Posts Tagged ‘remote’

Remote Amazon Tribe Gets Internet Access . . . You ALREADY KNOW What Happens Next!

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you suddenly gave the internet to a remote, isolated indigenous tribe with no prior experience of the modern world? Source

Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake Strikes Remote Western China

The quake reportedly rocked Wushu county in Aksu prefecture shortly after 2 a.m. local time. Source

Navalny ‘Reappears’ At Harsh Arctic Prison In Remote Siberia

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny starting two weeks ago was reported “missing” by his team of lawyers and supporters, as he had disappeared into the Russian prison system after a transfer. He had up until early December been held at a prison some 150 miles east of Moscow. But he’s now reestablished contact with his lawyer and […]

Elon Musk Calls Remote Workers “Detached From Reality”

Elon Musk Calls Remote Workers “Detached From Reality” Tesla CEO Elon Musk went on a crusade against the remote work crowd during the company’s earnings call with investors on Wednesday evening. This is not the first time Musk has blasted remote work, calling it “morally wrong” and “bullshit” earlier this year. Here’s where Musk begins […]

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body

(NaturalNews) A science paper published in MaterialsToday Chemistry reveals that cell phone signals can be used to release biological or chemical payloads from… Source

“I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This” – Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City

Why would a bio-lab run by a shady Chinese company be operating in Reedley, CA in the central San Joaquin Valley? What was supposed to be an empty building used only for storage was home to a black-market type of lab testing facility. reports that the discovery was made after a local code enforcement officer noticed […]

WATCH: Libyan border guards rescue migrants in remote desert area

Border guards in Libya have rescued a group of migrants who said they were left in the remote desert area by authorities in neighbouring Tunisia. Source

Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System

Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System by Mojmir Babacek, Global Research March 18, 2023   This incisive article by Mojmir Babajek predicted more than 10 years ago, what is happening today, namely the development of informational weapons and the remote control of the human brain. It was originally published by Global Research on January […]

Timeworn Roman Theater Uncovered at Remote Site of Lissos in Crete

Even today, the Cretan town of Lissos can only be reached by sea or a seemingly endless hike across the stunning landscape and mountains that surround it. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

2 Russians Seek Asylum After Reaching Remote Alaskan Island

Two Russians who said they fled the country to avoid compulsory military service have requested asylum in the U.S. after landing on a remote Alaskan island in the Bering Sea. Source

Next Up: Remote Controlled Brain Communication?

Next Up: Remote Controlled Brain Communication? U.S. scientists have achieved the previously unthinkable task of remotely controlling the brains of living beings. The beings, in this case, are genetically engineered fruit flies and the neurons responsible for causing the flies to spread their wings. But this is only the beginning. By    Dr. Joseph Mercola […]

Caracol: The Most Remote and Magnificent Maya Ruins In Belize

Something of a hidden gem, Caracol is one of the largest Maya sites of Central America, and certainly the largest in Belize, yet it receives far less footfall than other ruins in the region Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Americas Read Later  Source

Poll: Majority of Voters Oppose Shifting to Remote Learning, Vaccine Passports

A majority of U.S. voters oppose draconian coronavirus policies, including shifting schools to remote learning, vaccine passports, and mandatory booster shots. According to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll released on Monday, 65.5 percent of respondents say they “oppose shifting schools to remote learning.” Nearly 73 percent are against a six-week worldwide shutdown “to end the […]

Nation’s Largest Public University System Goes Remote, Introduces New COVID Restrictions

By Avery Selby As COVID cases California have been rising with the Omicron variant’s spread, the California State University system has implemented a new set of restrictions for the upcoming spring semester. The CSU system is requiring students and employees to get the COVID-19 booster by Feb. 28 or within “six months after an individual received the […]

How responsible are employers for the safety of remote workers?

Image Credit: Pixabay When most people think about workplace safety, they envision incidents in the office. However, one of the main lessons we’ve learned from the recent health crisis is that remote work is now a permanent part of our economy.  So, shouldn’t the conversation around employee safety when working from home become a more […]

Oakland Students Petition For School District To Go To Remote Learning

Oakland, Calif. — Following a planned “sick-out” on Friday where more than 500 teachers across the Oakland Unified School District called out of work sick, hundreds of students within the district have come together in an online petition demanding increased COVID-19 protocols or else they’ll strike. Students at schools in Oakland Unified School District are […]

Omicron Emptying Offices, College Goes Remote Again

Universities and workplaces across the country are once again going remote as the coronavirus omicron variant spreads across the country. This week, Cornell University announced the shutdown of its Ithaca, New York, campus, moving to “alert level red,” after reporting 469 active student virus cases. “While faculty and staff case numbers currently remain low, just last evening […]

Rupert Murdoch Becomes Latest Rich Elitist to Buy Huge Property in Remote Area

While the Biden administration has attempted to dismiss inflation and food supply issues, China is now urging its citizens to prepare for the winter by stockpiling food. “A statement from China’s government urging local authorities to ensure there was adequate food supply during the winter and encouraging people to stock up on some essentials prompted […]

Remote-Sensing Reveals Details of Ancient Olmec Site in Mexico

Aerial remote-sensing of a large region of Mexico has revealed hundreds of ancient Mesoamerican ceremonial centers, including a large one at an important site for the ancient Olmec culture that is known for its colossal stone heads. The remote-sensing method, called lidar, pinpointed 478 ceremonial centers in areas that were home to the ancient Olmec […]

Mossad Assassinated Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Using Remote-Controlled Machine Gun

Via: Business Insider: The “father” of Iran’s nuclear weapons program was at the top of Israel’s hit list for 14 years. On November 27 2020, after a failed attempt to kill him a decade earlier, the Mossad finally managed to assassinate Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Their weapon of choice? A remote-controlled machine gun that required no on-site operatives […]

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