Posts Tagged ‘harsh’

Italy angry Antifa attacker is facing ‘harsh’ prison conditions in Hungary

Italy’s conservative government is complaining that an Italian citizen, Ilaria Salis, accused of participating in brutal far-left attacks in Budapest, is facing so-called harsh conditions in Hungary’s prison system. Among the critics of the woman’s treatment, which included her being handcuffed and shackled when she appeared in court, is Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who […]

Navalny ‘Reappears’ At Harsh Arctic Prison In Remote Siberia

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny starting two weeks ago was reported “missing” by his team of lawyers and supporters, as he had disappeared into the Russian prison system after a transfer. He had up until early December been held at a prison some 150 miles east of Moscow. But he’s now reestablished contact with his lawyer and […]

Reports of harsh conditions and abuse in Israeli security prisons where Palestinians are being held for social media posts

Yesterday, I finished my dispatch with hopeful words. The ordeal of the two Palestinian activists, 28-year-old ‘Assaf and 24-year-old Ran, who were detained on Sunday, November 12, suspected of painting graffiti in solidarity with Gaza’s people in Haifa, seemed to be coming to a happy end. The state prosecution examined the contents of the graffiti […]

Newborns torn from mothers: South Carolina’s harsh crackdown on drug use during pregnancy

In a disturbing trend of criminalizing pregnancy, South Carolina, alongside Alabama and Oklahoma, has institutionalized the prosecution of women for substance abuse during pregnancy. This punitive approach, rooted in the concept of “fetal personhood,” has its origins in a controversial 1989 policy at the Medical University of South Carolina, which mandated reporting pregnant women who […]

Malaysian FM says lashes out at harsh U.S. bans on Iran

TEHRAN – Malaysian Foreign Minister Zambry Abdul Kadir has stated that his nation opposes U.S. sanctions against Iran and that his country will never recognize the repressive measures. Source

Tunisia: Islamist political prisoners held in harsh conditions

Political prisoners from the major Islamic political party in Tunisia, Ennahda, are facing "harsh conditions" in prison, their lawyers revealed on Monday. They made their comments during a press conference held by the National Salvation Front. The Front provides the main opposition to President Kais Saied, and the legal defence team for political prisoner Sayed […]


28 july 2023 THINK LOCAL ( a wonderful organisation of love and passion for building harmonious, strong and independent communities by the means of debate and learning : “THINK LOCAL is an apolitical grassroots movement dedicated to building resilient self sustaining communities through fresh thinking in areas such as food, energy and finance. We are […]

Uganda’s Legislature Passes Harsh New Anti-LGBTQ Bill

The legislation prescribes jail terms of up to 10 years for offenses related to same-sex relations. Source

Amid harsh war conditions, Irpin’s library is an oasis of calm

Within the still heavily damaged city, the public library is a symbol of Ukrainians’ resilience. Source

Iran Punishes Christians with Harsh Prison Sentences

Sara Ahmadi and Homayoun Zhaveh. (Article 18) (Morning Star News) – When authorities in Iran summoned a Christian couple in Tehran on Aug. 13, the house-church members supposed it concerned the return of their confiscated belongings. Instead, Homayoun Zhaveh and his wife Sara Ahmadi were detained in Tehran’s Evin Prison, notorious for its harsh treatment […]

Raisi: Any Mistake by US, Allies to Be Met with Iran’s Harsh Response

July 15, 2022 By Staff, Agencies Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi confirmed that his country cannot condone insecurity and crisis in the region, warning that any mistake by the enemies will be met with a harsh response from the Islamic Republic that will make them rue their acts. Raisi made the remarks in a Thursday visit […]

Democrats need to send ‘harsh’ message to Palestinians and accept that Palestinians won’t think they’re ‘nice’ –advice from ‘Democratic Majority for Israel’

Israeli author Einat Wilf, a former Laborite politician now a visiting professor at Georgetown University, spoke to the Israel lobby group “Democratic Majority for Israel” this month and offered advice to American Democrats. They need to issue some “not pleasant” messages to Palestinians about the Jewish right to a state. And Democrats must accept that […]

Australia Announces Beginning of ‘New World Order’ As Harsh COVID Lockdowns Imposed – conspiracy huh?

EWR comment: Highlighted here recently in a shorter version, ‘they’ are telling us their NWO (that folk told us was ‘conspiracy’) is now here. Even globalist Jacinda Adern referred to it as the world order (as they do and did before they got this far). They don’t mean well people. Planet lockdown is the endgame… […]

The harsh spotlight on Black women leading big cities

Bottoms did not rule out running for office in the future. When pressed about her decision, she wouldn’t say exactly why she exited the race. But, she said, she wanted to “pass the baton” to another leader in the city. Her allies and fellow Black mayors sympathized with her decision, their understanding informed by their […]

Germany Planning Harsh New Covid Restrictions

The German government’s new bill aimed at ‘standardizing’ Covid-19 measures, would see night-time curfews, business closures and severe limits to public gatherings in order to stop the ‘third wave’. The government is currently working on amendments to the national Infection Protection Act that would allow for significant tightening of the lockdown restrictions. It would also […]

‘Setback for the Free World’: EU Trade Deal with Communist China Draws Harsh Criticism

The European Union’s investment pact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been characterised as a “real setback for the free world” by the founder of Hong Kong Watch, as human rights campaigners, diplomats, and others chastise the bloc for cosying up to the dictatorship in Beijing. The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) was […]

Moscow Announces Harsh COVID Restrictions for Christmas and New Year but will still be Freer than Rest of Europe

    Although cases of coronavirus are continuing to rise in Russia, the mayor of Moscow has said there is light at the end of the tunnel, as the city prepares to celebrate a socially-distanced Christmas and New Year. Sergey Sobyanin told Rossiya 1 news channel on Saturday that he believes “we’ll fight Covid-19 for […]

Craftswomen plan to revive ancient water systems near harsh desert

TEHRAN – An Iranian NGO, founded by a group of female Iranian crafters, has planned to financially support the revival of ancient qanats situated near the scorching Lut Desert in east-central Iran. Some 150 female crafters, who are afflicted with the NGO, aim to donate 15 percent of their sales revenues to revive arrays of […]

Antony Blinken: A smooth, old-school diplomat who will take on a harsh new world of wary allies and foes

Antony Blinken is soft-spoken where his predecessor was a loudmouth with a giant chip on his shoulder. He is a consensus builder and a listener, in contrast to the departing secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who often interjected his own prejudices and strong views into America’s affairs. And while Pompeo was seen as crude, Blinken […]

In bid to prevent escalation, Israel avoids harsh response to Gaza balloon bombs

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