Posts Tagged ‘accidentally’

Russia Accidentally Bombs A Russian Village Near Ukraine Border

Russia’s defense ministry admitted there was an “emergency release” on munitions over the village. Source

CNN Accidentally Broadcast Live Footage of Masked Woman Stuffing Ballot Box

CNN accidentally broadcast live footage a masked woman stuffing a ballot box during the 2020, as revealed by internet sleuths who have shared the footage online. For the record, CNN did not investigate the incident, […] The post CNN Accidentally Broadcast Live Footage of Masked Woman Stuffing Ballot Box appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

That Time When George Bush Accidentally Told Us About 2023 Indirectly from Gordon. Source

DA Investigator Accidentally Shoots Self in Courthouse Bathroom

An investigator with the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney’s Office accidentally shot herself in the leg inside a courthouse on Friday.  Source

Janet Yellen says she accidentally ate ‘magic mushrooms’ in China

Janet Yellen says she accidentally ate ‘magic mushrooms’ in China lead image Source

EPA Accidentally Admits East Palestine In Danger, “Politically Useful” Bioweapons, Pharma Child Experiments & The Big Flu Lie

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/5/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Aging Iraq Invaders Keep Accidentally Saying ‘Iraq’ Instead Of ‘Ukraine’

Aging Iraq Invaders Keep Accidentally Saying ‘Iraq’ Instead Of ‘Ukraine’ by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter June 29, 2023   President Biden accidentally referred to Putin’s war in “Iraq” when answering questions from the press, a year after former president George W Bush made the same gaffe. Both men played crucial roles in the push to […]

Is Archaeology Getting it Wrong? ‘Ancient Stone Tools’ Accidentally Made by Modern Monkeys

Archaeologists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have announced their discovery of stone fragments that closely resemble ancient stone tools made by prehistoric humans. What is notable is that these apparently worked stone objects were actually made unintentionally by old world monkeys living in the forests of Thailand. Does this have implications for […]

Sassanid jug discovered accidentally in southwest Iran

TEHRAN –An earthenware jug, estimated to date back to the Sassanid era (224–651), has recently been unearthed accidentally in Dishmok, a mountainous town in southwestern Kohgiluyeh-Boyer Ahmad province, a senior police official in charge of protecting cultural heritage has said. Source

FDA Accidentally Exposes EUA Deception, Ukraine The Runaway Train & Massive Vaccine Risk Cover Up

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/14/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

NYT Accidentally Exposes Ukraine False Flag, VAERS Coverup & It’s Always Been A Pandemic Of Injected

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/24/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Ukraine Tried To Trick NATO Into Starting World War III After It Accidentally Bombed Poland

Nov 16, 2022 Source By Andrew Korybko The Ukrainian leadership was well aware of what happened but decided to propagate the most dangerous conspiracy theory in history in an attempt to spark World War III. The Western public would do well to dwell on this since it means that they’ve been forced by their governments […]

OOPSIE! – National Guard “Accidentally” Gives Service Members COVID-19 Vaccine Instead of Influenza Shot

National Guard “Accidentally” Gives Service Members COVID-19 Vaccine Instead of Influenza Shot By Julian Conradson Published October 8, 2022 This week it was revealed that the US National Guard wrongly administered the Covid vaccine to a group of service members who were expecting to receive an influenza vaccine, according to The Epoch Times. The incident […]

Man Transitions Into Woman After Accidentally Taking His Wife’s Multivitamin

GARDEN CITY, CO — Local man Terrence Bilkerson successfully transitioned into a woman recently after taking his wife’s multivitamin. The transition occurred instantly after he grabbed the wrong bottle of vitamins, being distracted by that idiot referee who had made that confounding call in the fourth quarter of Sunday’s big game. Source

Oops, Minnesota Accidentally Legalized THC-Spiked Seltzer

Collage by Cathryn Virginia | Photos by MirageC, Tripod, and Jamroen via Getty Images On July 1, 2022, Minnesota breweries received a windfall.  That day, the Minnesota State Legislature passed a law allowing the sale of products containing THC. It was a baffling development, considering state Republicans’ longstanding opposition to marijuana legalization, yet Statute 151.72 passed—unanimously, with zero debate, in a […]

Lost Journalist Accidentally Wanders Into The Washington Post

WASHINGTON, DC — The Washington Post headquarters saw an unexpected intrusion this week after a real-live journalist became disoriented and mistakenly entered their building. “You’re looking to follow the truth wherever it takes you? Oh, you poor thing, you must be lost. We only do state-approved fake news here,” said the receptionist to the confused […]

Lost Journalist Accidentally Wanders Into The Washington Post

WASHINGTON, DC — The Washington Post headquarters saw an unexpected intrusion this week after a real-live journalist became disoriented and mistakenly entered their building. “You’re looking to follow the truth wherever it takes you? Oh, you poor thing, you must be lost. We only do state-approved fake news here,” said the receptionist to the confused […]

Your Government at Work: IRS Says It Accidentally Exposed Confidential Taxpayer Data

The IRS has stated that it inadvertently posted the confidential information of 120,000 individuals to a public website before discovering the error.

Democrat Cindy Axne Accidentally Outs Herself Being Cozy with China-Backed Company

Vulnerable Democrat Rep. Cindy Axne (IA), in an attempt to attack her Republican challenger Zach Nunn, released an ad claiming that he is in China’s pocket for accepting money from a Chinese company she toured and praised in 2019 for “powering Iowa agriculture.”

Emperor Zeno Was Accidentally Buried Alive and His Wife Refused to Save Him

Flavius Zeno was a 5th century Roman Emperor, whose reign was plagued by domestic revolts and religious dissention, and it appears that he was just as unlucky in death as he was in life!  Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

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