Posts Tagged ‘frightening’

Michael Savage: Alex Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’ Is a ‘Mindblower,’ ‘Frightening’

Conservative talk radio legend Michael Savage lavished praised on Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s new book “Breaking Biden,” describing the painstakingly-researched manuscript as a “mindblower.” Source

Gingrich: Biden’s Behaviour In Maui Was “Just Plain Frightening”

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich encapsulated Joe Biden’s jaw droppingly disastrous fly by of Maui on Monday, calling it “beyond just being heartless.” “I think this visit to Maui frankly is just plain frightening,” Gingrich said, adding “How can you have a commander-in-chief who is totally out of touch with reality, who makes […]



Frightening New White House Halloween Decorations To Include Lifelike Old Zombie

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In preparation for Halloween, White House staffers have spent days adorning the premises with frightening decorations. One prop stands out above the rest: a spooky, lifelike old zombie that wanders the halls, drooling and moaning. Source

Frightening Levels of Non-Ionizing Radiation Being Emitted From Electric Cars

We’re erroneously told that we all need to get electric cars soon or else the environment is going to be ruined, but what will these cars do to our biology? Link Share now! Source

Frightening Levels of Non-Ionizing Radiation Being Emitted From Electric Cars

We’re erroneously told that we all need to get electric cars soon or else the environment is going to be ruined, but what will these cars do to our biology? Link Share now! Source

Ukrainian War Lies Expose Frightening Reality Shift

The utter insanity of the Western Media at the outset of the Ukraine War, name calling, using video game footage to prove atrocities, ploys that grew up during the War on Terror, has created a reality shift that cannot be easily corrected. Today, tens of millions of Americans and similar numbers from NATO countries including […]

Frightening future of chimera research tests moral, ethical boundaries of science — Christian Research Network

Truth2Freedom’s Blog “In 2003, Chinese scientists fused human cells with rabbit eggs to produce the first human-animal hybrid. Several years later, Mayo Clinic researchers created pigs with human blood running through their veins, and University of Nevada scientists created sheep whose livers and hearts were largely human.” (Denise George – The Alabama Baptist) Earlier this […]

FRIGHTENING! – 16th update on Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines released by UK Government / MHRA

BY THE DAILY EXPOSE ON MAY 20, 2021 Listen Now  The UK Government have released their sixteenth report highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines that have occurred since the roll-out began on the 8th December 2020 and it makes for shocking reading, showing the rate of adverse reactions has increased […]

‘Frightening’ Firework Attacks Target New York City’s Heavily Jewish Diamond District

A commercial firework explodes on 47th street. Photo: Screenshot. Multiple arrests have reportedly been made after violent attacks, including with incendiary devices, appeared to target Jews in the Times Square area of New York City on Thursday afternoon. The incidents follow a wave of similar attacks on Jewish people around the world as Israel battled […]

The Great Reset and the New World Order: A Frightening and Dystopian Future

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it. Speaking at a virtual meeting of the environmental charity Conservation International the other day, Prince William slipped in a codeword to tip his hat to the […]

The uncovering of the vaccination data in Israel reveals a frightening picture

From the Seemorerocks blogspot: MASSACRE! People under age 65 who are being injected with Pfizer mRNA are 26000% more likely to die than if they had contracted covid This report comes from Israel: “We conclude that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than […]

The Sports World Reacts to Tiger Woods’ ‘Frightening’ Car Crash

The sports world began reacting immediately to news that golf legend Tiger Woods suffered a frightening single-car crash in Los Angeles on Tuesday morning, with many offering their thoughts and prayers to Woods and his family. The Masters Tournament was one of the first to tweet out its hopes for Tiger’s quick recovery: “Tiger Woods […]

2018 May Be A Frightening Year For The US And Its Israeli Ally

By Abdel Bari Atwan Iran has declared that, within minutes of being attacked, it will destroy nearby US military bases and launch its long range missiles on Israel. In addition, thousands of missiles from Hezbollah in Lebanon can also be expected to devastate Israel. January 01, 2018.   While Russia strives to move Syria on from […]

Frightening thought, there may be as many as 95,000,000 “Christian” Zionist voters in the USA

Armageddon? Bring It On: The Evangelical Force Behind Trump’s Jerusalem Speech   The U.S. evangelical community is in raptures over Trump’s decision to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel, believing it moves the world closer to Armageddon ed note–doubtless what we are about to say here will result in the typical reflexive, autonomic, reactionary, and ill-considered […]

GMO’s Just Got a Lot More Frightening with Approval of New Monsanto Product

Christina Sarich, Staff WriterWaking Times Forget spraying pesticides on your food, now they’ll be genetically engineered to be in your food, thanks to Monsanto’s latest quiet approval via the US Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA just told Monsanto they could go ahead and bypass spraying our crops with carcinogenic chemicals like Round Up and just go ahead and […]

Police ‘Bribed’ the Media to Cover Up Frightening European Immigrant Crime Statistics

The national police force in the Netherlands allegedly offered reporters other exclusive stories in exchange for keeping a set of controversial statistics on crimes committed by asylum seekers under wraps. Der Telegraaf, the country’s best-selling newspaper, went public last week with the accusation that the police had tried to buy its silence, prompting […]

The Frightening Pro-War Twist Of The Democrats ‘Resistance’

The Resistance, a self-aggrandizing term for what amounts to a relatively small but still powerful claque of embittered Clinton surrogates, has been keeping itself busy of late, fanning the flames of McCarthyite recriminations against anyone who dares question the rather flimsy public evidence that Russia influenced the results of the 2016 election, all the while […]

The Most Dangerous Book Of Humanity? ‘The Hidden Truth Of The Necronomicon

Howard Philips Lovecraft conducted along different novelasreferencias a book that recounted contained magic formulas for invoking the supernatural, in addition to hinting a particular knowledge of the space-time relationship. Many readers tried then try to locate a printed copy of this mysterious book, but the results were unsuccessful In all its versions it is considered […]

Bizarro world: Think Progress editor argues that males can menstruate and get pregnant

     The fight between basic biology that most little kids learned in elementary school versus the bizarre progressive politically correct agenda that would see anyone using any public bathroom for any reason and no such thing as distinction between a man and a woman has just taken a train to crazy land. It’s one thing […]

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