Posts Tagged ‘effective’

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Thought the Covid Vaccine Was So Safe & Effective That He Didn’t Take It

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was so convinced by the safety and effectiveness of his company’s experimental and rapidly produced Covid-19 vaccines that he urged every citizen of the world to get double vaccinated as soon […] The post Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Thought the Covid Vaccine Was So Safe & Effective That He Didn’t Take […]

UK Politicians Abandon Ship on “Safe and Effective” Narrative

No politician dares to say “safe and effective” anymore in the UK Parliament. Why? Because it now seems that they can see the writing on the wall. MP Andrew Bridgen revealed to Liz Gunn that his relentless efforts to highlight excess deaths have shattered the “safe and effective” narrative. Now, vaccine pushers are staring down […]

An Effective Argument for Getting a Religious Exemption from Vaccinations

It seems that those who argue for religious exemptions from vaccines are coming to the plate with two strikes against them. They argue that they should be exempt from a medical treatment because of their sincerely held religious beliefs. They are overlooking a key historical fact. The argument should be that they should be exempt from […]

Chris Cuomo’s Personal Physician Destroys the ‘Safe & Effective’ Narrative Live on TV

Chris Cuomo's Personal Physician Destroys the 'Safe & Effective' Narrative Live on NewsNation "The headline makes it sound like you have nothing to worry about, the opposite it true…They identified these very significant problems that were neurologic, cardiac, or… — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 22, 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over […]

Grand jury finds that COVID-19 mask mandates and lockdowns were not effective after all

Grand jury finds that COVID-19 mask mandates and lockdowns were not effective after all A Florida grand jury has found that official government Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) policies were seriously flawed and may have unjustly caused psychological and physical harm to people. The findings were part of a grand jury investigation conducted at the request of […]

“Safe & Effective” Is (one of) The Biggest Lie In History!

Jan 31st 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., […]

An Effective System for Investigating Complaints Against Police

A study of human rights compliance in police complaint models in the US, Canada, UK, Northern Ireland and Australia.  See 160 page document: Source: NOTE: From 2020 soon after the declaration of a global pandemic, Australia’s police forces have disregarded Human Rights legislation of every state, despite there not being any lawful override of […]

Gates Still Trying To Convince People To Take ‘Safe & Effective Vaccines.

Bill Gates is still on what appears to be his never-ending quest to inject the global human population with as many “vaccines” as possible. The Covid pandemic may be old news at the World Economic […] The post Gates Still Trying To Convince People To Take ‘Safe & Effective Vaccines. appeared first on The People's […]

US-UK aggression evidence of effective Yemeni strategy: Al-Houthi

January 18, 2024 Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi says the US-UK aggression is proof of the effectiveness of the Yemeni strategy in the Arabian and Red Seas Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi addresses the Yemeni people, on January 11 2024 (Yemeni Armed Forces/ Military Media) By Al Mayadeen English Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, chief of […]

Dire warnings about the ‘safe & effective’

Check out our sister site for other news Featuring increasingly in the news feeds are words of warning about the ‘safe & effective’ … here are just a few … Surgeon General Ladapo Calls to Stop the Use of mRNA Vaccines in Human Beings “It’s a felony to lie about a drug and it’s […]

Is it ‘safe  & effective’ if your chances of death are 1 in 3 or 4? A follow up from Liz Gunn & the data analyst … a must watch for every Kiwi

EWNZ comment: The official data doesn’t lie… and the analyst has a Masters in Science. He is speaking out. Here are just two of his comments: “The stats clearly say that something is wrong [S.I. data]. The mortality rate is far in excess of normal … not a natural event … ” “There is no […]

Sam Altman Out at OpenAI ‘Effective Immediately’

For much of the last two years, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman had looked poised to dominate the technology world for the coming decade—the AI era’s Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg. But in a news release that can only be described as completely shocking, ChatGPT maker OpenAI announced on Friday afternoon that Altman would […]

Sharpton: VP Harris ‘Tremendously Effective on the Issue of Abortion’

MSNBC host Al Sharpton said Friday on “Deadline” that Vice President Kamala Harris “has been tremendously effective on the issue of abortion.” Source

How the effective & time-worn divide & conquer strategy works

Very enlightening article. I read recently about the 200 year rule of India by the Brits, after listening to Dr Shashi Tharoor. (He’s on YT, hear the condensed version of the Oxford speech that led to his book Inglorious Empire). In Britain he explains how they used the divide & rule tactic to great effect […]

Fauci Now Admits That ‘Safe & Effective’ Covid Jabs Can Cause Myocarditis

During an interview on ABC’s “This Week” Dr Anthony Fauci admitted that the Covid-19 mRNA jabs can cause myocarditis. After months of dismissing or downplaying concerns about the potential side effects of the experimental ‘vaccines’, […] The post Fauci Now Admits That ‘Safe & Effective’ Covid Jabs Can Cause Myocarditis appeared first on The People's […]

Joe Rogan Explains How Pfizer Deceived the Public With Its “100% Effective” COVID Vaccine Claim

sept 2nd 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step 2nd of July 2023. One step at a time, […]

Moderna Claims Its Latest Covid Jab Is Effective Against Newer Variant

Moderna has claimed that clinical trial data suggests that its updated Covid-19 vaccine will be effective against the highly-mutated BA.2.86 subvariant that some believe will cause another wave. According to Moderna, its latest shot generated […] The post Moderna Claims Its Latest Covid Jab Is Effective Against Newer Variant appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Labour Party-Run Birmingham Council Declares Effective Bankruptcy

Local leftist officials have been blasted for mismanagement in Birmingham as the city council has declared that it is effectively bankrupt. Source

Air Force Wants To Replace Highly Effective Modern A-10 With ‘Flying Tinderbox’

Air Force Wants To Replace Highly Effective Modern A-10 With ‘Flying Tinderbox’ Authored by Mike Fredenburg via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), “By scrapping the A-10, the Air Force is guaranteeing more Gold Star families will be created,” according to Charlie Keebaugh, president of the largest group of tactical-air-control party airmen. The U.S. Air Force […]

How a Highly Effective Vaccine Turns Into a Mediocre Vaccine — or Worse

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Detected fraudulence aside, there is no stronger criticism of a study than refuting the key result by using the study data. That opportunity does not arise often. I present a striking example, pertaining to a study from Israel. Trying to be methodical, my article is somewhat on the long side, […]

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