Posts Tagged ‘ethical’

Right Wing Round-Up: Trust Me, I’m Ethical

Ian Millhiser @ Vox: Alito says the Supreme Court’s fake ethics code allows him to be unethical In a development that should surprise absolutely no one, Justice Samuel Alito announced in a brief letter on Wednesday that he will not recuse himself from two cases involving the January 6 insurrection and former President Donald Trump’s […]

Campus Uprisings for Palestine: Strategic Radicalism, Ethical Principles, and Incremental Wins

Campus Uprisings for Palestine: Strategic Radicalism, Ethical Principles, and Incremental Wins PACBI Statement   Strategic radicalism calls on the movement to employ multiple tactics that take local contexts into account to mutually build on and amplify each other. A strategic and incremental win for one campus is a win for all. Academic Boycott Student solidarity […]

War culture hates the ethical passion of the young

Young people have dared to lead the way, insisting that such a culture of death is repugnant and completely unacceptable. Source

Biden administration’s unprecedented arms sales to Israel raise ethical questions

The Biden administration’s approval of over 100 arms transactions to Israel amidst the intensifying conflict in Gaza has sparked a significant ethical and legal controversy. These deals, characterized by an array of military hardware including “precision-guided munitions, small diameter bombs, and bunker busters,” have bypassed traditional congressional oversight due to their individual values falling beneath […]

Congressional stock trading: Ethical dilemmas and the push for reform

Unveiling the profitable pursuits of Congress: a deep dive into lawmakers’ stock market triumphs and the ethical quandaries they pose. Source

George Santos’ Cameo side hustle is perfectly ethical, experts say

George Santos has a new side hustle: selling custom video messages on the app Cameo. And unlike some of the former congressman’s previous financial pursuits, this is a perfectly legal and ethical gig, according to experts. After the New York Republican was expelled from the House earlier this month, Santos turned his talents to Cameo, […]

Ethical Failures of the COVID-19 Era

The two narratives about the Covid-19 pandemic continue to clash as evidence mounts about the actual outcomes of the extraordinary strategies governments deployed to try and contain the epidemic. Has the emerging evidence vindicated the decisions governments have been making over the past three years? In particular, were they ethically justified in imposing harsh mandates […]

Albert Camus: Living in the Tension & an Ethical Politics in the Absurd World

  The current age is an age of absurdity. In the thesaurus, absurd is defined as “utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false” (“absurd”). Unfortunately, one need not rely on a dictionary to point out the tension between the way one desires the world […]

Frightening future of chimera research tests moral, ethical boundaries of science — Christian Research Network

Truth2Freedom’s Blog “In 2003, Chinese scientists fused human cells with rabbit eggs to produce the first human-animal hybrid. Several years later, Mayo Clinic researchers created pigs with human blood running through their veins, and University of Nevada scientists created sheep whose livers and hearts were largely human.” (Denise George – The Alabama Baptist) Earlier this […]

Why The Military’s Covid Vaccination Mandate Is An Ethical Abomination

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Ethical Whistleblower Serving Time in Prison (USSA)

SUBSCRIBE to EIR Daily Alert Service Drone Whistleblower Hale Sentenced to 45 Months July 30, 2021 (EIRNS)—On July 27, former military intelligence analyst Daniel Hale, who leaked details about the U.S. drone warfare program, was sentenced to 45 months in federal prison, after pleading guilty on March 31 for one charge of violating the Espionage […]

Making Vaccines Mandatory – An Ethical Perspective

On June 28, the Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra said that only those who have received two doses of vaccines will be permitted entry into theatres, multiplexes, coaching centres, and colleges. A few days before, on June 24, the Gujarat High Court granted temporary relief to an IAF officer who received a show-cause notice […]

How Long will Honest and Ethical Scientists and Doctors Remain Silent About Mass Murders and Population Reduction?

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, Dr. Michael Yeadon, continues to grant public interviews sounding the alarm about COVID fraud and efforts to reduce the world’s population through dangerous COVID injections. Yesterday, Perspectives on the Pandemic published a recent interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon […]

It’s High Time to Assess the “Ethical Standards” Professed by EMA and EU Bureaucracy

The World Health Organization (WHO) has once again reiterated that the situation with the spread of the novel coronavirus infection across the globe remains alarming. The number of confirmed cases has already exceeded 130 million, while over 3 million people perished. What is particularly troubling is than 41% of the infections reported to WHO over […]

American academic says U.S. can’t be an “ethical model”

TEHRAN – An American academic says that U.S. governance is not at all an “ethical model” for the world, but and it is an international fact that other countries following the footsteps of the U.S.  “It cannot be an ‘ethical model.’  But the rest of the world operates in the same way,” Phillips Stevens Jr., […]

For goodness’ sake: Textual and ethical illuminations in Megillat Esther

“In Jewish tradition, the right side of our body is often the side that symbolizes strength. We honor our right side by performing rituals to that side first, such as washing our right hand before washing our left hand when we first wake up. Why then did God create our heart, our ultimate source of […]

Gaining Moral and Ethical Clarity Through the Challenges of Drinking on Purim

Throughout many cultures and religions, we find certain days on the calendar commemorated by a certain degree of “escapism.” On these days, actions that typically would be deemed as abnormal are embraced as the norm, often leading to behavior that can approach chaos or even lawlessness. In the greater world, “carnival culture” gives people the […]

Communication: the ethical side to organ donation

Written by Dr. Chandrima Chatterjee, Bhagyashree Dutta, Dr. Anamika Roy Organ donation is a much debated and sought-after topic, yet numerous bioethical controversies are associated with it. With the advent of organ black markets, revised regulations and increased precautions for donating organs. As far as bioethical concerns are there, one factor is communicating the different […]

B’Tselem casts Israel as a racist endeavor, correcting the ethical grammar of Israel/Palestine

B’Tselem’s new report describing all of Israel and the Palestinian Occupied Territories as a single ‘apartheid’ regime will have widespread and long-term implications. Not only does it change the acceptable vocabulary on Israel/Palestine, it also alters the ethical grammar which has created and sustained an injustice now in its eighth decade. How we speak and what we […]

Ethical Stem Cell Research Finds Motor Neurone Disease Damage May Be Reversible

(The Christian Institute) — Researchers have reported a medical breakthrough in the quest to reverse the effects of motor neurone disease (MND). Using ethical adult stem cells, scientists at the University of Edinburgh’s Euan MacDonald Centre for MND Research believe they have found a way to undo some of the damage caused by MND. Unlike […]

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