Posts Tagged ‘legalized’

Sanders and Schakowsky champion corporate tax reform to end ‘legalized tax dodging’

Amid growing concerns over economic inequality and corporate profiteering, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois) have introduced a groundbreaking legislative proposal aimed at overhauling the corporate tax system in the United States. The Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act seeks to eliminate the loopholes and tax breaks that have enabled some of the […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Legalized Man-Stealing

Far-right pastor and anti-vax conspiracy theorist Joshua Feuerstein has announced that he is running for a seat in the Texas state House. Tim Barton declares that Jesus cares deeply about economic issues because “there are more parables [in the Bible] that deal with money, that deal with economics than any other topic.” Tim Barton obviously […]

HUGE MESSAGE TO AMERICAN POTHEADS: Legalized marijuana makes it very easy to abuse

Russian court upholds Britney Griner sentence READ HERE: Jailed women’s basketball star appealed against her nine-year prison sentence on Tuesday   Source

Oops, Minnesota Accidentally Legalized THC-Spiked Seltzer

Collage by Cathryn Virginia | Photos by MirageC, Tripod, and Jamroen via Getty Images On July 1, 2022, Minnesota breweries received a windfall.  That day, the Minnesota State Legislature passed a law allowing the sale of products containing THC. It was a baffling development, considering state Republicans’ longstanding opposition to marijuana legalization, yet Statute 151.72 passed—unanimously, with zero debate, in a […]

Washington State legalized “flesh goo” liquefaction of human corpses one year before activating COVID concentration camps that will target unvaxxed conservatives with “strike team” operations… efficient, stealth disposal of bodies now perfected

Washington State legalized “flesh goo” liquefaction of human corpses one year before activating COVID concentration camps that will target unvaxxed conservatives with “strike team” operations… efficient, stealth disposal of bodies now perfected / Mike Adams (Natural News) The State of Washington legalized the liquefaction and disposal of human corpses just one year before the […]

UK has Legalized Rape, Torture and War Crimes by the State

    Across Britain people are protesting against a proposed bill which restricts that very right, but two other laws have already passed, allowing undercover agents to commit crimes, and giving British troops immunity from war crimes. At the heart of current protests in Britain is the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. This controversial […]

Jewish psychedelics reformer Rick Doblin wants to see therapeutic MDMA legalized

BELMONT, Massachusetts (JTA) — When Rick Doblin was in his early 20s, he had a dream in which he was escorted back in time to witness a Holocaust survivor’s narrow escape from the Nazis. In his mind, Doblin traveled to Eastern Europe to witness thousands of Jews lined up alongside a mass grave as the […]

California AIDS Rates Soar After Jerry Brown Legalized Willful HIV Spread

AIDS rates in California have soared in the last year following Gov. Jerry Brown’s decision to legalize the intentional spread of the HIV virus.  Last year, Governor Brown passed a controversial law that made it legal for HIV infected people to knowingly infect others. He also gave blood banks the green-light to accept HIV infected […]

Illinois Police Just Claimed if Marijuana is Legalized, They’ll Have to Kill Their Police Dogs

(Support Free Thought) – Chad Larner,  the training director of the K-9 Training Academy in Macon County, Illinois said in a recent interview that police departments throughout the state may have to euthanize drug dogs if marijuana is legalized. Larner said that it would be abusive to retrain the dogs and that it could […]

How A 12 Year Old Girl Could Cause Cannabis To Be Legalized Nationwide

A twelve-year-old girl with epilepsy is suing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Department of Justice, and the Drug Enforcement Agency to legalize cannabis across the country. Alexis Bortell developed epilepsy at the age of seven, and FDA-approved medications failed to improve her condition. She suffered from multiple seizures per day, and doctors were considering brain surgery. “Nothing […]


BIG PHARMA = DANGEROUS Drug Makers and Dealers like “BREAKING BAD” BUT IN LEGALIZED LABS AND LEGALIZED DOCTOR DEALERS! They don’t need to promote it anymore cause they already got their clientele hooked! So BIG PHARMA will cut out middle man and sell directly to local drug traffickers. BIG PHARMA = 23 years with 1000’s of […]

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Attacks Legalized Marijuana, Jeopardizes Multi-Billion Dollar Industry

January 9th, 2018 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World Attorney General Jeff Sessions has begun the new year with an assault against state legalized cannabis, claiming it violates federal law and revoking an Obama-era memo that instructed state prosecutors to focus on illicit activity which specifically causes harm — like selling drugs to minors […]

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Coming for Nation’s Legalized Pot

On the heels of a California law legalizing recreational marijuana use, which took effect Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is planning to rescind the federal policy that has enabled Americans to grow, sell, and use cannabis in places where it has been legalized, without federal intervention, the Associated Press reported Thursday. “The move will leave it to U.S. […]

British MP: “Sex With 10-Year-Olds Should Be Legalized”

A top British MP was forced to apologize after she called for the age of consent to be lowered to just 10 years old.  Patricia Hewitt, a British Labour MP, shocked politicians when she said that she thought sex with young children was ‘acceptable’ and called for incest to be legalized. A National Council for […]

Legalized pedophilia in the US: More than 200,000 children were married in the last 15 years

At least 100,000 children are prostituted annually in the U.S., adding to the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. Children all over the country are subject to physical and sexual abuse, and most of the time it happens a lot closer to home than we would expect. Ninety percent of child sexual abuse victims know […]

South Goes Green: South Carolina Just Legalized Growing Hemp

South Carolina — Very quietly, South Carolina has just legalized the growth of industrial hemp. House Bill 3559, mixed in among a pile of legislation before the General Assembly, was signed into law in mid-May. Lawmakers approved the pilot program to determine what kind of value farmers will get from their crops. After passing a […]

Liberal Canada Legalized Bestiality – Which Animals Are Most At Risk?

Having sex with animals is now legal in Canada, according to an astonishing new ruling by the Canadian Supreme Court that has angered animal rights activists. According to the law on bestiality – Canadians are now permitted to have sexual relations with animals so long as there is no penetration involved. According to the Independent, […]

Legalized Pedophilia In The US: More Than 200,000 Children Married In The Last 15 Years

At least 100,000 children are prostituted annually in the U.S., adding to the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. Children all over the country are subject to physical and sexual abuse, and most of the time it happens a lot closer to home than we would expect. Ninety percent of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator, and […]

US Laws Have Legalized Pedophilia With Children As Young as 10 Yrs Old And No One is Stopping It

By Claire Bernish Girls as young as ten are among more than 200,000 children wed to adults in the United States in just the past 15 years, as — despite minimum requirements a person reach the age of 18, or legal adulthood, nationally — a smattering of locations have preserved loopholes legally permitting child marriage. Alarmingly, […]

Duelling and Witchcraft To Be Legalized In Canada

Bill C-51 will remove 20 criminal offenses, such as duelling, fraudulently practicing witchcraft, telling fortunes and publishing crime comics from Canada’s Criminal Code. Before the new updated legislation, challenging someone to a duel and accepting the said challenge could have drawn a sentence of up to two years in prison, according to Section 71 of […]

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