Posts Tagged ‘communication’

Investigators Focus On Air Traffic Communication After Fatal Tokyo Plane Collision

Police are conducting a separate probe into possible professional negligence. Source

Franco Vitaliano developed Cronus: The communication systems between satellites and computers for US Military

As soon as I published the ultimate Franco Vitaliano deep dive entitled; “Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda” , new information about his history surfaced. There is a paragraph in “CRONUS ENHANCEMENTS: RL-TR-95-117 Final Technical Report“, dated July 1995 that states Franco Vitaliano developed the operating […]

Israeli Media: Hamas used unknown communication devices for operation

October 9, 2023 Source: Israeli media By Al Mayadeen English Channel 12 Military affairs commentator Nir Dvori has acknowledged that Hamas had orchestrated the major operation using an undisclosed communication network unbeknownst to the Israeli military. Channel 12 Military affairs commentator Nir Dvori stated that Hamas prepared for the major operation with a communication network unknown […]

On the latest signals in the lines of communication between the USA and the PRC

For a system to function, its component parts must exchange signals with specific information encoded in them. This is also true for mankind, which at this moment in its evolution can be approximated as a sophisticated system made up of around 200 elements or states. If they interact in any manner, expressing everything from intense […]

Decentralized Communication – #SolutionsWatch

As the internet clampdown begins, people are finally beginning to wake up to the need to find alternative communication platforms. But if the masses are just herded from one centralized platform to another, has anything really changed at all? Join James for today’s important edition of #SolutionsWatch where he examines some of the many decentralized […]

Japan’s 1st Moon Lander Suffers Communication Failure After Launch

Japan’s space agency said Thursday that communication with its moon lander Omotenashi was lost after launching from the NASA center the previous day, and that it was working to stabilize its position. NASA on Wednesday launched its unmanned spacecraft, Artemis 1, carrying the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA’s) Omotenashi lander and Equuleus satellite. JAXA said […]

Next Up: Remote Controlled Brain Communication?

Next Up: Remote Controlled Brain Communication? U.S. scientists have achieved the previously unthinkable task of remotely controlling the brains of living beings. The beings, in this case, are genetically engineered fruit flies and the neurons responsible for causing the flies to spread their wings. But this is only the beginning. By    Dr. Joseph Mercola […]

65,000-Year-Old ‘Swiss Army Knife’ Tool Reveals Ancient Communication

A team of international scientists has discovered an enlightening fact about early humans who lived in southern Africa between 60,000 and 65,000 years ago. Similarities in their toolmaking technology Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News History & Archaeology Read Later 

‘Game of Thrones’ Actor Joseph Gatt Arrested for Alleged Sexual Communication with a Minor

Actor Joseph Gatt, who appeared in HBO’s “Game of Thrones” and is next set to star in DC Entertainment’s “Black Adam,” was arrested in Los Angeles last week for allegedly engaging in “online sexually explicit communication” with a minor.

The Hydraulic Telegraph of Aeneas – Long-Distance Communication of Antiquity

Advances in technology have drastically changed the way we live today compared to those of our ancient past. One type of technology that many of us may take for granted is the ability to communicate with others over long distances, or to large groups of people. A look back at ancient civilizations can give us […]

‘Not About Trump’: Terry McAuliffe Shifts Communication Strategy Days Before Election

Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe shifted his communication strategy away from Donald Trump the weekend before Tuesday’s election. McAuliffe said in Virginia Beach on Saturday his campaign is “not about Trump,” despite constantly attempting to bring Donald Trump into the statewide election for months. McAuliffe also doubled down Sunday on CNN, saying the election was no […]

More on the Restoration of Inter-Korean Lines of Communication

In our previous piece on inter-Korean relations, we touched on Kim Yoo-jung’s remark that in case of “maintaining impartiality and respect for each other”, both the restoration of the North-South bureau and the inter-Korean summit could be discussed constructively. “The end of the war will also be proclaimed in due course.” During this time, North […]

For Newsom’s Recall Challengers, Communication Is Key

A formidable task lies ahead for the ballooning number of candidates aiming to run against Gov. Gavin Newsom in California’s upcoming recall election: How do they reach the state’s 22 million voters as quickly and effectively as possible? One obvious answer—social media—is only part of the overall strategy. “A recall election happens during a compressed period […]

Communication: the ethical side to organ donation

Written by Dr. Chandrima Chatterjee, Bhagyashree Dutta, Dr. Anamika Roy Organ donation is a much debated and sought-after topic, yet numerous bioethical controversies are associated with it. With the advent of organ black markets, revised regulations and increased precautions for donating organs. As far as bioethical concerns are there, one factor is communicating the different […]

VIDEO: Crease Or Wire? Conservative Sleuths Claim Biden Wore Communication Device At Debate

Conservatives say a video quickly going viral on social media, originally uploaded to Facebook by a California man, shows Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden wearing a wire or communication device during Tuesday night’s debate. The video, originally uploaded to Facebook by California man Jay Ashurst, shows the camera trained on Biden while President Donald Trump […]

UAE launches Arab world’s first Mars probe, establishes communication with orbiter (VIDEO)

The Emirati Hope (Amal) orbiter separated from the Mitsubishi H-IIA rocket and is heading for Mars, which it is scheduled to reach in February. The mission is going according to plan, officials said, as the ground team in Dubai has established communications with the probe and received its first signal transmitted to Earth.   The spacecraft […]

Celebrating Pride Month: Perspectives on Identity, Diversity, Communication, and Change

Throughout June, we’ve published a series of Q&As at WordPress Discover featuring members of the Automattic team. These conversations explore personal journeys; reflections on identity; and diversity and inclusion in tech, design, and the workplace. Here are highlights from these interviews. “In a World That Wants You to Apologize or Minimize Who You Are, Don’t.” […]

Rare Nikola Tesla Interview From 1931 About What Extraterrestrial Communication Would Do To Mankind

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest scientific minds our world has ever known. Although mysteriously absent from school textbooks, he accomplished much in his lifetime, discovering radio and remote control — the backbone of NASA’s current technology — drone technology, cosmic radio waves, and more. He was also a big proponent of free, unlimited energy for everyone. […]

A Rare Nikola Tesla Interview From 1931 About What Extraterrestrial Communication Would Do To Mankind

Next Story Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest scientific minds our world has ever known. Although mysteriously absent from school textbooks, he accomplished much in his lifetime, discovering radio and remote control — the backbone of NASA’s current technology — drone technology, cosmic radio waves, and more. He was also a big proponent of free, unlimited energy […]

A Look Into Non-Violent Communication & How It Will Transform The World

Next Story When I was first invited to a non-violent communication workshop, I thought the same thing that you might be thinking now, I’m not a violent person and I don’t ever intend to harm anyone with my words so why would I need to learn about this? Well, after learning about it, I can […]

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