Posts Tagged ‘century’

The Mythos Of The Twenty-First Century

The Mythos Of The Twenty-First Century April 29 2024 ___________________________________ More Vids! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br Nathanael Fnd Is Tax Exempt/EIN 27-2983459 Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, POB 547, Priest River, ID 83856 E-mail: brothernathanaelfoundation([at])yahoo[dot]com Scroll Down For Comments Source

The “gaffe machine” strikes again: Biden forgets what century it is

(NaturalNews) In a recent joint press conference in the White House Rose Garden alongside Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, President Joe Biden committed yet… Source

The Desperate Failing Plan for a New American Century

feb 7 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, […]

“It Ain’t Bragging If You Can Do It”-Dizzy Dean & The French Revolution’s Blood Bath Redux In The 21st Century

When I graduated high school and took my university entrance exam some forty years back when Americans were a hell of a lot smarter than they are now, I scored in the top 97% of the whole damn country and territories in history, military matters, law, government, real economics. That yankee control freak “English” spelling, […]

Minnesota breaks century-old Christmas temperature record

Several areas of Minnesota broke centuries-old temperature records for Christmas Day on Monday. According to a post by the National Weather Service’s (NWS) Twin Cities Forecast Office on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, the city of St. Cloud, Minn., experienced a record-high temperature of 48 degrees, beating the record of 47 set in… […]

Moscow hit by record snowfall – Such extreme drifts have not been seen for more than a century, Russia’s top meteorologist has said-Must Be Al Gore’s & Greta Rothschild’s Man Made Global Warming

As Al (Lurch) Gore caterwauls of coastal cities being submerged because of man made global warming and Greta Rothschild screams of humanity ceasing to exist because of man made global warming if they do not stop using fossil fuels so there is more jet fuel for her and Gore to globe trot with their man […]

A Century of Rockefeller Medicine

NOVEMBER 14, 2023 Abraham Flexner. The World’s Work, 1910Medical Education in the United States and Canada;a report to the Carnegie Foundation for theAdvancement of Teaching by Abraham Flexner, 1910. Simon Flexner, Popular Science Monthly Volume 81Public Domain Created: 1 January 1912 by Liz Hodgson This may or may not come as a shock but the healthcare […]

Are we the dinosaurs of the 21st century?

And how our wars distract us. Source

Restoring The 11th Century Temples of Bagan (Videos)

Myanmar’s ambitious endeavor to secure UNESCO World Heritage status for the 11th-century temples of Bagan signals a significant commitment to preserving this invaluable cultural heritage site. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Videos Read Later  Source

The Teen Prodigies Behind This 15th Century French Picture Book (Video)

Within the realm of 15th-century French artistry, the Belles Heures emerges as a striking showcase of the Limbourg Brothers’ talents. This exquisitely crafted manuscript, commissioned by Jean de France, Duke of Berry, boasts 172 illustrations. The trio of brothers, ranging in age from their mid-teens to early twenties, exhibited extraordinary artistic prowess. Initially, their compositional […]

Norway’s “Gold Find of the Century” Uncovered, Including Rare Cache of Medallions

On the Norwegian island of Rennesøy, an impressive hoard of ancient gold items, weighing over 100 grams, has been uncovered. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Unidentified Object Off U.S. Coast: A 17th-Century Submersible?

For centuries, an unidentified disc-shaped object recovered off the Florida coast was presumed to be a 17th-century cauldron. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Minister visits 14th century mosque, orders restoration

TEHRAN — Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Minister Ezatollah Zarghami has ordered new restoration work to safeguard Varamin’s Jameh Mosque during his recent visit to the 14th century place of worship. Source

Alarmists Predict ‘1 Billion’ Deaths from Climate Change This Century

Researchers from Canada and Australia have published a study predicting a remarkable one billion deaths from climate change over the next 100 years. Source

Saudi Arabia: Policies Appropriate for the 21st Century

Saudi Arabia has recently gained popularity with many countries wanting to improve their political and financial status, ranging from Tehran and Washington to London, Paris, and Tel Aviv. And they are all inspired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud’s incredibly effective policy, which is gaining fame and recognition by the day. His policy […]

16th-Century Maps Reveal 1800 BC Ice Free Greenland And Antarctica

There is a large body of maps of the Americas which cannot be explained by known explorations. Mercator’s 1569 World Map shows all of Greenland without ice at its coasts. Finaeus’ 1531 World Map shows Antarctica without coastal ice, all Greenland without coastal ice and an ancient shoreline of Hudson Bay. No 16th-century explorer could […]

The corporate crime of the century!

Originally posted on Environmental Health Watch NZ: A couple of years ago I came across a book in a garage sale called ‘Circle of Poison’.  Published in 1981 it documents a trail of intriguing scandal regarding the export of banned pesticides from industrial countries to the third world. Products banned in the US saw the… […]

Leiston Abbey 13th-Century Pirating Monks Of Rural Suffolk

The original Leiston Abbey was once the home of pirating monks, but today the ruins of the second Leiston Abbey, showcasing some of the finest and most complete monastic remains in the south of England Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

An Elaborate Affair: Getting Dressed as an 18th Century Gentleman (Video)

Dressing as an 18th-century gentleman was no easy feat. The process of getting dressed was highly regimented and required the help of a valet or servant to assist in the process.  Read more Section:  News Video History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Residence of 8th Century Japanese Prince Toneri Uncovered

Archaeologists in Japan excavated a site ahead of a new apartment building project. Little did they know they were digging into the spectacular home of the 8th century AD Prince Toneri! Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

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