Posts Tagged ‘conquer’

Divide and Conquer: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear and Fake News

“Nothing is real,” observed John Lennon, and that’s especially true of politics. Much like the fabricated universe in Peter Weir’s 1998 film The Truman Show, in which a man’s life is the basis for an elaborately staged television show aimed at selling products and procuring ratings, the political scene in the United States has devolved over […]

Molecular geneticist explains how mRNA vaccines were designed to conquer the human mind

Molecular geneticist explains how mRNA vaccines were designed to conquer the human mind Now that everyone realizes that the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t actually prevent people from getting infected or passing the disease on to others, many people may be wondering why governments around the world were so insistent that people get jabbed. Renowned molecular geneticist […]

The Plan of a Dying US Empire To Hold Onto Power Just A Bit Longer-Divide and Conquer

Time to put your big girl panties on boys and girls. I see Southerners raising hell because the yankee Empire is taking down the “Reconciliation Memorial”. There was no “reconciliation”. The evil Cromwellian “witch” burners conquered the Southern people using terroriasm against civilians which make ISIS look like choir boys. Made no sense going back […]

How the effective & time-worn divide & conquer strategy works

Very enlightening article. I read recently about the 200 year rule of India by the Brits, after listening to Dr Shashi Tharoor. (He’s on YT, hear the condensed version of the Oxford speech that led to his book Inglorious Empire). In Britain he explains how they used the divide & rule tactic to great effect […]

The Satanic Temple Antics – Just Another Jewish Divide And Conquer Organization

Whether it be Christianity, Islam, Judaism or, in this case Satanism, all these religions stem from sick Abrahamic jew origins. Source

America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century: The MIC, OGAM and FIRE Sectors Conquer NATO

February 28, 2022 Source By Michael Hudson My old boss Herman Kahn, with whom I worked at the Hudson Institute in the 1970s, had a set speech that he would give at public meetings. He said that back in high school in Los Angeles, his teachers would say what most liberals were saying in the […]

Why Didn’t Rome Conquer Germania?

Rome was able to dominate most of continental Europe, but Germania proved too difficult to control, and it just was not worth it. Share now! Source

Developers try to conquer humans’ fear of robots at Las Vegas CES

Developers at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas are hoping to prove that humans have nothing to fear when it comes to robots.“I mean it is sci-fi. We’ve been programmed as humans to see sci-fi movies and to think that anything with legs must be a threat to us,” Roger Hebert from Boston Dynamics […]

The Epic of Gilgamesh, the King Who Tried to Conquer Death

This is a pretty wild story, distilled into a short video for people who do not have the time to be reading through ancient texts that are sometimes hard to understand. [embedded content] Share now! Source

Divide, Conquer, and (Great) Reset

The endgame of Technocracy as an economic system is total control using its “science of social engineering“. Before that can happen, the current economic system must be destroyed and the people prepared for total submission to the coming scientific dictatorship where the world is run by algorithm rather than elected representatives. To say that Technocracy […]

How Children Of The Promise Conquer The World Through Christ — Romans 7 & 8 (Part 3)

In How Good Intentions Pave The Way To Hell — Romans 7 & 8 (Part 2), we covered Paul’s discourse in Romans 7 on the failure of our flesh — our bodies — to do good. According to Paul, the truth of the Law — and we’d argue truth in general — may curse us […]

Exclusive–O’Donnell: Conquer or Die, Washington’s Elite Guard

Almost one hundred years before the establishment of the United States Secret Service, the American Revolution’s indispensable man, General George Washington, was guarded by an elite unit of trusted soldiers, known as his Life Guard, who protected the commander in chief as well as performed special missions and engaged in battle.   At 12:00 sharp […]

NazBol Hero Aleksandr Dugin Wants His Eurasian Empire to Conquer All Europe

There are plenty of people on the “right wing” who have endorsed National Bolshevik Dugin and his ideas and would welcome being conquered by Dugin’s multicultural empire. [embedded content] These individuals and organizations all have intimate ties to Dugin. They have set us up! Dugin in the National Bolshevik Party bunker in 1996 Share now! […]

Can we conquer our grand dynastic family fortunes?

Image Credit: Gene Lester/Getty Images All things eventually end, even grand dynastic family fortunes. In the abstract, we all know this to be true. But the facts on the ground can be disconcerting. And those facts have never been clearer, not after this week’s release of stunning new research on America’s enduring family wealth dynasties. […]

Democrats’ ‘divide and conquer’ Senate show trial may jeopardize duopoly

Chairman Roger Wicker, R-Miss., right, and Senator Roy Blunt, R-Mo., confer during the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee confirmation hearing for Gina Raimondo, nominee for Secretary of Commerce, in Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC on January 26, 2021. / AFP / POOL / Tom Williams (Ramin Mazaheri (@RaminMazaheri2) is currently covering the US […]

‘When It Comes to Space, Israel Has Its Own New Frontiers to Conquer’

The final image sent by Israeli spacecraft Beresheet before it crash-landed on the moon. Photo: courtesy of Space IL. CTech – Israel is marking many firsts in space and has new frontiers of its own left to conquer. Yet its small size and lack of large scale funding haven’t prevented its space agency from reaching […]

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer

“They call my people the White Lower Middle Class these days. It is an ugly, ice-cold phrase, the result, I suppose, of the missionary zeal of those sociologists who still think you can place human beings on charts.  It most certainly does not sound like a description of people on the edge of open, sustained […]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s an Insider and He Knows the Game Plan & How to Conquer It!

by Admin · November 8, 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Message for Freedom and HopeAccording to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as a democracy we’ll never win as long as we quibble over things like race, religion and political affiliations. What really matters is sticking together. The Globalist villains and scoundrels want us to fight each […]

Macron Takes Advantage of Explosion to “Conquer Lebanon”

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida Global Research, August 10, 2020 All relevant events on the international stage have some geopolitical effects. Terrorist attacks, natural catastrophes, accidents and other tragedies also have implications for the power game between nations. In fact, any atypical event can completely change the way of relations between states and generate major political, […]

Divide, Conquer, Reset and then…Scientific Dictatoship

by Russ BangsJuly 27, 2020 The endgame of Technocracy as an economic system is total control using its “science of social engineering“. Before that can happen, the current economic system must be destroyed and the people prepared for total submission to the coming scientific dictatorship where the world is run by algorithm rather than elected […]

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