Posts Tagged ‘Abuse’

News from Poland with Ania K – Exploitation/Abuse and Migration/Depopulation Agenda moving full steam ahead


Victoria Police officer allegedly searched for vile child abuse videos

A senior Victoria Police officer who allegedly sought out horrific online videos depicting drugged and unconscious girls being sexually abused has fronted court. A senior Victoria Police officer has fronted court on child abuse material charges. A senior police officer allegedly sought out horrific online videos depicting drugged and unconscious girls being raped. Sergeant John […]

Halt to Abuse of Blasphemy Laws Sought in Pakistan

Badshahi Mosque, Lahore, Pakistan. (Romero Maia, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – With a soaring number of blasphemy allegations in Pakistan in 2023, rights activists are reiterating demands for legislation against blatant abuse of the country’s notorious blasphemy laws. At least 329 persons were accused of blasphemy under the law in 2023, […]

‘It’s not true’: ‘Be’eri’ kibbutz spox on sexual abuse claims on Oct.7

5 Mar 2024 Source: The Intercept The site of a music festival near the border with the Gaza Strip in southern occupied Palestine, on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023 (AP) By Al Mayadeen English The rejection by spokesperson Michal Paikin undermines even more the NYT’s credibility of its article: “‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual […]

New reports confirm months of Israeli torture, abuse, and sexual violence against Palestinian prisoners

For months Palestinian prisoners have shared testimonies of torture at the hands of Israeli military and prison authorities. New reports shed more light on the abuse, particularly sexual violence, carried out inside Israeli detention centers. Source

President Of Canadian LGBT Organization Arrested On Child Sex Abuse Charges

President Of Canadian LGBT Organization Arrested On Child Sex Abuse Charges Yet another activist advocate for LGBT engagement with children has apparently been caught doing a lot more than community outreach.  Sean Gravells, an outspoken LGBT activist and the president of an LGBT pride organization in Canada called the North Peace Pride Society, has been […]

NYC Secret Tunnel Synagogue Linked To Child Sexual Abuse For 30 Years

The New York City Jewish Chabad secret tunnel temple has been linked to child sexual abuse for at least 30 years, which it refused to report to proper authorities. The Jewish Chabad movement, which dug […] The post NYC Secret Tunnel Synagogue Linked To Child Sexual Abuse For 30 Years appeared first on The People's […]

Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse

Folks, it’s time to break the cycle of abuses—cruel, brutal, immoral, unconstitutional and unacceptable—that have been heaped upon us by the government for way too long. Source

Child Sex Abuse Material Was Found In a Major AI Dataset. Researchers Aren’t Surprised.

Over 1,000 images of sexually abused children have been discovered inside the largest dataset used to train image-generating AI, shocking everyone except for the people who have warned about this exact sort of thing for years. The dataset was created by LAION, a non-profit organization behind the massive image datasets used by generative AI systems […]

Israel Subjects Female Gaza Prisoners to ‘Torture and Abuse’ – Rights Group

December 18, 2023 By Palestine Chronicle Staff A Palestinian prisoners’ rights group has highlighted the “extremely difficult” conditions under which female prisoners are being held in Israel’s Damon prison, especially those detained from the Gaza Strip.   In a statement released on Sunday, the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commission said “The prisoners are facing extremely difficult detention conditions […]

Reports of harsh conditions and abuse in Israeli security prisons where Palestinians are being held for social media posts

Yesterday, I finished my dispatch with hopeful words. The ordeal of the two Palestinian activists, 28-year-old ‘Assaf and 24-year-old Ran, who were detained on Sunday, November 12, suspected of painting graffiti in solidarity with Gaza’s people in Haifa, seemed to be coming to a happy end. The state prosecution examined the contents of the graffiti […]

MAGA Movement Plans Ruthless Abuse of Power by a New Trump White House

Right Wing Watch reported in June 2022 that on the same day the Trump-enhanced right-wing Supreme Court majority overturned Roe v. Wade, a coalition of Christian nationalist, voter suppression, anti-LGBTQ-equality, Big Lie-promoting, and Trump-cheerleading groups had publicly launched a project that would “position the movement to take the reins of government” after a Republican victory in […]

IDF Reveals Evidence of Hamas Abuse of Palestinian Civilians, Hospitals in Gaza

Real Admiral Daniel Hagari of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told reporters in a briefing Sunday that Israel trying to protect civilians in the war but that the Palestinian terror group Hamas was trying to stop civilians from evacuating, and operating from hospitals. Source

Dominionist Leader Mike Bickle Faces Multiple Sexual Abuse Allegations

Mike Bickle, a major figure within the dominionist Pentecostal wing of American Christianity, has been accused by multiple women and former colleagues of sexual and spiritual abuse stretching over several decades. In reporting the allegations, Religion News Service called Bickle “one of the most influential charismatic Christians in the United States and a leading figure in the so-called New […]

Evil in the medical system: Medically kidnapped children vulnerable to abuse in foster care

(NaturalNews) Many people trust the U.S. medical system, but not everyone knows that some infants can be abused without their parents knowing about it.In many… Source

Abercrombie & Epstein? Ex-CEO Sued Over Gay Sex Trafficking, Abuse Allegations

(ZH) Abercrombie & Fitch is being sued along with its former CEO Mike Jeffries, who has been accused Source

Covid and the Expansion and Abuse of State Power

The years of living with increasingly oppressive Covid restrictions and mandates is a tale of many villains complicit in tyranny and a few heroes of resistance. It’s a story of venal, incompetent politicians and brutish police – thugs in uniform – acting at the behest of power-drunk apparatchiks. Medically idiotic, economically ruinous, socially disruptive and […]

PENCE IS OUTED BY GAY LOVER (Almost ALL Our Politicians Are Gay; Most Sexually Abuse Monarch Sex Slaves)

The Recount @therecount “Mike Pence, are you going to tell them? … You promised today was our Coming Out Day … Mike Pence and I are gay … I’ll admit your John Deere is bigger than mine.” — Mike Pence is heckled before he officially registers for the New Hampshire GOP presidential primary ballot […]

Satanic Ritual Abuse & MKULTRA (Assassin Programming) Source

Child Abuse – parent describes how his son realised he was transgender at age 2

State of Illinois, USA A non-binary parent describes how his son realised he was transgender at the age of 2. “When she was 4.5 years old, she was taken to a gender clinic in Chicago. The doctor sat down next to her, asked: are you a girl? And she said yes. The doctor said: “Good, […]

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