank settlement northeast of Jerusalem, Israeli police said. Israeli police spokesperson Luba […]

Migrant wave is an invading army of young men, ready to pick up arms, warns journalist

(NaturalNews) The massive wave of humanity streaming steadily out of the war-torn Middle East and North Africa into the whole of Europe is really just an invading army, says an independent journalist covering the calamity, only the continent’s Left-wing governments are too ideologically immature to understand what’s going on. As noted by Karl […]

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