Posts Tagged ‘personal’

Occultism, child trafficking and Harry Houdini’s personal fight against both

Harry Houdini, noted for his sensational escape acts and possibly the most famous magician of all time, is also one of the least appreciated heroes of recent history. Not only did he use his personal secret service for the cause of debunking fraudulent mediums but also for exposing child trafficking operations operating between London and […]

Chris Cuomo’s Personal Physician Destroys the ‘Safe & Effective’ Narrative Live on TV

Chris Cuomo's Personal Physician Destroys the 'Safe & Effective' Narrative Live on NewsNation "The headline makes it sound like you have nothing to worry about, the opposite it true…They identified these very significant problems that were neurologic, cardiac, or… — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 22, 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over […]

Today’s Censorship Is Personal

The United States has the distinction the world over for being a home to the First Amendment, which guarantees free expression. And yet a mere seven years after its ratification in 1791, Congress violated it in the most severe way with the “Alien and Sedition Acts” of 1798, which made it a crime to engage […]

Trump turns his ire on Haley, with barrage of policy, personal and conspiratorial shots

“As you’ve probably heard, Nikki Haley is counting on Democrats and liberals to infiltrate your Republican Primary to put her over the top in this state — which is no surprise, since her campaign is funded by Democrats,” Trump said. “If Haley wins, Biden wins.” He insisted he only only picked her as U.N. ambassador […]

Final Q3 GDP, Personal Consumption Revised Sharply Lower As Core PCE Slumped To 2.0%

Final Q3 GDP, Personal Consumption Revised Sharply Lower As Core PCE Slumped To 2.0% Normally the market could care less about data that is at least 3 months old, like for example today’s 3rd estimate of Q3 GDP for the quarter ended Sept 30 or, well, three months ago, but on days like today when […]

Personal Health: The Individuality of Eggs

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Not all eggs are created equal. That is a fact that the mega corporations who own about 99% of the egg production in the USA don’t want you to know. How large are these companies? Here the numbers of hens that the top five egg producing companies own (data from […]

Melania Trump shares personal story at naturalization ceremony

Melania Trump shares personal story at naturalization ceremony lead image Source

Robert De Niro Accused of Sexually Assaulting His Personal Assistant

Hollywood actor Robert De Niro has been accused of sexual assault by his former personal assistant. According to a lawsuit by Graham Chase Robinson, De Niro would regularly make creepy and sexual demands to his […] The post Robert De Niro Accused of Sexually Assaulting His Personal Assistant appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Personal – A friend on Russia & Ukraine

Daniel: It is sort of relative, but Russia is the good guys and NATO the bad guys. Fundamentally, Russia has rejected Cultural Marxism, does not allow LGBT Propaganda, does not persecute Christians. NATO does all of these things. NATO is supporting Ukraine, which is run by a Zionist Jew. My grandmother is from Ukraine. I […]

“This Is Personal”: McCarthy Hits Back After Gaetz Removal Threat

Update (1146ET): House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday responded to a threat by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to oust him from the Speakershp, telling CBS News’ “Face The Nation” that it’s “personal” for the Florida lawmaker. “That’s nothing new, he’s tried to do that from the moment I ran for office,” said McCarthy, adding “I’ll survive, you know […]

“9-Sigma Miss”: Personal Consumption “Unexpectedly” Collapses In Latest GDP Revision

“9-Sigma Miss”: Personal Consumption “Unexpectedly” Collapses In Latest GDP Revision Traditionally, the second revision to GDP data (which comes three months after the end of a given quarter) is a boring, subdued affair… except for once every five years when alongside the latest data revisions, the BEA (the B usually stands for Bureau but in […]

Europe hits TikTok with $368 million fine for mishandling children’s personal info

(NaturalNews) European regulators slapped video-sharing giant TikTok with a $368 million fine on Sept. 15 for failing to protect children’s privacy by mishandling… Source


Banks Take The Lead In Establishing Personal Social Credit System, Critics Charge

Banks Take The Lead In Establishing Personal Social Credit System, Critics Charge Authored by Kevin Stockland via The Epoch Times, Large money-center banks appear to be in the vanguard of a movement to build a system of personal social credit scores. This week, British bank Barclays became the latest to be accused of shutting the […]

Body of Obama’s Personal Chef Found Drowned Near Family Estate on Martha’s Vineyard

The body of former President Barack Obama’s personal chef was reportedly found to have drowned near the family’s estate on Martha’s Vineyard. Source

Senate report: Meta has been harvesting personal and financial data from tax prep companies for years

Senate report: Meta has been harvesting personal and financial data from tax prep companies for years Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta has been collecting the personal information of tens of millions of Americans from three major tax-prep companies. A new report presented by Senate Democrats shows that Meta has been gathering personal financial information from individual tax returns […]

How the NHS has been sharing YOUR personal details with Facebook without your consent

Covert tracking tool on trust webpages passed on medical information to US tech giant in ‘unacceptable’ privacy breach The Meta Pixel tracking tool was being used by the webpages of 20 NHS trusts Details shared included information about medical conditions and treatments NHS trusts have been sharing the private medical information of patients with Facebook […]

Is the CIA Monitoring Your Personal Information?

Mar 4, 2022 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step may 7th. One step at a time, hand in hand, […]

Fractional Reserve Banking and Your Personal Data

Artificial Intelligence nightmare! PASTOR JAMES – FRITJOF PERSSON – The Stockholm Conference ( Tracking People with AI PROOF THE JABBED ARE TRACKABLE EVERYWHERE: THE VACCINATED ARE MARKED AND CANNOT BE UNMARKED! ( “Everybody must get chipped!!” Share this: Source

‘Chemical Enlightenment?’, Can Psychedelic Substances Bring Personal Transformation?

HIGH SOCIETY: ‘Chemical Enlightenment?’, Can Psychedelic Substances Bring Personal Transformation? – By Steve Taylor, Ph.D SM Source – ‘…Why spend years meditating and practising self-denial when you can just alter your brain chemistry directly, by taking psychedelics? It soon became apparent that this was naive, and that regular LSD usage was much more likely to generate […]

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