Posts Tagged ‘Siberia’

Navalny ‘Reappears’ At Harsh Arctic Prison In Remote Siberia

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny starting two weeks ago was reported “missing” by his team of lawyers and supporters, as he had disappeared into the Russian prison system after a transfer. He had up until early December been held at a prison some 150 miles east of Moscow. But he’s now reestablished contact with his lawyer and […]

A Monumental Prehistoric Discovery In Siberia Rewrites Human History, Scientists Say

New evidence unearthed from ancient fortresses in Siberia is totally rewriting our understanding of how complex societies evolved.  Radiocarbon dating of artifacts has revealed that Eastern Russia’s Amnya I and Amnya II sites are around 8,000 years old—centuries older than similar structures in Europe.  Despite their age, the settlements are by no means basic, consisting […]

The Invisible Court’s Verdict: You Are Hereby Exiled To Digital Siberia

The Invisible Court’s Verdict: You Are Hereby Exiled To Digital Siberia Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, As in the Gulag it replicates, the innocent are swept up with the guilty in a disconcertingly unjust ratio. The human mind is not particularly well-adapted to polycrisis: we struggle to adapt to the drought, then the […]

NWO Geoengineers Freezing Siberia With Withering Weather Warfare

READ HERE: Extreme cold grips Siberia, as temperatures fall to lowest levels since 2002   Source

Exit Nord Stream 2, Enter Power of Siberia 2

THURSDAY 23 DEC 21 Military superpower Russia, having had enough of U.S./NATO bullying, is now dictating the terms of a new arrangement. PEPE ESCOBAR  Coming straight from President Putin, it did sound like a bolt from the sky: “We need long-term legally binding guarantees even if we know they cannot be trusted, as the U.S. frequently […]

At least 11 dead and dozens missing after accident in Siberia mine

At least 11 people have died and dozens are still missing following an accident in a coal mine in Siberia. A fire broke out at the mine in the northern Russian region of Kemerovo on Thursday, local authorities said. A total of 285 people were in the mine at the time of the incident, Kemerovo […]

Bronze Age Bull Geoglyph Found In Siberia Is A First

Archaeologists conducting excavations at the Jonderguéi 22 site in the south-west of the Republic of Tuva in southern Siberia have made the exciting discovery of a bull geoglyph. It is believed to be the first animal geoglyph find in the entire Central Asia region. The excavations near Khondergey village, close to Russia’s border with Mongolia, […]

In Siberia, volunteers wage war on Russia’s wildfires with shovels and saws

The little domed tents of the volunteer firefighters in the clearing of a Siberian forest can be hard to see — even from only a few steps away — because of the choking smoke. Their shovels and saws seem to be tiny tools against the vast blaze, like toy weapons brought to a war. But […]

Russia passenger plane that went missing in Siberia found after hard landing with ‘all passengers alive’

A Russian passenger plane that went missing in Siberia outside the city of Tomsk on Friday has been found after it made a hard landing, according to state media reports. While the emergencies ministry said there are survivors among the 17 people who were on board the Antonov An-28 aircraft, it didn’t give a definite […]

Solar eclipse visible across Europe with best views from Siberia

The first solar eclipse of the year was visible in many parts of Europe on Thursday, with Siberia privy to the best view. The celestial event created a “ring of fire” or annular eclipse because the sun was seen as a ring around the moon. A solar eclipse takes place at the phase of a […]

Dancing Figurine from Ancient India Travelled Silk Road To Siberia!

During excavations along the shore of the Ob River near Novosibirsk in southwestern Siberia, a tiny, sculpted object was unearthed that has archaeologists and historians puzzled. The object was a four-inch (10-centimeter)  bronze humanlike dancing figurine , which was sculpted in a way that seems to portray an individual in movement. This unusual Siberian-Indian dancing […]

Region in Siberia has longest cold spell for 14 years

The Siberian region of Yakutia has experienced its longest cold spell in fourteen years. Temperatures dipped below 40℃ over a month ago, an abnormally long period even for this northern region. And there is no respite on the horizon. The mercury is set to plunge to -50℃ and school children have been released from classes […]

Best Preserved Ice Age Woolly Rhino Discovered in Siberia

In 2011 the BBC reported on the discovery of the “oldest known” woolly rhino fossil that was found on the cold Tibetan plateau in the Himalayas. That creature was dated to an astonishing “3.6 million years ago” and researchers determined it was well adapted to the cold thanks to its thick, shaggy fur, short ears and […]

Iran condoles over Siberia shopping mall fire

MNA– Iran’s FM Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi conveyed his condolences to the government and bereaved families of the victims in a deadly fire that swept through a busy Russian shopping center on Monday. In a statement on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi extended his condolences and deepest sympathy to the Siberian government and nation, […]

‘Tell mom I loved her’: Heart-breaking texts from kids trapped in Siberia mall where scores died

The tragedy shook Russia’s western Siberian city of Kemerovo on Sunday, just before the beginning of school holidays. The fire started on the top floor of the four-story shopping mall, which housed a cinema that was packed with parents and children at the time of the blaze. It quickly spread throughout the complex. Witnesses say […]

Siberia was a major centre of early skull surgery in ancient times

     A new find of remains of a child aged 8 to 10 dating from around the 5th century AD suggests a sophisticated knowledge of surgical skills. The skull has an oval-shaped hole cut into the cranial bone sized at 52 to 57 millimetres which hi-tech analysis shows to be ‘the result of a deliberate […]

Welcome to Koshlandia, Siberia’s Whimsical Land of Cats

At first sight, Alla Lebedeva’s farm doesn’t seem very different from all the others in Prigorodny, a small village in western Siberia. But when you notice all of her fluffy Siberian cats, you begin to realize why this place is popularly known as Koshlandia, or ‘land of cats’. 59-year-old Alla and her husband Sergey got […]

10 reportedly killed as major blaze engulfs shoe factory in Siberia (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

“According to preliminary estimates, 10 people have died,” a source in the emergency response team told Interfax. “Having noticed signs of a fire at the factory, they attempted to extinguish the blaze on their own, before the arrival of firefighters, but died from carbon monoxide poisoning.”  A source in the local branch of the Emergencies Ministry […]

Siberia plane crash: Moment jet goes down, killing 3, caught on camera (VIDEO)

The aircraft with 13 people, including two minors and two crew members on board, was traveling from the city in Russia’s Nenets Region to the village of Kharuta beyond the polar circle on Tuesday morning. It reportedly skidded off the runway during takeoff and then crashed nearby. In the video, the plane is seen pulling […]

Huge Glowing Ball Spotted Over Siberia…..UFO?

People in Siberia were stunned Thursday night by a one-in-a-kind spectacle: a huge glowing ball rising up in the sky. What was it? A UFO? A portal to a different dimension? “I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world,” said Vasiliy Zubkov, according to the Siberian Times. The website published […]

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