Posts Tagged ‘moral’

Global uprisings for Gaza: The moral triumph of student revolts

May 11, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Janna Kadri The student movement in the US is a moral victory for the working class that must be translated into a political victory. Pro-Palestine student demonstrations have been gaining traction in recent weeks. Footage of protesters being beaten up and tear-gassed has circulated across all social […]

We’ve Forgotten Kant’s Moral Lesson

In the 18th century Immanuel Kant – arguably the most important philosopher of the historical European Enlightenment – gave us what is known as a ‘deontological (duty-oriented)’ moral philosophy, as opposed to, for example, a ‘consequentialist’ variety, or one that assesses the moral rightness of human actions by asking whether the results (consequences) of actions […]

YouTube Declares It Has ‘Moral Responsibility’ To Rig Election for Biden

YouTube had declared that it has a “moral responsibility” to tweak its algorithm in order to help the Democrats defeat Trump in the 2024 election. According to YouTube’s chief product officer, Johanna Voolich, YouTube is laser-focussed on ensuring Trump doesn’t set foot in the White House again. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Moral Duty

Michigan state Rep. Josh Schriver is accusing Google of creating an A.I. program that is “excluding whites” and demands to know “what precautions are being put in place to … end this anti-white racism.” Vincent James declares that “banning birth control should actually be one of the first things Republicans do.” Sean Feucht says that […]

Jan 15 – Moronic Meanderings of Moral Midgets Woman killed, 17 wounded in car-ramming, stabbing terror spree in Ra’anana, suburb of Tel Aviv Multiple casualties in Tel Aviv following Palestinian car-ramming attack Hamas has described the operation as a natural response to the Israeli occupation’s massacres against the Palestinian people – ‘It is a time of witch hunts in Israel’: […]

The Moral Obligation of Civil Disobedience

My childhood was unique. I attended St. Agnes School in the Oakland neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh. Contrary to what one might expect, I was one of only a handful of Catholic students enrolled in the school; the typical student at St. Agnes School was black and non-Catholic, with their parents seeking a place […]

Muslim leaders are showing a lack of moral courage on Palestine

From college campuses to mosque gatherings, Muslim leaders in North America have displayed a disheartening lack of moral courage to speak out in support of Palestine.  Source

The media’s blinding dark cloud of moral clarity

The western media argues that only Israeli victims deserve justice. Thousands of Palestinians never do. Source

’60 Minutes’ says Israeli pilots who kill Palestinian children are ‘moral’ defenders of ‘democracy’

The heroes of “60 Minutes” report on Israeli protests were reservists refusing to serve. “If you want pilots to be able to fly and shoot bombs and missiles into houses knowing they might be killing children, they must have the strongest confidence in the people making those decisions,” says a helicopter pilot. Source

Hezbollah: Al-Khalifa Regime Worsening Moral Decline, Bahraini People Reject Normalization with ‘Israel’

September 5, 2023 Hezbollah issued on Tuesday a statement that denounces the Bahraini regime’s move of opening an Israeli embassy in Al-Manama, stressing that the occupation entity is passing through its worst stage. The statement indicated that Al-Khalifa regime is worsening its political and moral decline through rushing towards normalization with the enemy after years of […]

David Barton Says Democrats Are Not ‘God-Fearing’ And Thus Have ‘Less Moral Restraints’ About Cheating in Elections

When Donald Trump ran for president in 2016, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton played a key role in promoting his campaign to evangelicals, declaring that Christians had a biblical obligation to vote for Trump because he was “God’s guy.” Barton continued to praise Trump throughout his term in office, even predicting that Trump could go […]

Sanders aims to convince Fox News readers climate action ‘is a moral responsibility’

“If this is what you believe I would respectfully disagree and I would urge you to get on the phone and call friends and family around the country to hear about what their communities are experiencing.” Source

Sanders aims to convince Fox News readers climate action ‘is a moral responsibility’

“If this is what you believe I would respectfully disagree and I would urge you to get on the phone and call friends and family around the country to hear about what their communities are experiencing.” Source

Germans Have “Moral Obligation” To Sacrifice Living-Standards & Wealth, Claims Green Party MP

Germans Have “Moral Obligation” To Sacrifice Living-Standards & Wealth, Claims Green Party MP Authored by John Cody via Remix News, Germans are facing an increasing range of economic problems, including recession, inflation, falling real wages, and even the beginnings of deindustrialization, but Green Party MP Green Party Johannes Wagner is claiming that Germans have a “moral duty” […]

‘We Will Uphold Moral and Historic Commitment to Hongkongers,’ Said UK Home Office

The British Home Office recently announced that since the launch of the British National (Overseas) (BNO) visa scheme in 2020, more than 140,000 Hongkongers have been able to live and work in the UK. Robert Jenrick, British Home Office Minister, praised the Hongkongers who migrated to Britain for contributing to the local community and economy, […]

Iran woman dies after detention by moral police – reports

A young Iranian woman has died after falling into a coma following her detention by morality police enforcing Iran’s strict hijab rules, her uncle was quoted as saying on Friday, in a case that has sparked protest by Iranians on social media, Reuters reports. The Interior Ministry and Tehran’s Prosecutor launched probes into the case […]

Iran woman dies after detention by moral police – reports

A young Iranian woman has died after falling into a coma following her detention by morality police enforcing Iran’s strict hijab rules, her uncle was quoted as saying on Friday, in a case that has sparked protest by Iranians on social media, Reuters reports. The Interior Ministry and Tehran’s Prosecutor launched probes into the case […]

Exclusive — Marine Vet Stu Scheller Slams Pentagon Leadership for Lack of Moral Courage

Marine veteran Stuart Scheller, who was famously fired and jailed after demanding accountability for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, criticized the leadership of the U.S. military for lacking moral courage.

Poll Shows Half of Americans Give ‘Poor’ Rating to U.S. Moral Values, ‘Record High’

A record percentage of Americans rate U.S. moral values as ‘poor,’ a Gallup poll released on Wednesday found.

The Moral Right to Conscientious, Philosophical and Personal Belief: Exemption to Vaccination

Many parents… are not philosophically opposed to the concept of vaccination and do not object to every vaccine. However, they are philosophically opposed to government health officials having the power to intimidate, threaten, and coerce them into violating their deeply held conscientious beliefs in the event they conclude that either vaccination in general or, more […]

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